WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.120 --> 00:00:06.930 In this video I will expand the previous videos  principle to covariance matrixes. So a correlation   00:00:06.930 --> 00:00:12.570 matrix is the special case of covariance matrix  that has been scaled so that the variance of its   00:00:12.570 --> 00:00:18.630 variable is 1. So core correlation matrix is kind  of like a standardized version of a covariance   00:00:18.630 --> 00:00:24.930 matrix. Some features of linear models are  better understood in covariance metric,   00:00:24.930 --> 00:00:31.890 so understanding the same set of rules in  covariance form is useful. Let's take a look at   00:00:31.890 --> 00:00:39.840 the covariance between X 1 and Y. We calculate  the covariance X 1 y exactly the same way as   00:00:39.840 --> 00:00:46.230 we calculated correlation. So we take there are  the unstandardized regression coefficients here,   00:00:46.230 --> 00:00:50.220 so previous will be working with standardized  regression coefficients, these are now on   00:00:50.220 --> 00:00:55.950 standardized because we are working on the raw  metric instead of the correlation matrix. So we   00:00:55.950 --> 00:01:05.820 have X 1 to Y 1 path. We get the beta 1 goes  here. Then another way of X 1 to Y is to our   00:01:05.820 --> 00:01:13.410 travel 1 correlation a covariance X 1 to X 2 so  that's covariance and then ricca-san path. So   00:01:13.410 --> 00:01:24.540 we get that and then our X 1 2 X 3 1 covariance  and then 2 y so that's all there are after we sum   00:01:24.540 --> 00:01:30.870 those together. That gives us the covariance  between X 1 and Y and that's exactly the same   00:01:30.870 --> 00:01:36.480 math than we had in a correlation example but  instead of working with correlations we work   00:01:36.480 --> 00:01:42.000 with covariances. Things get more interesting  when we look at what is the variance of Y. So   00:01:42.000 --> 00:01:48.060 the variance of Y is given by that equation  here. So the idea is that on we go from Y,   00:01:48.060 --> 00:01:57.660 and then we go to each source of variance of Y  and then we come back. So we go from Y to X 1,   00:01:57.660 --> 00:02:07.320 we take the variance of X 1 and then we come back.  So its variance of X 1 times beta 1 squared in the   00:02:07.320 --> 00:02:16.410 correlation matrix we just take beta 1 and beta  1 squared because the variance in correlation   00:02:16.410 --> 00:02:24.990 matrix is one so we just ignore that. When  we go from Y to R to X 1 X 2 and X and beta   00:02:24.990 --> 00:02:31.470 2 then we get that here and we go it both ways.  So why that are this is a useful rule is because   00:02:31.470 --> 00:02:39.870 it allows us to see that the variance of Y is a  sum of all these different sources of variation,   00:02:39.870 --> 00:02:50.010 so we get variation due to X covariance due to X 1  X 2 we get variation due to the error term. So the   00:02:50.010 --> 00:02:56.610 variation of Y is the sum of all these variances  and covariances of the explanatory variables,   00:02:56.610 --> 00:03:03.210 plus the variance of U the error term that is  our uncorrelated all the explanatory variables.   00:03:03.210 --> 00:03:10.500 This covariance form of the model employed  a correlation matrix rule is useful when   00:03:10.500 --> 00:03:15.120 you start working more complicated models,  such as confront a factor analysis model.