WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: fi 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.300 they will come on to 2 00:00:05.300 --> 00:00:11.250 adam eleven learning torsen ideas for technology meted studying and languish development 3 00:00:11.250 --> 00:00:16.030 and the be we have tall clung to him 4 00:00:16.030 --> 00:00:20.770 situation to day first and will be speaking my name's monocacy than an come 5 00:00:20.770 --> 00:00:26.120 from it but enough of languishing communication studies and then we have you see you sly coming from 6 00:00:26.120 --> 00:00:31.150 more with undone and to my topic just acknowledge immediate studying environments 7 00:00:31.150 --> 00:00:36.340 and unusual then or bought lang lang which development angles 8 00:00:36.340 --> 00:00:41.180 i'm to day's topic is sir have have designed my own topic 9 00:00:41.180 --> 00:00:46.020 in such way that at the introduce couple of own talking points 10 00:00:46.020 --> 00:00:51.040 will all things to think about and then all askew to actually 11 00:00:51.040 --> 00:00:55.620 talk and think about them and damn due to the fact that 12 00:00:55.620 --> 00:01:00.400 this desert session is also reported will then urn 13 00:01:00.400 --> 00:01:05.970 every once in wild horse the recording and dumb and let people here it is at here talk 14 00:01:05.970 --> 00:01:11.700 at things through and if you are watching the video from your home then would ask you to 15 00:01:11.700 --> 00:01:16.790 wreck sampled simply take in pen and some paper and and jumped on 16 00:01:16.790 --> 00:01:22.090 the unnoticed no related to add to the topics account 17 00:01:22.090 --> 00:01:28.000 am so very short lived man 18 00:01:28.000 --> 00:01:33.050 to day's topic on my hand on 19 00:01:33.050 --> 00:01:36.850 it in the deals with this said this 20 00:01:36.850 --> 00:01:42.600 this whole bit about academic learning skills and and and and understanding 21 00:01:42.600 --> 00:01:46.890 off that and borrow meant in which you are in hum 22 00:01:46.890 --> 00:01:51.230 and that you do who had just 23 00:01:51.230 --> 00:01:55.640 your and varmint so that it suits your needs the 24 00:01:55.640 --> 00:02:00.490 best think there's lot of stuff but we take for granted in any 25 00:02:00.490 --> 00:02:05.070 given and garment and that sam that's quite simply because all 26 00:02:05.070 --> 00:02:09.650 fun of the way all mind works in way 27 00:02:09.650 --> 00:02:15.380 and death and and it has to do with the fact but that the we martin away of 28 00:02:15.380 --> 00:02:21.030 the fishes in upon and i'm wherever we ah and whatever we do 29 00:02:21.030 --> 00:02:26.270 we readjust that's schumann we had just we adopt 30 00:02:26.270 --> 00:02:31.410 that actually life in general cut had doubts and i'm too old to its environment 31 00:02:31.410 --> 00:02:37.310 and and so do we and dead and that the interesting bit is that once 32 00:02:37.310 --> 00:02:42.090 that with certain level of adaption has taken place 33 00:02:42.090 --> 00:02:47.150 i'm we may call it structure ration of or owing from anthony given 34 00:02:47.150 --> 00:02:53.150 stem terms coming from sociology necklets structures have emerged 35 00:02:53.150 --> 00:02:57.550 and and we are content in leaving all life's amongst those structures 36 00:02:57.550 --> 00:03:02.320 and they'd sort of become invisible to us it's very difficult 37 00:03:02.320 --> 00:03:07.330 frostily unnoticed and many more they on their like the air we breathe and to 38 00:03:07.330 --> 00:03:13.160 him and the thing is if we if we want to change them if we want to changed though structures 39 00:03:13.160 --> 00:03:18.100 we have to first become aware of it and that sam that something 40 00:03:18.100 --> 00:03:22.490 that we can go i'm very consciously dule to simply stop and 41 00:03:22.490 --> 00:03:27.490 think about where we are what are we doing well we going and 42 00:03:27.490 --> 00:03:32.480 so for think this is one of them since see it one of the main 43 00:03:32.480 --> 00:03:37.830 the benefits of course likeness that it allows for you to stop and think of 44 00:03:37.830 --> 00:03:42.620 haul you are to day here where are you going to what 45 00:03:42.620 --> 00:03:47.970 is going to happen how do you wanted to and out in way shake 46 00:03:47.970 --> 00:03:53.030 and saddened and so now you find yourselves in and in new and marmont 47 00:03:53.030 --> 00:03:57.660 was the university of you rascal or of some of you may have for 48 00:03:57.660 --> 00:04:02.720 example had break in between studies you may have worked somewhere all 49 00:04:02.720 --> 00:04:07.700 or perhaps you study to bob he didn't have break but perhaps you came here from another 50 00:04:07.700 --> 00:04:13.400 kind of academic and garment i'm another academic culture could so to speak 51 00:04:13.400 --> 00:04:17.940 and death and of course the first first months always 52 00:04:17.940 --> 00:04:22.750 i'm spent in trying to understand what is going on 53 00:04:22.750 --> 00:04:27.980 on hearing what is even possible in this new and barman i'm 54 00:04:27.980 --> 00:04:32.560 quite simply you need to look and understand that afford and says 55 00:04:32.560 --> 00:04:37.800 of the noon barm what can do here what's possible what's not possible 56 00:04:37.800 --> 00:04:42.500 what's the easy what's difficult what works the same way as it used to work 57 00:04:42.500 --> 00:04:47.230 and and what works completely in in completely different way 58 00:04:47.230 --> 00:04:52.380 i'm an turn the idea of foreign 59 00:04:52.380 --> 00:04:57.580 says of concentrating on foreign says this is pall full tol you may use 60 00:04:57.580 --> 00:05:02.980 em and sir and it is told that we too often forget 61 00:05:02.980 --> 00:05:07.520 i'm especially minute in them mean but guess that's cut few minutes 62 00:05:07.520 --> 00:05:12.600 while at that we focus often on the human tools that at the human afoot 63 00:05:12.600 --> 00:05:17.930 and the human actors and the human afford insist am in what am at what that perspective 64 00:05:17.930 --> 00:05:23.160 and want to offer to you here to day is that actually lot of our i'm 65 00:05:23.160 --> 00:05:27.930 of that thou foreign sissy around us they are somehow 66 00:05:27.930 --> 00:05:32.680 related to take knowledge and time so basically that of the basic questions 67 00:05:32.680 --> 00:05:37.630 presented no what can do not it how difficult visit 68 00:05:37.630 --> 00:05:42.560 how easy it is what what is expected of me and hollow things are supposed 69 00:05:42.560 --> 00:05:48.230 to happen as lot of non human actors around us that somehow 70 00:05:48.230 --> 00:05:52.370 at end of affecting i'm all or some hum 71 00:05:52.370 --> 00:05:57.040 hum becoming part of the structure yachting 72 00:05:57.040 --> 00:06:02.200 and turn and so the first very first and 73 00:06:02.200 --> 00:06:07.200 in what was in perhaps want of quite simple question would 74 00:06:07.200 --> 00:06:12.800 like to ask you to talk about and think about is distinctly 75 00:06:12.800 --> 00:06:17.200 what is this system around us 76 00:06:17.200 --> 00:06:22.450 in the first place what fools and systems doesn't consist 77 00:06:22.450 --> 00:06:27.930 of an lamp not thinking of technology so you are in technology 78 00:06:27.930 --> 00:06:32.260 mediated studied studying and marmont think of the way the library 79 00:06:32.260 --> 00:06:37.420 works think of the way courses were think off all the although 80 00:06:37.420 --> 00:06:42.630 i'm fool sc channels and obligations you may use 81 00:06:42.630 --> 00:06:47.770 when your studying how do you conduct your fellow students how are you in contact 82 00:06:47.770 --> 00:06:52.420 with your teachers how do you am what kind of tools 83 00:06:52.420 --> 00:06:57.330 applications for example you used to make notes or 84 00:06:57.330 --> 00:07:02.450 or write stuff or calculate starfall whatever don't 85 00:07:02.450 --> 00:07:07.360 don't know if the exact i'm no characteristics of off your cunnel 86 00:07:07.360 --> 00:07:12.310 studies but i'm sure of acknowledging his somehow there so my first 87 00:07:12.310 --> 00:07:16.970 question earth for you and will soon pours the recording is to spend 88 00:07:16.970 --> 00:07:21.200 moment simply thinking and here talking about 89 00:07:21.200 --> 00:07:25.990 what does that technology mediated studying and garment look like 90 00:07:25.990 --> 00:07:30.230 what elements doesn't consist of 91 00:07:30.230 --> 00:07:36.420 case so that was the first point 92 00:07:36.420 --> 00:07:40.900 i'm becoming aware of off of the height of 93 00:07:40.900 --> 00:07:46.160 navajo listed picture of the communication and barman the yacht in no 94 00:07:46.160 --> 00:07:50.460 no moving to another kind of point i'm what 95 00:07:50.460 --> 00:07:55.890 have felt especially during this said i'm of the and de make very strongly 96 00:07:55.890 --> 00:08:00.640 but think it also plice i'm beyond that the 97 00:08:00.640 --> 00:08:05.640 indian ivery day sort of normal existence whether 98 00:08:05.640 --> 00:08:10.960 that's the new normal old normal whatever is that that we had not 99 00:08:10.960 --> 00:08:16.590 doing this alone so whenever we talk about studying in in academia 100 00:08:16.590 --> 00:08:20.770 or doing any kind of collaboration in academia i'm done 101 00:08:20.770 --> 00:08:26.280 very few things in the and happen in in complete isolation or alone 102 00:08:26.280 --> 00:08:31.000 ra the we often park of community of 103 00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:36.950 all fellow student colleagues at our relationship with the teacher's 104 00:08:36.950 --> 00:08:40.830 i'm all relationship with the over all infrastructure of often 105 00:08:40.830 --> 00:08:46.210 university am perhaps some some um association 106 00:08:46.210 --> 00:08:50.710 swore and none governmental actors stole family 107 00:08:50.710 --> 00:08:54.960 and to and so forth million friends we always part 108 00:08:54.960 --> 00:08:59.870 of certain networks and never completely detached from them 109 00:08:59.870 --> 00:09:05.000 and ten that's another thing that is often to day mediated 110 00:09:05.000 --> 00:09:10.280 by technology the thing that happens there is some 111 00:09:10.280 --> 00:09:14.140 is quite interesting i'm also they we stopped 112 00:09:14.140 --> 00:09:18.880 to take things for granted that that may perhaps 113 00:09:18.880 --> 00:09:24.360 not be wise to take for granted i'm such school the others far 114 00:09:24.360 --> 00:09:29.220 and bad also here argue it coming more conscious 115 00:09:29.220 --> 00:09:32.880 am helps what simply 116 00:09:32.880 --> 00:09:38.880 but the people we ah collaborating with i'm 117 00:09:38.880 --> 00:09:43.100 gave also have their own realities ate their own background 118 00:09:43.100 --> 00:09:48.360 their own expectations and the things they are useful and i'm so 119 00:09:48.360 --> 00:09:53.300 to what encouraged you to do over all now when you up 120 00:09:53.300 --> 00:09:58.520 constantly meeting new people is to keep being 121 00:09:58.520 --> 00:10:03.160 awake and alert and listened to them listened 122 00:10:03.160 --> 00:10:08.270 to them and how bay used to read and social physically 123 00:10:08.270 --> 00:10:13.960 instead of rushing forward let's let save as new claw starting and your course starting 124 00:10:13.960 --> 00:10:18.540 and you're supposed to doggrel work and to and of course it is possible 125 00:10:18.540 --> 00:10:23.020 and we often do with this whence possible to simply rush forward and sail case oh so 126 00:10:23.020 --> 00:10:28.140 ah but you do this do that lets the duel shared will drive documents on some 127 00:10:28.140 --> 00:10:33.770 orthodox i'm the written document and and collect or thoughts there 128 00:10:33.770 --> 00:10:38.150 and what i'm offering instead is too to deluded slower 129 00:10:38.150 --> 00:10:42.780 and start from from trying to learn who the other sah and 130 00:10:42.780 --> 00:10:47.900 dad and or soul asking sort of stupid questions that 131 00:10:47.900 --> 00:10:52.580 simple questions related to what used to what are you expecting do 132 00:10:52.580 --> 00:10:57.550 you have better idea yet this is how used to do things in my previous studies are what 133 00:10:57.550 --> 00:11:02.370 you guys and then by collecting these different things you may make more 134 00:11:02.370 --> 00:11:07.270 informant decision that regarding heart will forward 135 00:11:07.270 --> 00:11:09.760 i'm. 136 00:11:09.760 --> 00:11:15.900 and that they say they said they's thing that happens in in man 137 00:11:15.900 --> 00:11:20.970 in technology needed communication or wareham where it is sometimes difficult 138 00:11:20.970 --> 00:11:25.780 all built presence i'm it's one 139 00:11:25.780 --> 00:11:30.700 of the basic rules of all for communication when we liked but his social interaction when we are 140 00:11:30.700 --> 00:11:35.700 in directing with another person certain meaning level of presence is 141 00:11:35.700 --> 00:11:40.810 needed it's quite simply required if you try to you can imagine it this way you try to speak 142 00:11:40.810 --> 00:11:45.680 to another person and they turned the head away they don't give any indication 143 00:11:45.680 --> 00:11:50.910 that they listen to you communication becomes very tedious at that point 144 00:11:50.910 --> 00:11:55.400 it and and actually of putting so to what rather what what 145 00:11:55.400 --> 00:12:00.690 will rather looking for is that if we speak till person they somehow acknowledge state 146 00:12:00.690 --> 00:12:05.200 bade the yacht bear communicate their presence in some way 147 00:12:05.200 --> 00:12:08.590 i'm now of course. 148 00:12:08.590 --> 00:12:14.680 at minimum level if we think of classical of face to face lecture situation 149 00:12:14.680 --> 00:12:19.200 presences communicated by being there now you you drag 150 00:12:19.200 --> 00:12:24.320 your body your embody itself into that situation you sit down somewhere 151 00:12:24.320 --> 00:12:29.940 at the at the corner and you up there and the and this is the minimum level of presence required 152 00:12:29.940 --> 00:12:35.010 as similarly in his room situation or something like this with what wriggling here at yule log again 153 00:12:35.010 --> 00:12:39.910 you have your name appear on the screen that's the minimum little presence 154 00:12:39.910 --> 00:12:45.340 but it's not lot might have to say it's not enough i'm it's not enough to support 155 00:12:45.340 --> 00:12:50.040 you through your studies some kind of fire and effort needs 156 00:12:50.040 --> 00:12:55.200 to be done at to emphasize presence to actively communicate presence 157 00:12:55.200 --> 00:12:59.780 to say hae hear listened to you will 158 00:12:59.780 --> 00:13:04.880 see you away and turn and we thought that 159 00:13:04.880 --> 00:13:10.000 without that kind of compare communication at building community building strong 160 00:13:10.000 --> 00:13:14.800 grope off of students and and when the whole leagues que 161 00:13:14.800 --> 00:13:19.500 can rely on becomes very difficult and this is our 162 00:13:19.500 --> 00:13:24.800 second point off of discussing in this discussion out and out like tool 163 00:13:24.800 --> 00:13:29.340 with ink avowed hollow do you 164 00:13:29.340 --> 00:13:32.630 outside of hull present are you. 165 00:13:32.630 --> 00:13:37.730 if you are studying in an online her situation for example 166 00:13:37.730 --> 00:13:42.360 and what could you dual improved that i'm how 167 00:13:42.360 --> 00:13:47.070 could you somehow help your student colleagues and yourself 168 00:13:47.070 --> 00:13:51.660 become stronger community fool building presence is very 169 00:13:51.660 --> 00:13:56.380 at trick unquestionably copan question but something to thinkable however 170 00:13:56.380 --> 00:14:01.910 another break so those at home is right your thoughts and we will you some 171 00:14:01.910 --> 00:14:07.260 discussion so the final viewpoint want to shame is set is is simply 172 00:14:07.260 --> 00:14:12.690 it's like holmwood task for you i'm dead and i'll 173 00:14:12.690 --> 00:14:18.070 i'll like to approach this no using the metaphor of the kitchen 174 00:14:18.070 --> 00:14:23.310 none knew could use another metaphor but let's say now no winter is coming in here and 175 00:14:23.310 --> 00:14:28.430 in finland and and always when the wind taste coming then at every one who drives car 176 00:14:28.430 --> 00:14:33.190 or once to continue writing bite should somehow prepare for that and and they 177 00:14:33.190 --> 00:14:38.250 conde expect that the tools they have used in the summer time work justice noisily 178 00:14:38.250 --> 00:14:43.380 and during the winter time kitchen is wholesome eyes and soaps what happens in the kitchen 179 00:14:43.380 --> 00:14:48.870 of course orth but all of us we we'd have kitchen all we have access to kitchen 180 00:14:48.870 --> 00:14:53.230 and those kitchens are very different and em and what 181 00:14:53.230 --> 00:14:58.350 happens days that you have an array of tools at your disposal and 182 00:14:58.350 --> 00:15:03.470 as some of them you have had for long time and some of them you up your very familiar with 183 00:15:03.470 --> 00:15:08.220 the while others may be knew and somewhat now for example in it when when 184 00:15:08.220 --> 00:15:13.330 entering and marmont like like at the university off you muscular they are given 185 00:15:13.330 --> 00:15:18.320 to you so suddenly you have to use tall called cecil or some other tool and you 186 00:15:18.320 --> 00:15:23.450 didn't use that it's given to you but you have to some olive with soul so what 187 00:15:23.450 --> 00:15:28.380 can we do all that as continuation of the first at 188 00:15:28.380 --> 00:15:33.500 point to think about which is which was what is our attic logical and barm and what comfort 189 00:15:33.500 --> 00:15:38.480 for missus adair at this also the development le aspect so what can do to make 190 00:15:38.480 --> 00:15:43.830 it better if have knife in the kitchen metaphor is sharp enough 191 00:15:43.830 --> 00:15:48.520 it isn't the right kind of life i'm i'm going to need if i'm going to learn 192 00:15:48.520 --> 00:15:54.140 to call can you dish it's fish some something related to fish no 193 00:15:54.140 --> 00:15:58.500 other lives have good enough to do this and twenty to do 194 00:15:58.500 --> 00:16:03.910 something granite gettin unite forget mine old lives that sharpened that's what you need to ask 195 00:16:03.910 --> 00:16:08.560 or so are you in in relation to the technology meted 196 00:16:08.560 --> 00:16:13.090 communication and the torture used for speed useless study 197 00:16:13.090 --> 00:16:18.140 so basically at the biggest an how well you know the tools of 198 00:16:18.140 --> 00:16:23.360 your trade of confident arguing using them as you know already 199 00:16:23.360 --> 00:16:28.420 that at some point in your studies perhaps even now as part of your must this teases 200 00:16:28.420 --> 00:16:33.620 you need to use our sons of statistical analysis package or something 201 00:16:33.620 --> 00:16:38.250 and that's tool of your trade but you need to get used to and somehow familiar 202 00:16:38.250 --> 00:16:43.140 with the familiarize yourself lust for or perhaps you are in in nerved 203 00:16:43.140 --> 00:16:48.570 them jove music sizes and and and something related to that at area 204 00:16:48.570 --> 00:16:53.380 is this you already know that you and you need to learn bow states 205 00:16:53.380 --> 00:16:58.160 have again i'm simply saying here is that instead of rushing forward 206 00:16:58.160 --> 00:17:03.130 instead of taking things for granted it's good idea to stop and really think about these things 207 00:17:03.130 --> 00:17:08.570 i'm is it possible that i'm that there is an easy 208 00:17:08.570 --> 00:17:14.900 away is it possible that somebody has come up with better way of doing things already 209 00:17:14.900 --> 00:17:18.640 i'm what options all their for making your 210 00:17:18.640 --> 00:17:24.620 study environment whether you're talking about things at home things of score 211 00:17:24.620 --> 00:17:29.010 the computer you carry with yourself at wit with yourself when you are studying with something 212 00:17:29.010 --> 00:17:34.250 like that is impossible to make that better simply run small whither 213 00:17:34.250 --> 00:17:39.790 the more reliable at the more accessible for example or something like that 214 00:17:39.790 --> 00:17:44.890 and everyone of us have our own different needs and own different 215 00:17:44.890 --> 00:17:49.630 i'm approaches to the states um 216 00:17:49.630 --> 00:17:54.970 says we're short of time and will not not going to have long blunder discussion here not about 217 00:17:54.970 --> 00:18:00.810 these it's something you can continue to think i'm by yourself but all soul 218 00:18:00.810 --> 00:18:05.770 on mortal associated with this particular 219 00:18:05.770 --> 00:18:10.340 peace is introductory peace they's small home work for you 220 00:18:10.340 --> 00:18:15.230 and which asked you to interview some cleek's eso 221 00:18:15.230 --> 00:18:19.900 student colleagues above bear at 222 00:18:19.900 --> 00:18:25.140 i've been marmont and how they relate to the distance studying and this 223 00:18:25.140 --> 00:18:30.370 kind of juma era off of studying at the university the point 224 00:18:30.370 --> 00:18:35.560 of that exercise is to does not have asked you to think about your situation 225 00:18:35.560 --> 00:18:40.710 the point of that exercise is too i'm force you to go out and oscan listen 226 00:18:40.710 --> 00:18:45.310 and possibly hopefully about what they tell you opens up 227 00:18:45.310 --> 00:18:50.270 new ideas and avenues for you you made you may find that they 228 00:18:50.270 --> 00:18:55.550 have found solution but that you want to then try that may also work for you 229 00:18:55.550 --> 00:19:00.410 or perhaps you and up advising them that's also at loss 230 00:19:00.410 --> 00:19:05.230 in my books if that happens but anti simply ask you to 231 00:19:05.230 --> 00:19:10.220 in addition to analyze in your own situation and your own attitude and and 232 00:19:10.220 --> 00:19:16.530 an approach to technology to go out there and ask how others have made sense 233 00:19:16.530 --> 00:19:22.450 and sold the current her way we are studying at 234 00:19:22.450 --> 00:19:27.790 and then of course they arm armed force our university 235 00:19:27.790 --> 00:19:32.550 offers all kinds of fern i'm guidance and instructions 236 00:19:32.550 --> 00:19:37.100 sir for the so you may check ghost once art as well 237 00:19:37.100 --> 00:19:41.580 but have found an have found that people soul very different 238 00:19:41.580 --> 00:19:47.080 that at that and that there are no hard and fast rules that apply for everyone 239 00:19:47.080 --> 00:19:50.830 thinks like accessibility and the issues and so forth we 240 00:19:50.830 --> 00:19:55.450 we are quite simply different disregard and you will know what work for you 241 00:19:55.450 --> 00:20:01.250 and hope you can find way to make your technological and garment as supportive as 242 00:20:01.250 --> 00:20:06.830 possible for you because you are going to meet it throughout your studies and there and 243 00:20:06.830 --> 00:20:12.520 so it's better to to try to make it as good as possible as early as possible 244 00:20:12.520 --> 00:20:16.540 as reliable and efficient aspects.