WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: fi 1 00:00:04.320 --> 00:00:09.810 Nouki nouki. Lets. 2 00:00:09.810 --> 00:00:29.810 Smooth vilshe juurta. 3 00:00:38.090 --> 00:00:45.280 Joo kyllä oon fully everybodycan siitä. Switch. 4 00:00:45.280 --> 00:00:54.560 OK no auki. What is? 5 00:00:54.560 --> 00:01:00.290 Otis network tai siis provo. First. 6 00:01:00.290 --> 00:01:07.480 Question, the beauty tackle sote the network is anna anna abstract level network 7 00:01:07.480 --> 00:01:15.740 first variable structure containing variables represent by no ads laki 8 00:01:15.740 --> 00:01:25.750 siinä picture näitä networkissa the node car center peace and etsi siis. 9 00:01:25.750 --> 00:01:31.860 Relationships between death note. Show. 10 00:01:31.860 --> 00:01:39.320 Te network network kampea aina laite itse group or individual level show. 11 00:01:39.320 --> 00:01:46.500 We have network, you can. 12 00:01:46.500 --> 00:01:54.620 Networkin watch freeopit on. Jos you can. 13 00:01:54.620 --> 00:02:01.120 Se ei hard for the network for sitten sulla aika onenote and start 14 00:02:01.120 --> 00:02:09.470 like studing what not connect the inside the network. 15 00:02:09.470 --> 00:02:11.270 And is. 16 00:02:11.270 --> 00:02:16.780 Anna analyzing networks helps you, for example, compare 17 00:02:16.780 --> 00:02:23.280 different things niin niin niiden. No network. 18 00:02:23.280 --> 00:02:28.810 Anna niissä note. Kampea. 19 00:02:28.810 --> 00:02:30.610 Vaan ever. 20 00:02:30.610 --> 00:02:38.950 Eiköhän pii individual ei kampea institutions ole maybe objects just eniten. 21 00:02:38.950 --> 00:02:44.730 Diesel. EGA ten. 22 00:02:44.730 --> 00:02:48.340 Hautes nodis. 23 00:02:48.340 --> 00:02:57.190 Kone tytöt itse other and joy what our day relationships. 24 00:02:57.190 --> 00:02:59.310 Hän. 25 00:02:59.310 --> 00:03:06.730 We just studing networks it olleista the research question center 26 00:03:06.730 --> 00:03:11.820 anna veriviljely influence by the no show the notes. 27 00:03:11.820 --> 00:03:17.600 Each of the thing that you study and the edge of the relationship no tää 28 00:03:17.600 --> 00:03:25.840 niin cannot gives you gonna idealla watch that no download. 29 00:03:25.840 --> 00:03:31.940 D. Etsi siis. 30 00:03:31.940 --> 00:03:38.660 Represent different types of the relations että, että connectech knows the relations 31 00:03:38.660 --> 00:03:46.730 camping cafe www.ever mut denny the focus in your research questions vai vatkaa 32 00:03:46.730 --> 00:03:52.150 ainut relations you looking for ainakaan filter data entä entä? 33 00:03:52.150 --> 00:04:03.640 Way. 34 00:04:03.640 --> 00:04:05.590 Kanav. 35 00:04:05.590 --> 00:04:10.890 Staditis attribute tän network contains se on cannot 36 00:04:10.890 --> 00:04:15.580 start sing my sampo paths vaikka ne. 37 00:04:15.580 --> 00:04:24.640 Reading me be translated creating so the new competitive. 38 00:04:24.640 --> 00:04:27.300 Translate. 39 00:04:27.300 --> 00:04:35.750 Apple trains and start identified watchin on niin niin niin disney. 40 00:04:35.750 --> 00:04:38.990 Se on siis. 41 00:04:38.990 --> 00:04:47.060 Relationship twenty note deal really important when you standing networks, anna. 42 00:04:47.060 --> 00:04:54.910 Siis relationships, two for day care and direct et siis ole 43 00:04:54.910 --> 00:04:59.980 direct et siis se on andit direct miinus tätä. 44 00:04:59.980 --> 00:05:04.950 The information on the relationship coaching laika. 45 00:05:04.950 --> 00:05:07.120 Bob ways. 46 00:05:07.120 --> 00:05:12.860 Nämä direktiivit, että siis mistä tää te information on the relation? 47 00:05:12.860 --> 00:05:18.420 Siis itse asiassa on one way. Example. 48 00:05:18.420 --> 00:05:24.860 Elikkä just stadin mertens niin. 49 00:05:24.860 --> 00:05:31.950 Never dead bloggaa meidän pitääver correspondence the show hd ja communication with 50 00:05:31.950 --> 00:05:39.760 others se teen itse underech record me sitten siiskanteen sentin ways. 51 00:05:39.760 --> 00:05:47.940 Mut fazer direct on the good deal maybe some of institution that only gives. 52 00:05:47.940 --> 00:05:53.950 Directions mut tässä on tietenkin pakeni feedback. 53 00:05:53.950 --> 00:05:58.550 Other. Maybe administerol structure täältä. 54 00:05:58.550 --> 00:06:07.310 The only one way information. 55 00:06:07.310 --> 00:06:09.870 Se on siis relationships? 56 00:06:09.870 --> 00:06:15.050 Käyntiin different and sämpylät asensit aamua import and 57 00:06:15.050 --> 00:06:19.390 others and in network analysis itiscol. 58 00:06:19.390 --> 00:06:28.290 Wat lika hommat what the relationship hs picture 59 00:06:28.290 --> 00:06:32.080 and siitä että the big on. 60 00:06:32.080 --> 00:06:38.370 The the more bigger the lines the relationship we now moi 61 00:06:38.370 --> 00:06:49.990 important and sinä the lines kuten itsellesi. 62 00:06:49.990 --> 00:06:56.480 Show let siivoaa tänne. Hau hau. 63 00:06:56.480 --> 00:07:00.250 Network canal siis? 64 00:07:00.250 --> 00:07:07.470 Bea networkin siellä collection of Inter connect entities ON no de täältä 65 00:07:07.470 --> 00:07:12.010 käynyt communicate exchange information each other. 66 00:07:12.010 --> 00:07:16.640 Networks found in wide range of context, inclusive social. 67 00:07:16.640 --> 00:07:18.860 Teknologia on biological systems. 68 00:07:18.860 --> 00:07:23.740 Se oli se on, että ei se nyt nythän kaino of networks anna. 69 00:07:23.740 --> 00:07:29.980 Mä en niistä tree of most. Just mouse. 70 00:07:29.980 --> 00:07:36.330 Just networks. Hasbeen **** network analysis. 71 00:07:36.330 --> 00:07:42.190 Niin se osuneet voivat the noteseja individuals connection between them 72 00:07:42.190 --> 00:07:51.170 rep miten different direction of relationships friends sips. 73 00:07:51.170 --> 00:07:54.550 Familie ei ole professori core corporation. 74 00:07:54.550 --> 00:07:59.410 Han solo on pitkä väri palaa. 75 00:07:59.410 --> 00:08:07.450 Teen teen technological networks me not be devices with computers, smart 76 00:08:07.450 --> 00:08:09.680 moves, and. 77 00:08:09.680 --> 00:08:14.040 Konepesun between tem käynyt kypsennetty internet on mobile for connection 78 00:08:14.040 --> 00:08:18.730 sun tätä tuskaillut siis technological network. 79 00:08:18.730 --> 00:08:26.750 Mut ne puhut käyn käynpel sour vai logical so the dogs oh like self 80 00:08:26.750 --> 00:08:35.220 so proteiineja n. Anna hauts connect typen denzel on. 81 00:08:35.220 --> 00:08:42.720 Kemikaal fysiikalla interactions. 82 00:08:42.720 --> 00:08:48.010 The networksinbe garage type of connection tah the number of now 83 00:08:48.010 --> 00:08:53.690 de concha no paths of the connection between not so. 84 00:08:53.690 --> 00:09:01.290 Relationships, you can start crack frise what is your network and sign up? 85 00:09:01.290 --> 00:09:07.550 Ryhtynyt outlast www.stadiin in network studies you down. 86 00:09:07.550 --> 00:09:11.870 Se on the network **** siis itse menetys study relationships between the 87 00:09:11.870 --> 00:09:18.500 Notre network to understand how the network words of hope so. 88 00:09:18.500 --> 00:09:20.900 Täältä mies. 89 00:09:20.900 --> 00:09:28.620 Ja en the notes archive of what you cannot focus mutta ne no no ds itself. 90 00:09:28.620 --> 00:09:33.280 Tässä on teille jo tätä match show you african start looking wadi relationship 91 00:09:33.280 --> 00:09:40.630 niistä north and how do nousee ylätason cano for change o. 92 00:09:40.630 --> 00:09:46.480 And so you can alalla analysoitu watch your no niin no grounds 93 00:09:46.480 --> 00:09:55.190 onenote like oot ajanut intressit ovat. 94 00:09:55.190 --> 00:10:01.280 Se on hier. Niin. 95 00:10:01.280 --> 00:10:07.030 Sain siis www.moussea. On always vielä. 96 00:10:07.030 --> 00:10:14.370 Kannattaa. Stadin social network analysis, anna itis. 97 00:10:14.370 --> 00:10:22.880 Mostly just by the short version SNE. Se on. 98 00:10:22.880 --> 00:10:31.720 No network analysis meto relations we cannot entiteettinä network analysointi 99 00:10:31.720 --> 00:10:37.140 links and connection between the entities and properties of the entities tem selvis thatskannat 100 00:10:37.140 --> 00:10:45.640 coding short in esine entitieskaan pe individuals alde seiskaan represent relationships 101 00:10:45.640 --> 00:10:52.320 like friendship professor corporation vai analyzing the relationship between individuals 102 00:10:52.320 --> 00:10:56.310 and social network internet may be possible. 103 00:10:56.310 --> 00:11:02.960 Identify the influenssaksi of the detection sprayt ids vaikka 104 00:11:02.960 --> 00:11:07.440 Haluatko sama idea spread niin niin on. 105 00:11:07.440 --> 00:11:13.760 Around from the from the origin place oppi heivers o. 106 00:11:13.760 --> 00:11:17.120 Understand the organisation of the groups. 107 00:11:17.120 --> 00:11:23.190 Sometimes it is born to understand what how things are organised and housing 108 00:11:23.190 --> 00:11:26.240 formation mood between the different organizations. 109 00:11:26.240 --> 00:11:29.640 Show kannatta figure out what? 110 00:11:29.640 --> 00:11:37.940 Group ovat one organization is my import moi potentia others on tilanne. 111 00:11:37.940 --> 00:11:44.620 Se on meni meni tuu sävelle pro for network analysis popular show. 112 00:11:44.620 --> 00:11:50.840 Eihän niin. Miten se loppu meni meni differentaa? 113 00:11:50.840 --> 00:11:53.280 Tools. 114 00:11:53.280 --> 00:12:00.790 So me distues tulsalouden react identifier patria and trends in the 115 00:12:00.790 --> 00:12:07.000 data data anders structure and function of the network. 116 00:12:07.000 --> 00:12:13.870 Sanotaan siis network show you that it is impossible. 117 00:12:13.870 --> 00:12:18.930 Kipin jo mind and thinking about soul disco for those actually 118 00:12:18.930 --> 00:12:24.130 helping you the sie ovat networksilla cafe. 119 00:12:24.130 --> 00:12:33.590 Fiksu wl PCDN analysoi PCN budjetin back and the hole picture. 120 00:12:33.590 --> 00:12:40.920 Se on hallissa, network analysis. 121 00:12:40.920 --> 00:12:46.300 Process of the analysis, the first. Niin jos taas. 122 00:12:46.300 --> 00:12:50.000 Että of course is always collecting the day. 123 00:12:50.000 --> 00:12:55.360 Jo alves niitä nyt ei mitattu sitä network analysis. 124 00:12:55.360 --> 00:13:02.970 Saan? Ja se kanavaa. 125 00:13:02.970 --> 00:13:07.040 Way college dayta jukan. 126 00:13:07.040 --> 00:13:15.220 Do it jussin summa my digital lo so you can data rädynetit forms on käynyt 127 00:13:15.220 --> 00:13:22.660 pages that you just en putin analysis program tool o. 128 00:13:22.660 --> 00:13:27.560 You cannot create data by yourself. Anna. 129 00:13:27.560 --> 00:13:33.480 Denny hapsut on off manu oli input lag white note ammattien a. 130 00:13:33.480 --> 00:13:43.240 Että siis. Niinku häh data ready repee. 131 00:13:43.240 --> 00:13:51.350 Anya kollektiivi. Den. 132 00:13:51.350 --> 00:13:54.920 You me cleanit o. 133 00:13:54.920 --> 00:13:59.780 Samban formation for analysis white että se on, että itis actually 134 00:13:59.780 --> 00:14:03.690 what you need and test no no any extra. 135 00:14:03.690 --> 00:14:07.460 Materiaalista on käynyt computers. 136 00:14:07.460 --> 00:14:15.820 Siis kun pelike soosin the data or removing missing 137 00:14:15.820 --> 00:14:21.700 things all tastes mm arrowsin www co. 138 00:14:21.700 --> 00:14:28.370 Den juha liitin orden juha psycon bin sam data tykäsit. 139 00:14:28.370 --> 00:14:34.570 Akselia function. Sä voit hyväksyä. 140 00:14:34.570 --> 00:14:40.990 Don't den itse kaino fall data visualization part. 141 00:14:40.990 --> 00:14:47.030 Veni haave input old you data in computer. 142 00:14:47.030 --> 00:14:52.910 Den news working, working with you two. 143 00:14:52.910 --> 00:14:59.220 The first ap is the visuaaliset se on otettu jukan actually seed. 144 00:14:59.220 --> 00:15:05.980 The network. Että että siis macho easy että intoa puute. 145 00:15:05.980 --> 00:15:09.840 Difficile no visu. 146 00:15:09.840 --> 00:15:14.540 F spesiaalien the network it really, really large on complex. 147 00:15:14.540 --> 00:15:19.940 If you have like talous on thousands of no dennis macho IC joka 148 00:15:19.940 --> 00:15:27.130 of think think analyzed if you can actually seed. 149 00:15:27.130 --> 00:15:31.470 Se on vai signa annostaan. 150 00:15:31.470 --> 00:15:35.010 Mook kieli, what is the actual? 151 00:15:35.010 --> 00:15:38.990 The structure of network and watch identiteet patterns 152 00:15:38.990 --> 00:15:42.710 of trends that network actually contains. 153 00:15:42.710 --> 00:15:51.960 Hän dowd des menifran geoff too. Voin have. 154 00:15:51.960 --> 00:16:01.830 Don garden, nowe networking and statistics. 155 00:16:01.830 --> 00:16:07.370 Ikänä. Yukon take out sams statistics com. 156 00:16:07.370 --> 00:16:15.640 Joo network anna tykän nää tässä may include googletin measures of central city of life 157 00:16:15.640 --> 00:16:22.270 community structures testin coronation between different variables o. 158 00:16:22.270 --> 00:16:27.390 Whiting, muodollisesti of the day. So. 159 00:16:27.390 --> 00:16:35.720 Jykän anallais again for. Viljoo foundation of jo. 160 00:16:35.720 --> 00:16:39.230 Stadi by using the star. 161 00:16:39.230 --> 00:16:46.640 Tai että some of soul, soul, soul can can explain niin ne nacl 162 00:16:46.640 --> 00:16:54.250 tai että network kontion like home knows how etsii. 163 00:16:54.250 --> 00:16:58.160 Valtuusto tabridge, how long the most important to 164 00:16:58.160 --> 00:17:02.320 nut other no dies and sound show'ssa. 165 00:17:02.320 --> 00:17:06.000 Niin lock detroit variables ovat jykän actually. 166 00:17:06.000 --> 00:17:12.640 Dig out asustattico. Pow. 167 00:17:12.640 --> 00:17:14.890 Entä lasta? 168 00:17:14.890 --> 00:17:21.010 Parties interpretation skannata final state of the network canal siis siis Inter 169 00:17:21.010 --> 00:17:28.270 putting the result of the analysis androi jo constructions and things out juha 170 00:17:28.270 --> 00:17:34.620 jo reactions and you can and share your questions, pai. 171 00:17:34.620 --> 00:17:38.170 Niin tuo betonin the resource ovat juha. 172 00:17:38.170 --> 00:17:44.950 Game com joo analysis and show. Pitkäänpeä base on on. 173 00:17:44.950 --> 00:17:50.990 Niin starts on you call. Base on visual. 174 00:17:50.990 --> 00:17:55.520 Pizza. Vaikka. 175 00:17:55.520 --> 00:18:00.920 Highlight vaikka frommio network surfing part Uganda 176 00:18:00.920 --> 00:18:04.750 granlund right outer tai discordis. 177 00:18:04.750 --> 00:18:15.210 Väri house on dieselation clearly the most import and pensas niissä on tää joe. 178 00:18:15.210 --> 00:18:17.250 Sotea on minim ways. 179 00:18:17.250 --> 00:18:22.620 Degrowth analyysit ja network, mutta jos startin poikanne defensor, mutta objekti 180 00:18:22.620 --> 00:18:28.580 siis of the analysis and the back of the networks on norres question. 181 00:18:28.580 --> 00:18:31.450 Ja sitten most important. 182 00:18:31.450 --> 00:18:37.160 Point of debatejoihin jo network **** siis and of course lai. 183 00:18:37.160 --> 00:18:40.350 Industry happens. Että mä oon information. 184 00:18:40.350 --> 00:18:42.610 You can dig out from the. 185 00:18:42.610 --> 00:18:49.550 Network and you analyzed the wind hackett back to reach. 186 00:18:49.550 --> 00:18:56.810 Maybe maybe ikinä tweed lelu big disney concert actually just maybe more important. 187 00:18:56.810 --> 00:19:08.020 New information the found. 188 00:19:08.020 --> 00:19:11.000 Se on yksi. 189 00:19:11.000 --> 00:19:20.660 Vilpit about different ways to uploads, network analysis, and. 190 00:19:20.660 --> 00:19:23.960 Onko nää pitää topologia? 191 00:19:23.960 --> 00:19:32.010 Approach, the analysis actually focuses on the overall structure 192 00:19:32.010 --> 00:19:40.780 of the network, including the number of now and now and connection between the show 193 00:19:40.780 --> 00:19:45.030 your ecclestone. Ja finn out what? 194 00:19:45.030 --> 00:19:48.100 What is the network? Asun home. 195 00:19:48.100 --> 00:19:51.980 Että vaatiko on teen saumat haula arctica. 196 00:19:51.980 --> 00:19:54.240 Se on disc golf analysis. 197 00:19:54.240 --> 00:19:59.440 The juhli do it works tulee jos cannot. 198 00:19:59.440 --> 00:20:07.100 Haug network you actually dealing. Lenny on the go lil bit. 199 00:20:07.100 --> 00:20:13.790 De porina. Analysis, just looking like centrality. 200 00:20:13.790 --> 00:20:21.620 No analysis looks, että house central importtunutle no dis 201 00:20:21.620 --> 00:20:27.810 internet network se on itse looking for the. 202 00:20:27.810 --> 00:20:33.380 Network id tätä you want to find out? 203 00:20:33.380 --> 00:20:41.840 Watt ohu at the players in the network ten just looking for central by trend, find 204 00:20:41.840 --> 00:20:50.700 out what now and what, for example, persons of the most important for in 205 00:20:50.700 --> 00:20:57.320 in the. Inside home network. 206 00:20:57.320 --> 00:20:59.190 Den. 207 00:20:59.190 --> 00:21:03.620 No se community detection tai tai purpose of the community 208 00:21:03.620 --> 00:21:08.130 decca niin sitten analyzed te identifi. 209 00:21:08.130 --> 00:21:12.650 Groups communities with internet. 210 00:21:12.650 --> 00:21:20.740 Sometimes no, the single person with the most we were most important, sometimes 211 00:21:20.740 --> 00:21:29.170 it can pere crew that actually is more important and some other groups are into words. 212 00:21:29.170 --> 00:21:34.050 Show full of interesting c. 213 00:21:34.050 --> 00:21:39.090 Nimi on network sam group tuli domination others. 214 00:21:39.090 --> 00:21:46.010 Sam other way place mature partyn den tykänny community direction. 215 00:21:46.010 --> 00:21:54.830 Algoritmin thing thing to find tota mä en osaa. 216 00:21:54.830 --> 00:22:01.520 Tän negative resort is also resort soul. 217 00:22:01.520 --> 00:22:06.100 Find one fine auto niin sitten jos alkanut group on spessun 218 00:22:06.100 --> 00:22:13.370 group but you can finnit tai ne menestyvät. Internet esiin. 219 00:22:13.370 --> 00:22:16.980 Tätä on group o. 220 00:22:16.980 --> 00:22:24.520 Tätä domination others so then do this actually also samband of all of 221 00:22:24.520 --> 00:22:32.990 you rich and dis network tee vaisulta tän davis intressin. 222 00:22:32.990 --> 00:22:39.950 No. En en tässä affect city. 223 00:22:39.950 --> 00:22:45.570 Äänin in data analysis. Että että sitä look at. 224 00:22:45.570 --> 00:22:49.960 Hau, the actions of one or more notes in the network 225 00:22:49.960 --> 00:22:57.990 affect ja accept teater note se on. Mihin sitä? 226 00:22:57.990 --> 00:23:04.050 Nää. Network pääsee my onenote. 227 00:23:04.050 --> 00:23:08.170 6 actions affect more others. 228 00:23:08.170 --> 00:23:14.220 Tän teacher no access me ei pitäisi onenote tästä mower. 229 00:23:14.220 --> 00:23:20.540 No affecto people and more than the others show that my 230 00:23:20.540 --> 00:23:23.670 tie something you want to look and go for. 231 00:23:23.670 --> 00:23:27.760 Kanavaa way to pro tätä jo in your resursseissa nyt you want 232 00:23:27.760 --> 00:23:33.680 to figure out lääkettä huh most town the. 233 00:23:33.680 --> 00:23:41.830 Network so you can of showta niin dispersio sä institutions actions 234 00:23:41.830 --> 00:23:49.220 actually affect more johon network mä en tiedä toiko. 235 00:23:49.220 --> 00:23:59.070 Mennä jes joo slow can study flower network nää flow analysis. 236 00:23:59.070 --> 00:24:01.910 Katsoa, the moment of research. 237 00:24:01.910 --> 00:24:08.590 Risoo siis deitä ole auto attribuutit ryyppää se on. 238 00:24:08.590 --> 00:24:13.750 Vesili inflow **** siis you on the study like. 239 00:24:13.750 --> 00:24:19.570 Haltigs. Inside network. 240 00:24:19.570 --> 00:24:21.470 Na. 241 00:24:21.470 --> 00:24:27.830 Sometimes itsellä eikä forcen myös se one sell staff teachers 242 00:24:27.830 --> 00:24:34.350 damit sen some information maybe about price on. 243 00:24:34.350 --> 00:24:38.000 Kun cheese of the hommat saadaan vähän vaille palloa. 244 00:24:38.000 --> 00:24:46.190 Sampling laitetaan tekniikan ole siemens nilakka. 245 00:24:46.190 --> 00:24:53.020 Trade between different countries or something like that, any of. 246 00:24:53.020 --> 00:24:57.330 Signe network analysis, rakenta humans. 247 00:24:57.330 --> 00:25:02.400 Tre between different kind of different no se on show the november 248 00:25:02.400 --> 00:25:07.870 countries OO major dealers lahja se on. 249 00:25:07.870 --> 00:25:13.700 Odotin you you on the study administration level of something. 250 00:25:13.700 --> 00:25:22.030 Den golf. Trafigura out hommatzz instructions coming. 251 00:25:22.030 --> 00:25:28.800 Inside networkin from the different organizations and different versions. 252 00:25:28.800 --> 00:25:36.380 On off siis? You always. 253 00:25:36.380 --> 00:25:42.720 Addis things on jo own research airia että tässä on. 254 00:25:42.720 --> 00:25:46.550 Ei itse asiassa joo imaginationista. 255 00:25:46.550 --> 00:25:52.860 Howlin limit show the mother what the of science field you coming. 256 00:25:52.860 --> 00:26:00.280 You can friend figure outlast aika tota OKA stadin dieselhead teaching of. 257 00:26:00.280 --> 00:26:08.730 Data show hakemaan edes hän hän pica network analysis saa very easy modify. 258 00:26:08.730 --> 00:26:13.880 Intel in the need of joo tässä on niin. 259 00:26:13.880 --> 00:26:17.500 Niin jykän osaa stadi manny. 260 00:26:17.500 --> 00:26:22.180 No dynamics of the networks. Se on. 261 00:26:22.180 --> 00:26:27.230 Efor like interest like. Auki. 262 00:26:27.230 --> 00:26:35.800 Hotellit network missä changing thru time of time so? 263 00:26:35.800 --> 00:26:42.240 If you like studing? No. 264 00:26:42.240 --> 00:26:48.980 Network niin let se ei. Naitiin fifty jes. 265 00:26:48.980 --> 00:26:56.960 Mä teen you one the study osalta sen network in house networks to town. 266 00:26:56.960 --> 00:27:02.110 Show. Den juha canon flopista comprar. 267 00:27:02.110 --> 00:27:10.850 Hän OC haluttiin networksille changes over time declan may be star 268 00:27:10.850 --> 00:27:18.080 kanadalaiselta. What consists change something like that? 269 00:27:18.080 --> 00:27:23.740 Benji canal. Topic, like resilience. 270 00:27:23.740 --> 00:27:28.730 Anna kannat. Maybe analyze. 271 00:27:28.730 --> 00:27:36.380 House. Network survive. 272 00:27:36.380 --> 00:27:41.910 Steven siis fail? Niinku des always cannot. 273 00:27:41.910 --> 00:27:46.620 Sampling happening varautui voi olla white networkissa. 274 00:27:46.620 --> 00:27:49.110 Taida. No. 275 00:27:49.110 --> 00:27:53.960 Yhteisö sampling. Täältä ally. 276 00:27:53.960 --> 00:28:01.120 Happens and network failed ostaatin startti fail sunway tykännyt stadi 277 00:28:01.120 --> 00:28:05.910 residence hawkit hommat sitten network and take. 278 00:28:05.910 --> 00:28:09.850 LI branin. Äännä. 279 00:28:09.850 --> 00:28:17.240 Hallit swiss on syötin. Time period. 280 00:28:17.240 --> 00:28:19.360 Haudat. 281 00:28:19.360 --> 00:28:27.950 Haltia disturbed siis xlly ******* dead networks. 282 00:28:27.950 --> 00:28:33.330 Hänen. Des ol show case pöllitty. 283 00:28:33.330 --> 00:28:37.730 Se annalaisi. The future. 284 00:28:37.730 --> 00:28:42.250 You can. Thai by. 285 00:28:42.250 --> 00:28:45.780 Predict what the future. 286 00:28:45.780 --> 00:28:50.280 Mekin pee ovatko aina even outcomes siitä maid reseptit? 287 00:28:50.280 --> 00:28:56.430 Kai analyzing the network changed the time and sing howat effect and technical 288 00:28:56.430 --> 00:29:02.970 star stable to samband predictions and this one thing that. 289 00:29:02.970 --> 00:29:10.890 Spesiaali inte osa marketing stadis done like the two. 290 00:29:10.890 --> 00:29:16.800 Tuo saatu house market mut change the future sotilaita. 291 00:29:16.800 --> 00:29:21.400 Itse sanokaa. Että ylläpit moi. 292 00:29:21.400 --> 00:29:33.920 Facial information behind you desing että office about the future awesome switching. 293 00:29:33.920 --> 00:29:39.290 Nao wegen. Startupit klossit siis? 294 00:29:39.290 --> 00:29:45.160 Different analyysi way of analysis networks. 295 00:29:45.160 --> 00:29:50.910 Mikä start fund central city? Tietysti. 296 00:29:50.910 --> 00:29:56.570 Used to identify the most important oc knows the network. 297 00:29:56.570 --> 00:30:00.590 Anna. Identify. 298 00:30:00.590 --> 00:30:10.050 Veri juusolla on import influenssa menit from was to actually do it. 299 00:30:10.050 --> 00:30:16.030 Se on the first one niissä ja kun oot degree central city. 300 00:30:16.030 --> 00:30:21.150 Että se definition dig central ace impotenssico page 301 00:30:21.150 --> 00:30:28.080 simply on the non pro flinck hs no. Se on kanavaa. 302 00:30:28.080 --> 00:30:35.370 Kuules, how many relationships? Onenote has. 303 00:30:35.370 --> 00:30:38.560 Anna. 304 00:30:38.560 --> 00:30:46.130 And also concentrate home direct one hop connection is now has to its. 305 00:30:46.130 --> 00:30:51.480 Oto note internet work show how direct. 306 00:30:51.480 --> 00:30:58.890 Israelation ships a adr nows. No. 307 00:30:58.890 --> 00:31:03.810 Whether yousit, for example. You. 308 00:31:03.810 --> 00:31:11.340 Finding berry connect integroitu popular idolsin individual live hold more 309 00:31:11.340 --> 00:31:16.630 information individual sua quickly connect with wine. 310 00:31:16.630 --> 00:31:22.180 Se on siis. Ecua searching for the most influence. 311 00:31:22.180 --> 00:31:28.230 Pipeline network. Tän central c. 312 00:31:28.230 --> 00:31:38.410 Goodestar. Hän. 313 00:31:38.410 --> 00:31:48.010 Niin siis very useful when you have? Very lars network. 314 00:31:48.010 --> 00:31:51.810 Saw. Lenny care of look. 315 00:31:51.810 --> 00:31:54.660 Viskannut. 316 00:31:54.660 --> 00:32:01.240 Transaktion data on account activity vai nykyään. 317 00:32:01.240 --> 00:32:12.570 Drinkit onit small toi. Information packforce se on. 318 00:32:12.570 --> 00:32:18.570 Se on. Sen. 319 00:32:18.570 --> 00:32:28.490 Diana way. Hän stadi sentraali bit wines. 320 00:32:28.490 --> 00:32:35.080 Miin. Että niihin sitä hau. 321 00:32:35.080 --> 00:32:40.380 Affär. Dian toi nordean from the notebook you. 322 00:32:40.380 --> 00:32:45.740 Stadiin valmistusvuosi päätti, että mä piiloon vaikka 323 00:32:45.740 --> 00:32:49.620 tässä on laika no de it hop siinä. 324 00:32:49.620 --> 00:32:53.250 No ei ei nyt hops no bee. 325 00:32:53.250 --> 00:32:58.890 Andy hops noticed and see what you one two? 326 00:32:58.890 --> 00:33:04.560 Stadi se on jykän kanavaa c haute network creates. 327 00:33:04.560 --> 00:33:12.960 The other. Katso xchel that you intressit. 328 00:33:12.960 --> 00:33:18.260 Se oli cannot calculate the path between the different. 329 00:33:18.260 --> 00:33:22.950 Noudatat joo centro for stadis. 330 00:33:22.950 --> 00:33:28.140 Se on itsekään of soste bridges between the nousin network. 331 00:33:28.140 --> 00:33:33.290 Ääni niin taas identifi gold short path and then counting. 332 00:33:33.290 --> 00:33:36.040 How many times is nord? 333 00:33:36.040 --> 00:33:42.080 Wales on one se on käynyt stats counting everything and the figure out. 334 00:33:42.080 --> 00:33:48.500 What is the short in different knows? 335 00:33:48.500 --> 00:33:57.020 Hän tietysti berry import cano food way the defined puhuaksemme individuals hua coogan. 336 00:33:57.020 --> 00:34:04.990 Influenssa. Influenssarokoun. 337 00:34:04.990 --> 00:34:07.570 Kaikki must. 338 00:34:07.570 --> 00:34:18.620 On hauta hauta päät nousi flow of influence goes around the hole network. 339 00:34:18.620 --> 00:34:24.540 Show design of useful lo we tried to analyze communication dime 340 00:34:24.540 --> 00:34:32.390 dynamics between the different parts of the network. 341 00:34:32.390 --> 00:34:36.220 Se on täältä hypit wines good. 342 00:34:36.220 --> 00:34:49.330 Indicate, että some holes moro authority. Ovet others. 343 00:34:49.330 --> 00:34:57.810 Tenteissä. Close sinne, central city. 344 00:34:57.810 --> 00:34:59.720 Tän. 345 00:34:59.720 --> 00:35:08.400 Tai sitten face ainoaa stadis how close the nousee aina inner network. 346 00:35:08.400 --> 00:35:11.720 Se oli ehkä kalkilla sitten suomesta päälle. 347 00:35:11.720 --> 00:35:13.840 Windows on nousu. 348 00:35:13.840 --> 00:35:23.270 Mä teen sain eads nord kivestä myös score paste on itse some of sote sote sote. 349 00:35:23.270 --> 00:35:28.010 NU can justice. Että jo. 350 00:35:28.010 --> 00:35:33.240 If you one to find works of individual quatre. 351 00:35:33.240 --> 00:35:39.640 Joo place to influence on n tai network and quickly. 352 00:35:39.640 --> 00:35:42.890 Se on walther. 353 00:35:42.890 --> 00:35:50.650 Individuals lukenut influenssa n tai network must quickly se on tehdä. 354 00:35:50.650 --> 00:35:57.770 Te sotesta connections. Around the. 355 00:35:57.770 --> 00:36:02.570 Se on. Display. 356 00:36:02.570 --> 00:36:12.430 You, you god, fine. Niissä podcast cold podcast. 357 00:36:12.430 --> 00:36:16.310 Brokers ol sose. 358 00:36:16.310 --> 00:36:22.180 Se on tehdä Kainuu pt väri hailey connect, inside network and cannot. 359 00:36:22.180 --> 00:36:28.480 Bridges to everywhere. 360 00:36:28.480 --> 00:36:43.170 Useful housing school close to find dis influenceri inside one single clash. 361 00:36:43.170 --> 00:36:49.250 Tähän lisää. Vaan different way. 362 00:36:49.250 --> 00:36:54.740 Luokat centrum igen central city. 363 00:36:54.740 --> 00:36:58.500 Gang mercede impact of now. 364 00:36:58.500 --> 00:37:02.350 On adde nouse base on number of the lindstedt show like 365 00:37:02.350 --> 00:37:10.980 home connections that one note others. Se on. 366 00:37:10.980 --> 00:37:15.000 Se on itseasiassa itse, eikö? 367 00:37:15.000 --> 00:37:18.980 Niin etteikö count howell, the nordics connect and howardin 368 00:37:18.980 --> 00:37:25.780 linssit itc connection hs in the home network. 369 00:37:25.780 --> 00:37:27.580 Eiköhän identify. 370 00:37:27.580 --> 00:37:34.120 No tässähän influence over the, n tai net no shadows tätä directionin 371 00:37:34.120 --> 00:37:39.990 vaikka sote tiukan co figure out if it networkcas. 372 00:37:39.990 --> 00:37:52.780 Sampo body sampling. Tat have most influence power te entinen. 373 00:37:52.780 --> 00:37:55.460 Anna. Niin siis. 374 00:37:55.460 --> 00:38:00.120 Just. Niin niin. 375 00:38:00.120 --> 00:38:05.140 You one two. Hakannut, general. 376 00:38:05.140 --> 00:38:07.410 Sossun network ball you. 377 00:38:07.410 --> 00:38:12.130 Vitsi sometimes variety understand this on ollut networks se on gives 378 00:38:12.130 --> 00:38:23.230 you the good picture about the home network active. 379 00:38:23.230 --> 00:38:29.000 Näissä. One way do it it scott page rank. 380 00:38:29.000 --> 00:38:37.080 Ei siis kannata variant tuo central deco acting now score pasta 381 00:38:37.080 --> 00:38:40.800 on teidän connections and connections connections. 382 00:38:40.800 --> 00:38:46.860 Söitkö sä lil bit far the difference is the page rank also the link 383 00:38:46.860 --> 00:38:52.350 directions and way into you count soul lincoln olli pääsi influence 384 00:38:52.350 --> 00:38:57.780 in one direction and pace different and influence. 385 00:38:57.780 --> 00:39:03.360 Se on mies. Mercer and covers. 386 00:39:03.360 --> 00:39:07.250 Ei ankka voisi nord hoo influence existence beyond 387 00:39:07.250 --> 00:39:12.590 the direction, intuitiivinen network. Se on. 388 00:39:12.590 --> 00:39:19.280 Previous one drive. From the direction page and go. 389 00:39:19.280 --> 00:39:28.900 No nyt final under. Ways to influence. 390 00:39:28.900 --> 00:39:31.330 MI cockpit. Teetkö sinä? 391 00:39:31.330 --> 00:39:37.010 No kauan direction and connection with its hand beverly helpful for understanding 392 00:39:37.010 --> 00:39:43.850 citation and of toritie looking for huck katso authority intissä network 393 00:39:43.850 --> 00:39:50.970 se on white peter thing you one two. 394 00:39:50.970 --> 00:39:54.320 Se on the page trangissa. 395 00:39:54.320 --> 00:40:00.700 One of the ranking alchemist pillin the original google search ensin the page part in 396 00:40:00.700 --> 00:40:05.670 the name actually come from the creative and google found on larry page. 397 00:40:05.670 --> 00:40:14.160 Viskannut. Small detail for you. 398 00:40:14.160 --> 00:40:19.110 Näen adder kannat way toista. 399 00:40:19.110 --> 00:40:26.720 Tyypit through the hole network is the find the communities inside. 400 00:40:26.720 --> 00:40:28.700 Network. 401 00:40:28.700 --> 00:40:32.580 Se on kommentit section algorithms ajurit identify groups 402 00:40:32.580 --> 00:40:35.820 of communities with internet network. 403 00:40:35.820 --> 00:40:41.400 Niin network canal siis it can be important to find communities with international 404 00:40:41.400 --> 00:40:48.840 community tech camper just enemmän singleä niin tuo de the deck similar groups and 405 00:40:48.840 --> 00:40:52.950 maybe this thing is between the groups different reasons. 406 00:40:52.950 --> 00:40:54.940 Se on niskaan by just. 407 00:40:54.940 --> 00:41:01.330 The fine group tähtää manipulation other groups on on manipulation home network. 408 00:41:01.330 --> 00:41:06.450 Show niin onneksi ampuu. Se on informoinut. 409 00:41:06.450 --> 00:41:10.920 Intercity sii. Watt. 410 00:41:10.920 --> 00:41:17.700 Group of deeply ovat group of institutions or what group of things? 411 00:41:17.700 --> 00:41:24.020 Manipulation the others moresel then this is good way. 412 00:41:24.020 --> 00:41:30.420 Analyysistä. Se on whatsapp. 413 00:41:30.420 --> 00:41:35.490 Different when community section and. Last. 414 00:41:35.490 --> 00:41:39.890 Se on community detection tissiä milloin nyt laastarin 415 00:41:39.890 --> 00:41:43.280 jes mikä on vielä trindade groups? 416 00:41:43.280 --> 00:41:49.860 Classroomgissa kan machine learning teknik we seminary data pois group 417 00:41:49.860 --> 00:41:53.760 into the same cluster base on teidän attributes. 418 00:41:53.760 --> 00:42:02.450 Auto classroom, candy applied network analysis, itis provider in type office, and. 419 00:42:02.450 --> 00:42:05.360 Involved more attributes. 420 00:42:05.360 --> 00:42:10.740 Ja kommentit detection album this cannot special specifically 421 00:42:10.740 --> 00:42:13.860 taylor for network kanava siis we. 422 00:42:13.860 --> 00:42:19.040 Defining actor iso single attribute. Show. 423 00:42:19.040 --> 00:42:23.640 Lasten rengistä sain tukea että pika pizza. 424 00:42:23.640 --> 00:42:29.690 Mutta komitea just fine to find. 425 00:42:29.690 --> 00:42:37.780 Inside of the one big blast? 426 00:42:37.780 --> 00:42:45.900 Tom. Lowe kommentit dect most algoritmi indies. 427 00:42:45.900 --> 00:42:50.560 Kognition. Things. 428 00:42:50.560 --> 00:42:56.970 Space on modular modular this to maksimaalisesta difference between the number 429 00:42:56.970 --> 00:43:03.030 of community edges and the number of expected community ds. 430 00:43:03.030 --> 00:43:09.710 Se on että things to find. 431 00:43:09.710 --> 00:43:16.230 The groups the wind in power inside network. 432 00:43:16.230 --> 00:43:18.440 Anna. 433 00:43:18.440 --> 00:43:24.340 Pitkä kanavaaari vilshe communities of communities in the process 434 00:43:24.340 --> 00:43:31.340 is värit popular because its ease of use and all because of the speed 435 00:43:31.340 --> 00:43:41.430 of the album pitkään do it very quickly. Tesol show. 436 00:43:41.430 --> 00:43:45.830 Lot of other. Other. 437 00:43:45.830 --> 00:43:55.920 Way to do or drink, figure out of communities and die aggression. 438 00:43:55.920 --> 00:44:03.260 Hotline ja suprise community deck lidlin communication whatsapp kovin dexin se on 439 00:44:03.260 --> 00:44:10.140 interesting way to study diesel meni different ways to actually doing you can 440 00:44:10.140 --> 00:44:14.270 make you use one and you not there and then you can compare. 441 00:44:14.270 --> 00:44:22.810 Watch the different resurssit kives sorted kivesten idea what is the networkissa? 442 00:44:22.810 --> 00:44:30.550 Koulupalvelut own network. 443 00:44:30.550 --> 00:44:36.110 Se olisi community verivalan syytetty understanding hänen everlasting 444 00:44:36.110 --> 00:44:39.740 the structure of place and complex networks. 445 00:44:39.740 --> 00:44:44.800 Se on www.really large networks. Dice. 446 00:44:44.800 --> 00:44:53.360 Problem very good starting point understand whatkannut networks you haven jo hands. 447 00:44:53.360 --> 00:44:59.360 En tiedä proche properties of crafts on et siis of the network and 448 00:44:59.360 --> 00:45:06.020 for more syyteble network analyst tän blasterin tässä meni meni thibaut 449 00:45:06.020 --> 00:45:09.210 sydän just classroom google sydänjuus. 450 00:45:09.210 --> 00:45:11.450 Eikö community pitääkötion? 451 00:45:11.450 --> 00:45:18.270 Kuten dissaat niin se tuo mulle että me aktiivi figuera. 452 00:45:18.270 --> 00:45:24.750 Laastarin algoritmi kenties separate individual careful knows from the communities. 453 00:45:24.750 --> 00:45:32.360 Twitch below soul with community detection you market lit moocit. 454 00:45:32.360 --> 00:45:44.350 Things fall cannot start from of you network tän blaster. 455 00:45:44.350 --> 00:45:51.050 Tänne ei saa flower. No flow analysis, flux. 456 00:45:51.050 --> 00:45:55.080 Very simple way and the flow of story resources information on alle 457 00:45:55.080 --> 00:46:02.240 control network show siis mayn wolf collecting how? 458 00:46:02.240 --> 00:46:07.860 Flow messussa satsasi sentraali opit menisi OU sin network mahdollista simulaatio 459 00:46:07.860 --> 00:46:14.170 flow florist zoo sometimes it you one to figure out the flow. 460 00:46:14.170 --> 00:46:19.740 Network den you go to. First. 461 00:46:19.740 --> 00:46:26.630 Juu saa stadi central city and wines and just no strings jos taudin point and en mä en 462 00:46:26.630 --> 00:46:37.770 ole simulator kyllä how the flow of research and move around your network. 463 00:46:37.770 --> 00:46:42.810 Den. Tässä on dynamic analysis. 464 00:46:42.810 --> 00:46:48.010 Daniel sanoi siis. Lukuisat haun network change of time. 465 00:46:48.010 --> 00:46:54.770 Including the formation and solution of the connection between the nouse disneynvol analyzing 466 00:46:54.770 --> 00:47:01.070 times, trump network data and housing network manager similar network place. 467 00:47:01.070 --> 00:47:06.290 Missä? Effiuoti stadin dynamics. 468 00:47:06.290 --> 00:47:13.290 Niin no network sen tai importantting estät when you actually. 469 00:47:13.290 --> 00:47:18.660 Olin tykätä jo deitä vaati oikein just sen teiltä. 470 00:47:18.660 --> 00:47:28.050 The cards time time stands sodat otherwise you can do the impossible. 471 00:47:28.050 --> 00:47:40.880 Siitä dinamo of the networkinfin otimmemistaan. 472 00:47:40.880 --> 00:47:47.560 Show. Renaz resilience analysis. 473 00:47:47.560 --> 00:47:54.350 That we. One way to unless. 474 00:47:54.350 --> 00:47:58.740 Ovatkohan ability of of the network twitch tänne discussions 475 00:47:58.740 --> 00:48:01.820 of files and how can record?