Englannin kieli
- Seminars
EKIS605 MA Thesis Seminar
- EKIS605 MA Thesis Seminar
Story of English 2018
- EKIP504 Story of English 2018
Story of English 2019
- Story of English 2019
PhD seminar English 31.1.2020
- PhD seminar English 31.1.2020
Harri Salovaaran väitöstilaisuus 23.10.2020
- FM Harri Salovaaran englannin kielen väitöskirjan "Connected and troubled masculinities in contemporary mountain sports texts" tarkastustilaisuus 23.10.2020 klo 12.00. Vastaväittäjänä toimii akatemiatutkija, FT Toni Lahtinen (Tampereen yliopisto) ja kustoksena yliopistonlehtori, FT Helen Mäntymäki (Jyväskylän yliopisto). Väitöksen kieli on suomi.
EKIA5100 Researching World English 2021
- Researching World English
EKIS2003 Texts and Multiliteracies
- EKIS2003
EKIP5020 Historical Contexts of the Anglosphere (2021)
- EKIP5020
EKIP1010 Spoken Communication (2021)
- EKIP1010
EKIA2001 - Grammar in Use
- Grammar in Use These videos were recorded in Zoom. Occasionally I refer to the chat, which you won't be able to see. If you have any questions about this or anything else, please email me at joseph.mcveigh@jyu.fi
EKIP2010 English Linguistics (2021)
- EKIP2010
EKIP5010 2023
- English in the World
EKIS5160 Investigating Social Media Discourse (2022)
- Kevät 2022
EKIP5020 Historical Contexts of the Anglosphere (2022)
- EKIP5020
EKIS5150 Multilingualism, multiculturalism and digital work
- EKIS5150
Spoken Communication: Oral Skills
- Spoken Communication: Oral Skills
EKIS3170 Digital Environments for Language Learning and Teaching
- EKIS3170
EKIP5010 English in the World 2024
- EKIP5010