WEBVTT 00:00:00.360 --> 00:00:02.700 - The course has a few written assignments. 00:00:02.700 --> 00:00:05.220 Some are mandatory, some are optional. 00:00:05.220 --> 00:00:07.020 In this video I will explain 00:00:07.020 --> 00:00:09.750 what are the requirements for written assignments, 00:00:09.750 --> 00:00:12.150 what kind of answers I'm looking for, 00:00:12.150 --> 00:00:15.260 and also what is the plagiarism policy of the course. 00:00:15.260 --> 00:00:16.520 Let's take a look. 00:00:16.520 --> 00:00:18.790 The assignments, the written assignments, 00:00:18.790 --> 00:00:21.060 are typically structured in a way that you're given 00:00:21.060 --> 00:00:22.133 a set of readings. 00:00:23.060 --> 00:00:25.570 Most are methodological papers, 00:00:25.570 --> 00:00:28.850 or book chapters, or a book, 00:00:28.850 --> 00:00:31.270 and then you're given an empirical article. 00:00:31.270 --> 00:00:34.390 And your task is to evaluate the empirical article 00:00:34.390 --> 00:00:38.020 against what you read from the methodological material. 00:00:38.020 --> 00:00:41.840 Importantly, you need to write in your own words 00:00:41.840 --> 00:00:45.750 and explain how you understood the material. 00:00:45.750 --> 00:00:47.800 Paraphrasing is insufficient. 00:00:47.800 --> 00:00:50.570 So if you simply paraphrase, 00:00:50.570 --> 00:00:52.700 tell me what the material says 00:00:52.700 --> 00:00:56.800 without really explaining what you think the material means, 00:00:56.800 --> 00:00:58.960 will not produce you a good grade. 00:00:58.960 --> 00:01:00.980 And I will give you personal feedback 00:01:01.850 --> 00:01:04.433 of all the assignments that you submit. 00:01:05.580 --> 00:01:07.560 Then we have a plagiarism policy. 00:01:07.560 --> 00:01:09.660 All submissions are checked with TurnItIn. 00:01:10.561 --> 00:01:12.760 And this is basically an automated 00:01:12.760 --> 00:01:14.830 plagiarism detection system. 00:01:14.830 --> 00:01:18.030 And we require, the course requires, 00:01:18.030 --> 00:01:22.190 that you apply the APA style for crediting sources. 00:01:22.190 --> 00:01:24.040 I'll show examples. 00:01:24.040 --> 00:01:28.040 And any non-trivial violation of plagiarism policy 00:01:28.040 --> 00:01:29.900 need to be redone twice. 00:01:29.900 --> 00:01:34.270 So you need to practice how you write it in your own words 00:01:34.270 --> 00:01:36.640 and you need to practice how to write, 00:01:36.640 --> 00:01:39.190 how to cite and quote proper. 00:01:39.190 --> 00:01:43.790 These are important writing skills for researchers. 00:01:43.790 --> 00:01:46.440 And you really need to be able to 00:01:46.440 --> 00:01:50.470 produce text that passes the threshold of 00:01:50.470 --> 00:01:53.310 not being rejected from a journal because of plagiarism. 00:01:53.310 --> 00:01:54.580 And this is one of the things 00:01:54.580 --> 00:01:56.730 that I hope to teach you during the course. 00:01:57.700 --> 00:02:01.140 Every year there are one or two students 00:02:01.140 --> 00:02:04.070 who try to plagiarize, they get caught. 00:02:04.070 --> 00:02:07.610 And usually redoing the assignment, 00:02:07.610 --> 00:02:11.620 one assignment is enough and the problem goes away. 00:02:11.620 --> 00:02:13.940 But this is something that you need to pay attention to. 00:02:13.940 --> 00:02:18.030 So every time when you cite something, include a citation. 00:02:18.030 --> 00:02:21.250 If you quote something, include quotation marks. 00:02:21.250 --> 00:02:23.240 And we follow the APA style. 00:02:23.240 --> 00:02:26.680 You can look at the APA publication manual for details 00:02:26.680 --> 00:02:29.550 if you are not sure how the APA style works. 00:02:29.550 --> 00:02:34.550 I also have a video on how to insert APA style citations 00:02:34.640 --> 00:02:36.880 using the Zotero reference management software 00:02:36.880 --> 00:02:37.980 on the course website. 00:02:39.430 --> 00:02:40.880 The grading is anonymous. 00:02:40.880 --> 00:02:42.820 So this is an important part. 00:02:42.820 --> 00:02:46.010 I want all the submissions to look the same. 00:02:46.010 --> 00:02:48.720 And this is important for two reasons. 00:02:48.720 --> 00:02:52.950 It is important for you because otherwise 00:02:52.950 --> 00:02:55.110 there is a small chance that if 00:02:55.110 --> 00:02:58.320 I have some kind of impression on how you have been doing 00:02:58.320 --> 00:03:00.520 in the class or on the forums, 00:03:00.520 --> 00:03:02.940 that could influence my grade. 00:03:02.940 --> 00:03:05.560 So it protects your submission grading 00:03:05.560 --> 00:03:08.580 from any kinds of biases because I don't know who you are. 00:03:08.580 --> 00:03:09.620 And it's also for me. 00:03:09.620 --> 00:03:11.510 I think it's more relaxing 00:03:11.510 --> 00:03:15.290 to grade something when I don't know whose work it is. 00:03:15.290 --> 00:03:17.100 One year my wife took the course 00:03:17.100 --> 00:03:19.563 and it was a bit, let's say, 00:03:21.010 --> 00:03:22.870 weird to grade her work. 00:03:22.870 --> 00:03:24.750 But with anonymous grading, 00:03:24.750 --> 00:03:27.380 that kind of problem won't happen. 00:03:27.380 --> 00:03:29.010 It's a generally good idea 00:03:29.010 --> 00:03:31.970 to keep the grades independent. 00:03:31.970 --> 00:03:33.330 Now let's take a look at 00:03:34.410 --> 00:03:36.540 how the plagiarism system works 00:03:36.540 --> 00:03:39.330 and how do you view your feedback. 00:03:39.330 --> 00:03:42.570 When you have submitted something and I have graded it, 00:03:42.570 --> 00:03:45.690 then you can go to the Turnitin user interface 00:03:45.690 --> 00:03:49.360 to where you submitted your assignment first. 00:03:49.360 --> 00:03:53.170 And then there is this pen icon here, or pencil icon. 00:03:53.170 --> 00:03:55.818 Click on the pencil icon to view the comments. 00:03:55.818 --> 00:03:59.250 And that opens the Turnitin grade mark user interface. 00:03:59.250 --> 00:04:00.470 And this is what it looks like. 00:04:00.470 --> 00:04:01.303 So here is 00:04:02.820 --> 00:04:06.150 the parts marked red are 00:04:06.150 --> 00:04:10.420 potential plagiarism detected by the TurnItIn system. 00:04:10.420 --> 00:04:14.300 And this is actual plagiarism because I simply typed this 00:04:14.300 --> 00:04:16.640 from the Singleton and Straits book. 00:04:16.640 --> 00:04:21.450 And this shows you two ways to fail the assignment. 00:04:21.450 --> 00:04:23.660 If you plagiarize, you copy, 00:04:23.660 --> 00:04:25.750 and you don't cite the source, 00:04:25.750 --> 00:04:28.523 that's gonna be failed and you need to redo. 00:04:29.410 --> 00:04:31.870 Then a quote without explanation. 00:04:31.870 --> 00:04:35.200 If your answer is simply a quote from the book, 00:04:35.200 --> 00:04:38.110 you're saying that this is what the book said, 00:04:38.110 --> 00:04:39.890 that's not technically plagiarism 00:04:39.890 --> 00:04:41.640 because you have the citation here. 00:04:41.640 --> 00:04:43.270 You have the page number here 00:04:43.270 --> 00:04:44.910 and you have the quotation marks. 00:04:44.910 --> 00:04:47.860 So you will not be failed because of plagiarism, 00:04:47.860 --> 00:04:50.170 but most likely I will fail you 00:04:50.170 --> 00:04:52.920 because you did not fully complete the assignment. 00:04:52.920 --> 00:04:54.150 I'm not looking at, 00:04:54.150 --> 00:04:55.960 on a PhD level course, 00:04:55.960 --> 00:04:58.750 whether you can locate information from the book. 00:04:58.750 --> 00:05:00.360 I know that you all can. 00:05:00.360 --> 00:05:03.960 I'm rather looking at can you process the information, 00:05:03.960 --> 00:05:06.310 how have you understood the information, 00:05:06.310 --> 00:05:09.540 and what are your thoughts on the things that you read, 00:05:09.540 --> 00:05:12.333 instead of asking you what does the book say. 00:05:13.180 --> 00:05:15.040 Paraphrasing the content, 00:05:15.040 --> 00:05:18.270 basically writing whatever Singleton and Strait says 00:05:18.270 --> 00:05:22.370 in different words will give you one point of five. 00:05:22.370 --> 00:05:24.630 So I'm not looking at paraphrasing. 00:05:24.630 --> 00:05:28.960 I want to see how you have understood things 00:05:28.960 --> 00:05:31.540 and I also want to see your own reactions 00:05:31.540 --> 00:05:34.590 to things that you read, your own reflections. 00:05:34.590 --> 00:05:36.850 Let's take a look at a couple better 00:05:36.850 --> 00:05:38.470 ways to answer this question. 00:05:38.470 --> 00:05:41.490 So own explanation gives you 00:05:41.490 --> 00:05:42.990 three to four points out of five 00:05:42.990 --> 00:05:45.340 depending on how good the explanation is. 00:05:45.340 --> 00:05:47.410 So instead of saying that this is how 00:05:47.410 --> 00:05:51.970 Singleton and Straits define reliability, 00:05:51.970 --> 00:05:55.550 you say that this is how I understood reliability 00:05:55.550 --> 00:05:57.910 after reading Singleton and Straits. 00:05:57.910 --> 00:05:59.650 If you want to get a five, 00:05:59.650 --> 00:06:01.730 which is more difficult to do, 00:06:01.730 --> 00:06:03.710 then you need to add something more. 00:06:03.710 --> 00:06:06.480 So you need to add some more of your own reflection. 00:06:06.480 --> 00:06:09.860 For example, can you find links between 00:06:09.860 --> 00:06:12.100 the different materials? 00:06:12.100 --> 00:06:13.750 Like in this example, 00:06:13.750 --> 00:06:15.640 there's a small contradiction between 00:06:15.640 --> 00:06:18.550 what Singleton and Straits say about reliability 00:06:18.550 --> 00:06:20.440 and what I say in one video 00:06:20.440 --> 00:06:25.060 and if a student gives his or her opinion 00:06:25.060 --> 00:06:27.040 on who is right about that, 00:06:27.040 --> 00:06:28.970 then that increases your score. 00:06:28.970 --> 00:06:31.590 So I'm looking for original thinking 00:06:31.590 --> 00:06:36.310 instead of paraphrasing what the book said. 00:06:36.310 --> 00:06:37.750 Then I give you comments. 00:06:37.750 --> 00:06:39.700 I give you two kinds of comments. 00:06:39.700 --> 00:06:41.130 There's always the general comments. 00:06:41.130 --> 00:06:43.180 So this is like the general explanation 00:06:43.180 --> 00:06:45.720 of what I liked, what I did not like. 00:06:45.720 --> 00:06:47.720 And then I give specific comments. 00:06:47.720 --> 00:06:49.970 Specific comments are speech bubbles here. 00:06:49.970 --> 00:06:53.070 I might mark, these are kinda like stamps. 00:06:53.070 --> 00:06:55.830 I have stamped these parts to be correct 00:06:55.830 --> 00:06:58.570 and I have stamped this highlighted part 00:06:58.570 --> 00:06:59.860 to be a good observation. 00:06:59.860 --> 00:07:02.090 And the speech bubble here indicates 00:07:02.090 --> 00:07:03.680 that there are more comments available. 00:07:03.680 --> 00:07:05.480 And you click on the speech bubble, 00:07:05.480 --> 00:07:07.480 then you can see what additional things 00:07:07.480 --> 00:07:09.840 I've wrote about that part. 00:07:09.840 --> 00:07:12.240 Depending if you paraphrase a lot, 00:07:12.240 --> 00:07:13.970 then I'll simply say here in the comment 00:07:13.970 --> 00:07:16.390 that this is paraphrase, no original thinking, 00:07:16.390 --> 00:07:18.530 and therefore not much to comment. 00:07:18.530 --> 00:07:20.910 But if you do these assignments well, 00:07:20.910 --> 00:07:22.760 expect lots of comments. 00:07:22.760 --> 00:07:24.170 And then you read through the comments 00:07:24.170 --> 00:07:27.533 and think them through and then learning happens.