The broadcast has ended at 2017-08-23 16:00:00

Live broadcast: ERC Information Event

23 August 2017, 14:00–16:00

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14:21Anne TuhkunenI can't hear the questions. Could speaker repeat the questions.

14:35VideoguyOk, I try to ask this when next questions appear

15:32Regina GumenyukIf the PI is a woman and has to go for maternity leave. How does ERC solve this situation?

ERC Information Event -funding for ‘blue sky research’

The ERC Information Event addresses researchers (postdocs, professors) who are interested in applying for an ERC grant in the future. Head of unit for Consolidator Grants Marja Hennessy and Scientific officer Janne Salo from the ERC Executive Agency (ERCEA) will discuss the general principles of applying for ERC grants, the evaluation criteria, and the specificities of managing ERC grants. This event is also a unique opportunity to ask questions to the ERC staff. You can get answers to questions like: What kind of research can get funding? What does frontier research mean? How are the proposals evaluated? How to choose the right panel if one has two options? How to manage an ERC grant if I get one?

The European Research Council (ERC) supports innovative frontier research in Europe through open competition. The sole criterion for selection is scientific excellence both of the project and of the Principal Investigator. The ERC's funding schemes cover all scientific fields across all established disciplinary boundaries. In particular, interdisciplinary or pioneering proposals addressing emerging fields and introducing unconventional ("high risk – high gain") approaches are encouraged. The ERC is part of Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The ERC Executive Agency implements the funding strategy as set by the Scientific Council, and is in charge of the day to day grant administration. Scientific officers organize peer review evaluation of the proposals and monitor the progress of the granted projects.

Date: 23 August 2017, 14:00–16:00

Organizer: Research and Innovation Services, University of Jyväskylä hosts the event