In English
SDG4 seminar opening 2017
- Opening speech. Meeting our Commitments - Global reponsibility in higher education. Vice Dean Anna-Maija Poikkeus, Faculty of Education and Psychology. Storytelling - Bhavani Ramamoorthi. Launch of the Global Education Monitoring report: Accountability in Education, Dr. William Smith, Senior Policy Analyst, UNESCO.
CIPA4419 Trauma and Violence
- Domestic violence as trauma. Working with complex trauma cases. Adult women's understanding of their childhood experiences of domestic violence. Trauma and children: Psychological impact of domestic violence. Long term impact of trauma. Trauma and psychotherapy
Master’s Degree Programme in Educational Sciences
- Master’s Degree Programme in Educational Sciences
Presentation by Dr. Martha Elford
- Presentation by Dr. Martha Elford
- SDG4JYU2018 seminar - Contribution of Global Education
- Ammatillisen asiantuntijuuden kehittäminen
SDG4 Seminar 2019
- The opening session of SDG4-seminar 2019. Launching of UNESCO Global Monitoring report 2019: Migration, displacement and education
MA thesis seminar Hahn 2020
- MA thesis group
CIPA1000 Psychology research at JYU
- CIPA1000
UTSA-JYU Collaborative
- Video recordings
- GloseNet