This folder is for programs in English
Graduate School information session: Transferable Skills in Doctoral Training
- Information session organized by the University of Jyväskylä Graduate School for Doctoral Sutdies on September 16, 2013. Introduces opportunities for studies on transferable skills and research support services in doctoral training.
Introduction to doctoral studies in JYU
- 22.5.2015
Evaluation of Doctoral Training: Future of Doctoral Education
- The discussion event on 16 May, 2016 is the third phase of the evaluation of doctoral training carried out in spring 2016.
Graduate School information session: Everything you always wanted to ask about doctoral training
- Graduate School discussion event on 29 November, 2016. The head of the University Graduate School, members of the Graduate School steering board, Graduate School Coordinator and the coordinators of Faculty Doctoral Schools answer questions about doctoral training at JYU.
GSD004 Väitöskirjanohjaus, The new practices of the University Graduate School
- 15.5.2018