WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: fi 1 00:00:01.700 --> 00:00:03.790 Mä käytin the record. 2 00:00:03.790 --> 00:00:10.360 Andy background in linguistics led match ro meni department 3 00:00:10.360 --> 00:00:14.860 is like department of languages and communication. 4 00:00:14.860 --> 00:00:24.430 And IM doing my doctoral research in finnish tai mallisto teaching ritan communication. 5 00:00:24.430 --> 00:00:32.150 Entä sen gere formaldehydin gmail academic communication botho lso researcher entä 6 00:00:32.150 --> 00:00:39.560 centre for applied linguistics, nature of the correct english rsspat all tree department 7 00:00:39.560 --> 00:00:45.790 of linguistics we have any university com, how and. 8 00:00:45.790 --> 00:00:57.250 Miten ai moi screencast minit? OK so today. 9 00:00:57.250 --> 00:01:01.660 Nyt sopii cisco pystytdies and corpus assisted discord 10 00:01:01.660 --> 00:01:05.630 stadis owl first about corpus studies. 11 00:01:05.630 --> 00:01:10.470 In general and lets fokus on corpus assisted discord studies 12 00:01:10.470 --> 00:01:17.830 and using my own doctoral research. Golfissa. 13 00:01:17.830 --> 00:01:26.090 Tätä lets start with copy plus paste research in general so what AH 14 00:01:26.090 --> 00:01:34.130 plus itas several definitions muslimimies machine red bull text and with 15 00:01:34.130 --> 00:01:42.370 text we mean nat only ritz exfat intissä broad sense also 16 00:01:42.370 --> 00:01:49.700 audio visual. Data can be siinä text voiko sample. 17 00:01:49.700 --> 00:01:56.900 Sain langh videos that corps. 18 00:01:56.900 --> 00:02:05.440 Chico pro large shows linguistics, big data and because weheartit big data 19 00:02:05.440 --> 00:02:07.430 liikenteen. 20 00:02:07.430 --> 00:02:18.020 Dow quantitative analysis and also generalles sammutti research. 21 00:02:18.020 --> 00:02:25.980 And cows space research in shot is this is kuution of managerial hardy dealing with sunset 22 00:02:25.980 --> 00:02:34.000 of machine red bull tekst taiste essence offit NNA 23 00:02:34.000 --> 00:02:41.180 definition isäco space language research and mangustit analyzed on the basics of this 24 00:02:41.180 --> 00:02:48.920 electronic tekstit happen collected for the purposes sothys cod addition of the definition. 25 00:02:48.920 --> 00:02:59.120 Fc plus OKATSM hau collective o com be forson *****. 26 00:02:59.120 --> 00:03:05.570 Entisestä corpus based research is language research news ei sittenkään ollut 27 00:03:05.570 --> 00:03:14.010 sopii source for resurssit ocz hallitus son natsasi language nimo. 28 00:03:14.010 --> 00:03:19.950 NDA different kinds of cobra example, monster sample cora www.sampo com 29 00:03:19.950 --> 00:03:27.980 price sniper of something versus monica caprice bit locker. 30 00:03:27.980 --> 00:03:35.460 M teen mikään have diagnostics ole synkronissa cobra synkronissaming the cope 31 00:03:35.460 --> 00:03:43.240 price compeed over time for example, if we have cor taas twenty years of data 32 00:03:43.240 --> 00:03:49.940 beacon sidoksiin chronicles versus decora has several. 33 00:03:49.940 --> 00:03:55.740 OK currency pateja collected from the same time entä jos 34 00:03:55.740 --> 00:04:01.450 annat rock ooppera that is natsannut tädit. 35 00:04:01.450 --> 00:04:08.290 NNI will talk latur about racket and reference cobra flight cupra este. 36 00:04:08.290 --> 00:04:10.090 One. 37 00:04:10.090 --> 00:04:14.270 Kaapo swe investigation and wear comparingitutar referenceooppera 38 00:04:14.270 --> 00:04:22.940 anders lot of the base of cards web biisien campus. 39 00:04:22.940 --> 00:04:29.380 Samp times it can katjushallit still corpus compeed 40 00:04:29.380 --> 00:04:37.460 Inter international from sum webpage. 41 00:04:37.460 --> 00:04:45.570 Well tän töissä distinct between cop space based and corpus driven research corpus 42 00:04:45.570 --> 00:04:54.550 based research research questions first and research questions arden. 43 00:04:54.550 --> 00:05:01.690 Present the data suitsutusta pro discrefin secure hiponesis 44 00:05:01.690 --> 00:05:05.830 and ipodesis of the image from other sources. 45 00:05:05.830 --> 00:05:14.480 The data and the data is used to explore verify o. 46 00:05:14.480 --> 00:05:18.910 Discoalife, the hi professio. 47 00:05:18.910 --> 00:05:26.510 Den nappasit approach instict corpus driven research and this link 48 00:05:26.510 --> 00:05:31.140 to the date very beginning of the research and actually usually the 49 00:05:31.140 --> 00:05:35.210 research questions a formulat based on the data. 50 00:05:35.210 --> 00:05:40.130 So here we can siitä, että picture is other way around sopii first 51 00:05:40.130 --> 00:05:46.970 dates and from data wall research questions. 52 00:05:46.970 --> 00:05:53.950 Solo ati stage researcher has kind of broad research framework in mind. 53 00:05:53.950 --> 00:06:03.350 Paten unit selected investigation from the data. 54 00:06:03.350 --> 00:06:06.090 Äänensä mcs. 55 00:06:06.090 --> 00:06:13.530 Xaml mä kenian hardy claim that all cops linguistic corpus pestalozzi. 56 00:06:13.530 --> 00:06:21.570 Kampea described corps base because dont sept tattis cupra 57 00:06:21.570 --> 00:06:29.860 itself can have independent the recall value because teija always compeed camping offers 58 00:06:29.860 --> 00:06:34.520 in mind. Show cannot. 59 00:06:34.520 --> 00:06:40.880 Encore cannot really be objective and towers. 60 00:06:40.880 --> 00:06:48.590 Distinct between corps base, arcus driventeja moo to describe approach to the dayta. 61 00:06:48.590 --> 00:06:52.510 Backlight, courchevel research. 62 00:06:52.510 --> 00:07:01.580 You can not yousit asana checktive dataset like venäjä investigations get. 63 00:07:01.580 --> 00:07:03.460 Tru. 64 00:07:03.460 --> 00:07:06.390 Essence of language, for example, se on that cannot 65 00:07:06.390 --> 00:07:12.010 haven't siis isännät completely active. 66 00:07:12.010 --> 00:07:17.460 Anna NI have listat saameksi samples of cobra. 67 00:07:17.460 --> 00:07:23.350 Piha kielipankki, että langfang com finland has collection of finnish cobra 68 00:07:23.350 --> 00:07:30.440 flexible whitewood SUOMI kaksikymmentäneljä chr plus finland, twenty four plus 69 00:07:30.440 --> 00:07:36.100 andersson mnangagwa cupra on oltu miten language cupra? 70 00:07:36.100 --> 00:07:42.320 NN you can see voiko sampo finnish language courses in action. 71 00:07:42.320 --> 00:07:50.360 And cleaner sessions of the eduskunta tribe parlamentti translation er paten tässä 72 00:07:50.360 --> 00:07:58.480 bullsin languages, wikipedia just accu plus snow coronavirus corpus 73 00:07:58.480 --> 00:08:00.600 contemporary. 74 00:08:00.600 --> 00:08:08.830 Kaapo of american, english and soul forch and instead of metsäst listing and talking 75 00:08:08.830 --> 00:08:17.720 about think feed you ll five osuminenite to actually watching of cobra 76 00:08:17.720 --> 00:08:27.390 the solifer intressit in finnish compost archin finnish language joka. 77 00:08:27.390 --> 00:08:35.690 Clicker slides knowing moodle se on jukan fighting star and foscam english 78 00:08:35.690 --> 00:08:43.730 corporate nato link and actually disabling updated to its not intr slides path think 79 00:08:43.730 --> 00:08:48.020 can. Copy lis. 80 00:08:48.020 --> 00:08:58.130 Into te chat chart ei minit. 81 00:08:58.130 --> 00:09:06.320 Se on siis tee english på so lets now take five minutes click 82 00:09:06.320 --> 00:09:10.890 yourself on one of these pages about you of time. 83 00:09:10.890 --> 00:09:16.930 Just nu sievät kind of cobra there you can click on the corporate you and rice and basic 84 00:09:16.930 --> 00:09:23.680 research just two getty idea ovat vieläkin about what talkin about? 85 00:09:23.680 --> 00:09:36.080 Cupra. Ja meistä you browsing adware. 86 00:09:36.080 --> 00:09:42.530 Next vie going to have small discussion chas two thinq kind 87 00:09:42.530 --> 00:09:46.590 of cobra record beast in your research field. 88 00:09:46.590 --> 00:09:52.580 Potkut you benefit from corps black before get into two modit failed 89 00:09:52.580 --> 00:09:59.890 ferry sä just two with what corpus appears to you and lenserdis breakout 90 00:09:59.890 --> 00:10:04.840 rooms for that suju candys kasvimuseo. 91 00:10:04.840 --> 00:10:23.530 Clas mets asiasta ei mennyt. 92 00:10:23.530 --> 00:10:27.160 OK welcome back tai. 93 00:10:27.160 --> 00:10:33.980 Hope you had quick pat ***** sciences and näytät you have some kind 94 00:10:33.980 --> 00:10:40.590 of idea of cuprand with cupra might be relevant for you. 95 00:10:40.590 --> 00:10:46.490 So the next web going to do is to go all bizber tissit 96 00:10:46.490 --> 00:10:52.490 cosmethics patrol so all theoretical. 97 00:10:52.490 --> 00:10:58.890 Joo lets saat with collection all analysis and iwan chowder from fire 98 00:10:58.890 --> 00:11:05.980 hdusal no word by the company id keeps and this not just for colgate 99 00:11:05.980 --> 00:11:12.400 bot olson britti, much for the following part. 100 00:11:12.400 --> 00:11:20.840 Of this lecture sote idea instat word to occur in the front kind of positions 101 00:11:20.840 --> 00:11:28.490 even effect anabel word tätä ei exist tukeva ole sama docking of concept likematic group. 102 00:11:28.490 --> 00:11:31.220 Osan think like that. 103 00:11:31.220 --> 00:11:39.640 So collection mestat words of here shift significantly like statistics 104 00:11:39.640 --> 00:11:48.660 significantly with the words so it can be word is indica context minca word for 105 00:11:48.660 --> 00:11:50.460 life. 106 00:11:50.460 --> 00:11:57.680 For example web togo let se ei tässä basic for and go shea goes 107 00:11:57.680 --> 00:12:02.760 so go and goes, defend words intense and then. 108 00:12:02.760 --> 00:12:09.110 Len maista basic word tää basic for that covers all the communication, 109 00:12:09.110 --> 00:12:16.140 all forms of world sogo wood include gozo, going and so forth while 110 00:12:16.140 --> 00:12:21.380 her world winchester one for peace of the world. 111 00:12:21.380 --> 00:12:29.120 Päteekö sampo estät lisäys strong coffee videon the hard coffee se on strong and coffee kollegating 112 00:12:29.120 --> 00:12:36.360 witcher itse typical tay executive niemicher mennyt 5, all right. 113 00:12:36.360 --> 00:12:39.000 And we doing collection analysis. 114 00:12:39.000 --> 00:12:44.100 First of all, we define the range from be collected calculated like 115 00:12:44.100 --> 00:12:49.130 we have here for and for and fire and fire and this means. 116 00:12:49.130 --> 00:12:57.210 Es tallet se ei aivan you know collage of coffee soten ai. 117 00:12:57.210 --> 00:13:00.930 Define the range tab can have the world coffee and on 118 00:13:00.930 --> 00:13:04.850 the beach, the left and the right side. 119 00:13:04.850 --> 00:13:13.320 The spectrum of for words sovikaan have word let second hand is strong 120 00:13:13.320 --> 00:13:15.690 and tender is. 121 00:13:15.690 --> 00:13:22.840 Can be in the centre of three words in between strong and coffee. 122 00:13:22.840 --> 00:13:30.890 Se on tattis vaatisi collectional range mins how far county switchcher 123 00:13:30.890 --> 00:13:39.170 and designin tai minimum number of times the words mass doctor car show have chart. 124 00:13:39.170 --> 00:13:48.150 Onenote two of sciences both wound know patron www.this frequent 125 00:13:48.150 --> 00:13:56.550 and missä led statistical best tylsii with colgate relevant. 126 00:13:56.550 --> 00:14:03.800 The most common omansa school teachers and emmett will talk more aboutzz on monday. 127 00:14:03.800 --> 00:14:12.050 Emotion basically EMITUI won two have so cold content words words 128 00:14:12.050 --> 00:14:18.400 that have meaning to this no predictions this not that meni common birds and so 129 00:14:18.400 --> 00:14:25.310 forth files theetasta calculate everything the difference between tämä. 130 00:14:25.310 --> 00:14:33.970 And programs two examine collections from text and conquer and cold 131 00:14:33.970 --> 00:14:41.250 will be working with unescon monday patrik where time del sol like show you vollotin 132 00:14:41.250 --> 00:14:50.360 siinsi quite easy and website itsensä web international viestit. 133 00:14:50.360 --> 00:14:53.910 Tän toisikinworld anna oli siis. 134 00:14:53.910 --> 00:15:00.430 Ääntä target corp pusher ja fury member lihastakin about target copper and reference chopra 135 00:15:00.430 --> 00:15:05.390 se on hieno keyword analysis vihaava tagged corporate via intressit. 136 00:15:05.390 --> 00:15:10.590 NN computer two mature reference corpus sote reference corpus must 137 00:15:10.590 --> 00:15:15.950 be lager tagged corpus antis reference corpus. 138 00:15:15.950 --> 00:15:21.250 Should be quite general soifi have target corpus. 139 00:15:21.250 --> 00:15:27.330 Let se ei voinut to have ei. Corpus tat. 140 00:15:27.330 --> 00:15:34.390 Complies sampling of world war intressit in let sai mica about 141 00:15:34.390 --> 00:15:39.410 my doctor alban intressit in Helsinki about names. 142 00:15:39.410 --> 00:15:47.110 Suolet seidat have in about gold eir NTI want to combat what is happening 143 00:15:47.110 --> 00:15:52.390 with my eira korpus general, Helsinki korpus. 144 00:15:52.390 --> 00:15:57.400 Se on eira itse mä oon specific smaller and lentis Helsinki plus 145 00:15:57.400 --> 00:16:02.900 food bee marche sodi start and reference corpus. 146 00:16:02.900 --> 00:16:05.830 Compensation, woodwork. 147 00:16:05.830 --> 00:16:11.910 Se ovat tietenkin analyysi sitten dusk itre reveals ass with words of care. 148 00:16:11.910 --> 00:16:18.020 Statistiikkaa oli morolles of the Inter tagged core pystytään in the reference 149 00:16:18.020 --> 00:16:26.270 cops sopivan know what is specific for the tagged 150 00:16:26.270 --> 00:16:33.550 cop compete reference com plus, mutta octodad cora computer with the lets 151 00:16:33.550 --> 00:16:39.030 say intressi in the difference differences bit fin, eira and kontula. 152 00:16:39.030 --> 00:16:45.950 Se on aika have eira corpus where is discussion about the nature hood, eira 153 00:16:45.950 --> 00:16:53.850 and NI kontula corpus tätä hah discussion about control and can also com PTM 154 00:16:53.850 --> 00:16:58.240 and see what kind of keywords day have compeed weather. 155 00:16:58.240 --> 00:17:06.440 Antis two can do in this and cong program word is also quite whitewood 156 00:17:06.440 --> 00:17:14.680 päät itz subscription vailla unescon free show tässä vai vielä using the free. 157 00:17:14.680 --> 00:17:19.420 Free software. 158 00:17:19.420 --> 00:17:23.580 Teen ikääntyy sen analysis excel menin by the world is 159 00:17:23.580 --> 00:17:28.200 used positive, negative neutral context. 160 00:17:28.200 --> 00:17:32.470 Linguistics, semantic prosessorit. 161 00:17:32.470 --> 00:17:40.620 With word olemma plus popularity like if this word store in positive contest 162 00:17:40.620 --> 00:17:49.070 negative context se on itse source of ora of meaning that the world has. 163 00:17:49.070 --> 00:17:55.200 En aikaan already reveal to you that from my doctoral studies 164 00:17:55.200 --> 00:17:59.340 nabucco deira, these have more positive context. 165 00:17:59.340 --> 00:18:08.030 Tän disneyworld kontula from eastern Helsinki tätä small negative context. 166 00:18:08.030 --> 00:18:16.870 And income corporation polarisaation is free androidit patch and vivut need more enel 167 00:18:16.870 --> 00:18:25.090 natural language processing methods to find out this sentimenta analyysissä. 168 00:18:25.090 --> 00:18:30.630 Claus, related semantic preference on sua cold semantic spring and esmee 169 00:18:30.630 --> 00:18:39.110 steph word hästens there there beckham category of 170 00:18:39.110 --> 00:18:42.640 meaning. Ai vielä. 171 00:18:42.640 --> 00:18:49.780 Show you agen examples, lil bit late about five sample of words like mother, brother 172 00:18:49.780 --> 00:18:57.120 of sister day proble related to logger category of meaning of family oy we have 173 00:18:57.120 --> 00:19:03.220 cats and ponnistavat, probably animal so the world. 174 00:19:03.220 --> 00:19:09.480 Tokers pitisi, category of meaning that semantic reference 175 00:19:09.480 --> 00:19:14.110 document netistätica analysis to back it up. 176 00:19:14.110 --> 00:19:17.110 Ääntenting vielä kovin *****. 177 00:19:17.110 --> 00:19:24.570 Isäversion ovat taas net to havetistatica analysis by findit. 178 00:19:24.570 --> 00:19:32.540 But first want to show you this picturetät video vie. 179 00:19:32.540 --> 00:19:39.350 Think of analysis of semantic preference on discord prosentit will rock next. 180 00:19:39.350 --> 00:19:46.470 We have data lets say vihaa lazy of colleges from acl 181 00:19:46.470 --> 00:19:50.890 word let you the airfix sample bhave. 182 00:19:50.890 --> 00:19:59.430 No list of colleges that all there nabucco dame eira show words that core core 183 00:19:59.430 --> 00:20:08.070 frequently with air and ciscollaget satsasivat miningles list wizarddit wizard 184 00:20:08.070 --> 00:20:14.760 ja collge econ from groups somewhere menny collage katselet say college of 185 00:20:14.760 --> 00:20:20.460 käyrä te alatte adorable woods sovikaan form. 186 00:20:20.460 --> 00:20:28.720 Kategori record place soten here and see what me shorter mc and makes sense of the big 187 00:20:28.720 --> 00:20:37.550 data antista discord freddy niin exactly that the record associations between expressions 188 00:20:37.550 --> 00:20:45.640 and the associated meaning vitsi word groups pätee terminalges natural care 189 00:20:45.640 --> 00:20:53.690 sometime discord sponsor ct että oi just refer to semantic resort. 190 00:20:53.690 --> 00:20:59.320 Täältä vast positive negative. Vaan ysit. 191 00:20:59.320 --> 00:21:01.630 S baker where. 192 00:21:01.630 --> 00:21:10.630 Soul is going off like semantic preference ovi have this categories of meaning. 193 00:21:10.630 --> 00:21:17.010 NDA tietysti siis bacchus of discourse and the difference between semantic 194 00:21:17.010 --> 00:21:20.040 reference and discourse pressure is not olevist. 195 00:21:20.040 --> 00:21:28.190 Clear both prosentti what the statistical background hölsö hash evaluate 196 00:21:28.190 --> 00:21:32.630 dimension so. Itse 2 combination. 197 00:21:32.630 --> 00:21:39.110 Off, semantic reference and semantic pressure and escorts prosenttia study 198 00:21:39.110 --> 00:21:46.800 from the words and collections sounds the listingssion forcematic preference 199 00:21:46.800 --> 00:21:52.000 because keyword collections day lewis harrastatical background and beach 200 00:21:52.000 --> 00:21:58.620 kategorising these words tätä have still. 201 00:21:58.620 --> 00:22:07.330 Väljyys tätä relevanssia identified and viikatekoriste viehät strong resource. 202 00:22:07.330 --> 00:22:12.950 Tän effect luokat corpus lets say lykätä congo dance vitsissä 203 00:22:12.950 --> 00:22:16.800 text around the search code search word. 204 00:22:16.800 --> 00:22:25.430 Tän teen mikään siider qualitative lila cagemesta teristäction kovinkaan of the steam. 205 00:22:25.430 --> 00:22:30.610 Search team päät virkannut back up with statisticskalla 206 00:22:30.610 --> 00:22:36.370 evidence and like discord processor. No. 207 00:22:36.370 --> 00:22:45.430 Vielä getting two. Focus of cups assistentit discord ladies. 208 00:22:45.430 --> 00:22:51.680 Se on first we need to define discourse and you for glory be of the discourse. 209 00:22:51.680 --> 00:22:59.740 I have also anders colors home, the different kind of definition. 210 00:22:59.740 --> 00:23:07.530 But joe factor because it works of linguistic pot of social research nature 211 00:23:07.530 --> 00:23:13.580 its nature linguistic patti aidoista discord, siis reflective world view 212 00:23:13.580 --> 00:23:20.370 and geology of the language user the same time discordis reflect and rekonstruktio 213 00:23:20.370 --> 00:23:22.870 power relations of the society. 214 00:23:22.870 --> 00:23:29.760 And shoottis minst ät week you use language beach creating 215 00:23:29.760 --> 00:23:34.180 discordssista manners of speaking of samsung. 216 00:23:34.180 --> 00:23:42.320 And the same time, the talk is alternateting the reality and the reality of all turing 217 00:23:42.320 --> 00:23:49.380 reflect back to language, and we have this picture of two aros. 218 00:23:49.380 --> 00:23:54.330 Söde. Material world. 219 00:23:54.330 --> 00:23:56.130 Es. 220 00:23:56.130 --> 00:24:05.090 Öö communication with the linguistic co discourse, realityn teija acting witcher. 221 00:24:05.090 --> 00:24:12.670 Se ovat eskoaps assisted discord studies catzin shot infections soit combin sitä 222 00:24:12.670 --> 00:24:20.090 kuoliitettiin and quantitative nature of discord studies and corpus linguistics so 223 00:24:20.090 --> 00:24:28.030 bhave quantitative corpus studies menen view this big data where statistical analysis 224 00:24:28.030 --> 00:24:36.090 patentin wide the statistical research and startu. 225 00:24:36.090 --> 00:24:43.190 Examinedem qualitative study discourse oli siis mt. 226 00:24:43.190 --> 00:24:51.590 Päättää, että Mestis both qualitative and quantitative show you 227 00:24:51.590 --> 00:24:58.630 keyword analysis is to find the about aboutness of the text ovat että about 228 00:24:58.630 --> 00:25:06.400 NF tytärtä collection analysis gives ass context information and lätinät 229 00:25:06.400 --> 00:25:15.000 spelling ero context is lager tän context context mistä? 230 00:25:15.000 --> 00:25:22.530 Ovat este nives tech tual context vai context in general texts account. 231 00:25:22.530 --> 00:25:28.530 FT text but olson, counting societies and cultural aspects, 232 00:25:28.530 --> 00:25:35.240 context mihin only the newest words around. 233 00:25:35.240 --> 00:25:40.540 Se on täältä siis te siistion bitcoin location anaali sins ja looking. 234 00:25:40.540 --> 00:25:50.080 Niem words videon they have the context of the text that we use context here. 235 00:25:50.080 --> 00:25:56.660 And then we se looking for the concorddance, vic, find out. 236 00:25:56.660 --> 00:26:03.480 Dominant constructions and bittiset constructions aimeen. 237 00:26:03.480 --> 00:26:09.760 Siis discord processordies and. 238 00:26:09.760 --> 00:26:18.280 Www.cho have this luokat positive on negatiivinen mikään luokat semantic prosessori 239 00:26:18.280 --> 00:26:26.810 two patten ankan adit tutisi methodology discord analytical 240 00:26:26.810 --> 00:26:35.350 close reading somewhere tietysti processors siis kategorista off benitachell 241 00:26:35.350 --> 00:26:40.470 toko levittiber housea. 242 00:26:40.470 --> 00:26:46.500 What is actually what is actually happening in the data? 243 00:26:46.500 --> 00:26:49.380 Sä oot en discourse analytical. 244 00:26:49.380 --> 00:27:00.430 Close reading to find lager patterns and will kivi you and examples of the fine minit. 245 00:27:00.430 --> 00:27:03.610 And iwan cho. 246 00:27:03.610 --> 00:27:10.130 Mention legal, bring because that is the ferry underlying discordis prosessorit lexille 247 00:27:10.130 --> 00:27:15.920 bring miestä the world races and association of another world. 248 00:27:15.920 --> 00:27:23.010 O, anna the discourse soul discourse processor dies actually repeat according asetti 249 00:27:23.010 --> 00:27:30.540 association between worlds and sets of semanticcal related linguistics. 250 00:27:30.540 --> 00:27:36.120 Se on discosprosess reward reveal what kind of semantic and 251 00:27:36.120 --> 00:27:45.570 evaluate kontekstissa words trento except. And this is for now. 252 00:27:45.570 --> 00:27:51.410 This feels oli lt complexity tai promise will. 253 00:27:51.410 --> 00:27:55.810 Make sense to it with my case study. 254 00:27:55.810 --> 00:28:01.210 For now iastat witch five minit brexit joka get something to bring 255 00:28:01.210 --> 00:28:06.300 on stretch alex and let continue you at one. 256 00:28:06.300 --> 00:28:18.980 GM shop. OK teen lets tartte second huh? 257 00:28:18.980 --> 00:28:27.250 After lego kutsu. React pitäisi sam on something to noudat. 258 00:28:27.250 --> 00:28:38.430 Most of you anyway. Oh back from the break. 259 00:28:38.430 --> 00:28:45.680 Beau sams. Soita logoja. 260 00:28:45.680 --> 00:28:50.860 Se oli fuck game back. Please reach the fan so. 261 00:28:50.860 --> 00:28:59.940 Kärsivä back. Sen kanssa on quit meni meni reactions. 262 00:28:59.940 --> 00:29:07.220 Lets continuum se on excel, labour and ongoing reach. 263 00:29:07.220 --> 00:29:13.820 Soul ja siis second paper of my dog troll thesis ihan publish one before and siis 264 00:29:13.820 --> 00:29:20.100 no the second one and still working progressive IM actually currently lighting 265 00:29:20.100 --> 00:29:29.450 this paper and to submit in december coworking progress. 266 00:29:29.450 --> 00:29:37.170 Path firstly context for the old troll tiesi so investing stigmasta 267 00:29:37.170 --> 00:29:41.520 linguistic mekanismi of section in helsinkiin nabucco, ds. 268 00:29:41.520 --> 00:29:50.520 And segregaation miin socio spatial difference disc shown sam arias 269 00:29:50.520 --> 00:29:58.110 up popular day tour de positive manor and also my day hardware services. 270 00:29:58.110 --> 00:30:02.310 Band of people living there. 271 00:30:02.310 --> 00:30:08.850 NA justiinsa coulthard webin talking about and the following articles 272 00:30:08.850 --> 00:30:12.350 also natural language processing methods. 273 00:30:12.350 --> 00:30:20.420 Old town siis paper will use sanchez graphic information systems koet lightning this 274 00:30:20.420 --> 00:30:27.720 paper and example giving you both the following one, stay more present. 275 00:30:27.720 --> 00:30:31.240 Antis we question? 276 00:30:31.240 --> 00:30:35.980 Pelicans research of special stigmatisoiation island of the most efficient 277 00:30:35.980 --> 00:30:43.040 ways of inspection, the processes of urban in equality. 278 00:30:43.040 --> 00:30:44.840 Show. 279 00:30:44.840 --> 00:30:51.560 In shoot and investigationing haudasta reputation of the area affect 280 00:30:51.560 --> 00:30:57.980 the actual defenssiational section of the area. 281 00:30:57.980 --> 00:31:06.790 And my research questions on the holdesis he about that could of meaning the areas. 282 00:31:06.790 --> 00:31:12.260 F testatacial stigma changed turin the years. 283 00:31:12.260 --> 00:31:19.620 And tower special stigma connectit tutise section and en ollut Suomessa tuolla sisällä question 284 00:31:19.620 --> 00:31:27.990 of how the chosen match work with jones and topic patentissa article 285 00:31:27.990 --> 00:31:36.740 and turkin about well my dayta iss SUOMI twenty four corpus tätä youtubea latest online. 286 00:31:36.740 --> 00:31:42.800 Platform to discuss itse näyttäny more about du windows search just be. 287 00:31:42.800 --> 00:31:50.740 Äänet futis paper research questions ache ovat of discord research mo tietävän 288 00:31:50.740 --> 00:31:56.530 tage and desantit helsingin labour woodsin online discussions. 289 00:31:56.530 --> 00:32:04.630 Discord ata studies helsingin abus and how AD, rekonstruktio and national heads, discourse, 290 00:32:04.630 --> 00:32:11.810 presence and discourse little bit defend beachfront, roderick discord prosess. 291 00:32:11.810 --> 00:32:20.070 Vai tisscor siis aamu produkt andie all the discourse prosess NN turquesation 292 00:32:20.070 --> 00:32:28.840 house material, reality and discourse reality alainen there considering helsingin naberius. 293 00:32:28.840 --> 00:32:37.060 Mä selecttit arias shown here on the map show for death wanted arias used 294 00:32:37.060 --> 00:32:45.160 and eira antis advantage antis advantage distincttion hasbeen madeby sentimenta analysis 295 00:32:45.160 --> 00:32:51.990 housing price lists and all show crime reportsoo have some social data sharing the 296 00:32:51.990 --> 00:32:59.320 background and ethics and watch jakomäki kontula DN easton. 297 00:32:59.320 --> 00:33:01.370 Helsinki. 298 00:33:01.370 --> 00:33:08.250 Quick background this ariasso s weekend sie eiran ger 299 00:33:08.250 --> 00:33:13.240 quit expensive tän kun tulee and jakomäki. 300 00:33:13.240 --> 00:33:21.440 MDN peltola ice berliner down with little bit explained, siis 301 00:33:21.440 --> 00:33:26.900 SL stat creatures and in jakomäkipat vissiin kontula. 302 00:33:26.900 --> 00:33:30.180 Te aqua it meni. 303 00:33:30.180 --> 00:33:38.660 MTV olson cards resort of the sensement analysis here and 304 00:33:38.660 --> 00:33:45.020 windows negative one. Ess creature presented for all of them. 305 00:33:45.020 --> 00:33:48.140 Siis. 306 00:33:48.140 --> 00:33:51.870 Terveellisissä ensimmäiset analysis list NTI took top 307 00:33:51.870 --> 00:33:54.570 ones se on even though steam heart. 308 00:33:54.570 --> 00:34:01.300 Will white white ei rajoita positiivi negatiivi siis two point three 309 00:34:01.300 --> 00:34:05.350 four tässä actually high prosentit for the positive list. 310 00:34:05.350 --> 00:34:09.830 And also here we jakomäki Inter negative one event. 311 00:34:09.830 --> 00:34:15.200 We have to point something with positive it because its the leading one in the negative 312 00:34:15.200 --> 00:34:21.990 kans päätti siis also about reminder that things anot black and white pattaya greater 313 00:34:21.990 --> 00:34:26.670 positive and negative discussion for all of the arias. 314 00:34:26.670 --> 00:34:33.390 Intressit in the great trends and patterns. 315 00:34:33.390 --> 00:34:37.830 Well, first select no ds and the north share mint church 316 00:34:37.830 --> 00:34:42.900 words by telematics olema vastaan. 317 00:34:42.900 --> 00:34:51.610 Basic form of the word word that include all the possible connection, all forms show. 318 00:34:51.610 --> 00:34:57.440 My search words were eira töölö kontula and jakomäki. 319 00:34:57.440 --> 00:35:04.370 Äidit collection analysis sitten windows of five and we se onment tätä disco locations where 320 00:35:04.370 --> 00:35:12.840 aloud to be maximum of worlds away from the selected word and had the collection frequency 321 00:35:12.840 --> 00:35:20.290 with the need to occur in the windowtumisten time to be xseptit. 322 00:35:20.290 --> 00:35:27.480 Hän tajusi emma isco vitsi tai m intressit in the content words and not. 323 00:35:27.480 --> 00:35:35.810 Natt of every words like predictions articles example. 324 00:35:35.810 --> 00:35:41.870 Valitaan viitsitte discourse prosenttia kategoriasäätiön of disco locate sote tematiikka 325 00:35:41.870 --> 00:35:50.390 kategoriation and context bäst approaches mestat discord cats 326 00:35:50.390 --> 00:36:00.640 were categorized based on the meaning in the context versus definition tehtävien dictionary. 327 00:36:00.640 --> 00:36:09.440 Anders olsson sote evaluation every aspect ven vitis kaste mm quality NTNT 328 00:36:09.440 --> 00:36:15.990 was close reading pitkä categories and concordia siis specify de discordis. 329 00:36:15.990 --> 00:36:18.060 Teen tytär resorts. 330 00:36:18.060 --> 00:36:22.980 Sovit eira töölö and jakomäki jukan siitä colors here 331 00:36:22.980 --> 00:36:26.690 with all the place oltiinko niinpä huge. 332 00:36:26.690 --> 00:36:32.230 Must collage sw sam other places suomen video jokabot places with account 333 00:36:32.230 --> 00:36:38.510 other play siis tän terve services connect mä teen mä halusin vocabulary 334 00:36:38.510 --> 00:36:42.390 and also people and some other small groups. 335 00:36:42.390 --> 00:36:47.730 The fokus on helper for best groups. 336 00:36:47.730 --> 00:36:52.730 And sour relative persons because the datasets were differences 337 00:36:52.730 --> 00:36:57.880 shower Twitter presentedges ja. 338 00:36:57.880 --> 00:37:03.240 Se on festival baltic air and toilet TA related to arias investoinnit Helsinki 339 00:37:03.240 --> 00:37:08.200 tätä couture reputation slide punavuori lauttasaari, ullanlinna. 340 00:37:08.200 --> 00:37:14.720 Wille kontulan jakomäki, related to the areas in Helsinki with more conditioner reputation 341 00:37:14.720 --> 00:37:20.880 like malmi pukinmäki and konala im sorry about the text coaching. 342 00:37:20.880 --> 00:37:25.400 Pefletit difficulty read mä tässä mikään siinä the map. 343 00:37:25.400 --> 00:37:29.950 Teidn own lap. 344 00:37:29.950 --> 00:37:38.190 Teen alte aria share colgate eira kallio vuosaari and kontula anti saa my basam 345 00:37:38.190 --> 00:37:46.220 critical point point of reference because in the data terve olo show lite polarisaation like 346 00:37:46.220 --> 00:37:55.780 the classroom eiratu kontula RST extreme opposition of the arias Helsinki might have. 347 00:37:55.780 --> 00:38:05.840 Peltolantie TV, private and public services in eira and töölö terve quite meni private medical 348 00:38:05.840 --> 00:38:14.100 operations hospitals patrol also physical activity Culture business related 349 00:38:14.100 --> 00:38:22.280 cable willin kontula terve alkoholiksi grillibaahaven babs 350 00:38:22.280 --> 00:38:26.660 soveri alkohol centered. Discussion. 351 00:38:26.660 --> 00:38:33.580 Ääntenin jakomäki, also mosley. Siis. 352 00:38:33.580 --> 00:38:43.320 Public servicesodistus quite cleantion of the colgate between the arias. 353 00:38:43.320 --> 00:38:52.600 Teen housing vihaat turns from c viivytys ovat bicol sovit eira anttola 354 00:38:52.600 --> 00:38:59.970 price of these areas, wash visible ja vastaa off välieräparitment penthouse, stone 355 00:38:59.970 --> 00:39:08.200 house c, wwf and so forth willin con tulee and jakomäki firstfal dt sai siis 356 00:39:08.200 --> 00:39:13.200 of the apartments, intubaatio amor että jos tube apartments. 357 00:39:13.200 --> 00:39:15.110 Instead. 358 00:39:15.110 --> 00:39:22.830 Off stone houses and such patosalmi show Inter patentteja 359 00:39:22.830 --> 00:39:27.410 moi expensive two and in kontula. 360 00:39:27.410 --> 00:39:36.230 Tässä also alex birds and discussion of old house related ovat canmore, oxford. 361 00:39:36.230 --> 00:39:43.670 NN kuitu pyörätie wordsin jakomäki tai konkreettisia by cows soviet cycle. 362 00:39:43.670 --> 00:39:52.040 So you can make the way to talk about housing in the fifth arias itse quit 363 00:39:52.040 --> 00:39:57.570 different. Sen viedä mobility. 364 00:39:57.570 --> 00:40:03.370 Jes tiesin nature of the biggestvansa ovat itsessään kvalitatiivistenction 365 00:40:03.370 --> 00:40:06.830 so we dogit herschel. 366 00:40:06.830 --> 00:40:15.570 Eira vihaavan expensive välin jakomäki viiveitä forble kaapelisin 367 00:40:15.570 --> 00:40:22.470 working distance of the centre subway bicycles troms and so forth willin 368 00:40:22.470 --> 00:40:30.950 kontulaan jakomäki tietysti siis taksi vocabulary tattis related to the bar 369 00:40:30.950 --> 00:40:37.970 discussion like you taka taxi after after evening bar. 370 00:40:37.970 --> 00:40:43.150 Me oltiin tietysti differenceation vai beetle features and criminality. 371 00:40:43.150 --> 00:40:50.780 Lakin air and world v quit meni names of science legs. 372 00:40:50.780 --> 00:40:56.780 MDV about expensiveness ridge, apple watchipel. 373 00:40:56.780 --> 00:41:01.600 Annin there also flames pebble. 374 00:41:01.600 --> 00:41:04.970 Me oltiin chal eikö siistin töölö? 375 00:41:04.970 --> 00:41:08.700 Se on itse asiassa, että suomessa discussion that people from the lego 376 00:41:08.700 --> 00:41:15.570 chal puh people go to chal to tell because chilessä on tul. 377 00:41:15.570 --> 00:41:23.990 MDN siis bank groupperia vas one time one time occasion but it was itsensä topic. 378 00:41:23.990 --> 00:41:30.470 Mikä on sitten hapetin töölö sovikaan think it was the beach colgate effe hapentiin 379 00:41:30.470 --> 00:41:38.530 kontula on jakomäki bathpell kontula these words like gang trunk 380 00:41:38.530 --> 00:41:47.220 concord the spectre discussion of immigrants coq traces discussion of immigrants. 381 00:41:47.220 --> 00:41:53.070 Sen words like jungbam show forth. 382 00:41:53.070 --> 00:42:01.750 Andyn jakomäki, need of lovers, anders olsson britti similar carry about 383 00:42:01.750 --> 00:42:03.910 cepol. 384 00:42:03.910 --> 00:42:13.260 Se on hiekan also see how chalk about the pool holly this arias iskua different. 385 00:42:13.260 --> 00:42:16.300 Se on evento cross pro ses ashamed. 386 00:42:16.300 --> 00:42:23.050 Where's tech and have different points of house sliding telan eira toistiching 387 00:42:23.050 --> 00:42:28.980 of vocabulary and discussion for eleet living willing kontulan jakomäki 388 00:42:28.980 --> 00:42:34.610 the words more ja stigmatisoi sing. 389 00:42:34.610 --> 00:42:43.540 Marginaalisina dies arias antis material reality of the bee reflect the. 390 00:42:43.540 --> 00:42:48.360 Hän itsekin lit mai hepat this two. 391 00:42:48.360 --> 00:42:52.310 And the differenceation between the place is records struct 392 00:42:52.310 --> 00:42:56.360 across the discourse processors, and. 393 00:42:56.360 --> 00:43:04.090 One thing phone katso addict lights is the actual desc source research there so 394 00:43:04.090 --> 00:43:12.200 we location of this crossdresserdies vissiin the one discord underlying everything 395 00:43:12.200 --> 00:43:20.280 ice discourse of wealth and corners se on itse bout vetterpel cafezing 396 00:43:20.280 --> 00:43:28.180 OITA ridge ofw condo for samthing antajaa pur sotilas welch ist. 397 00:43:28.180 --> 00:43:31.290 Waiting factor with all of this? 398 00:43:31.290 --> 00:43:39.170 Kategoria all of discourse process, which makes the discourse of this. 399 00:43:39.170 --> 00:43:43.460 Stadi. 400 00:43:43.460 --> 00:43:52.960 Tän aivot like you have lykät sam mother research using this method. 401 00:43:52.960 --> 00:43:59.850 Teos one finnish to english examples, stay in the folder in moodle. 402 00:43:59.850 --> 00:44:06.700 Pätevyys ESN oli siis example of how homoseksuaalit and heteroseksuaality 403 00:44:06.700 --> 00:44:10.940 discount niin online discussions. 404 00:44:10.940 --> 00:44:17.890 MTN töissä mä first doctoral article about. 405 00:44:17.890 --> 00:44:23.530 Digital discord, siis of the capital richard of finland hevi inspecta 406 00:44:23.530 --> 00:44:29.460 words, Helsinki, Vantaa and Espoo anin the second article. 407 00:44:29.460 --> 00:44:36.240 Viehätti snabbt the first one vas helsinkiin vaan tähän Espoo info intressi niin taat. 408 00:44:36.240 --> 00:44:43.500 NN, which sample of representation of micro and in the UKAN italian press. 409 00:44:43.500 --> 00:44:49.580 But you don't find one of these particularly interesting, joka 410 00:44:49.580 --> 00:44:54.570 on all right to find a paper relevant to your feed. 411 00:44:54.570 --> 00:44:59.720 Using. Siis method. 412 00:44:59.720 --> 00:45:07.150 Anta, benny, you have the match live like you two disc school groups. 413 00:45:07.150 --> 00:45:13.510 Quick tätä haspel just and what questions app presidentit the daytävät ateria resorts and 414 00:45:13.510 --> 00:45:21.570 by stitch method used in the so i give you mini design paper tuo 415 00:45:21.570 --> 00:45:30.200 excelin dont expect you to reddit rooli because we dont March time but like five tän minis. 416 00:45:30.200 --> 00:45:34.510 Asking the article landin. 417 00:45:34.510 --> 00:45:41.730 Tiskasin dis and will create and now for breakout rooms. 418 00:45:41.730 --> 00:45:49.170 Nämä one for the first article number two for the second number three for the first and number 419 00:45:49.170 --> 00:45:57.270 fore somebody on two trip to find mother paper using catch any questions 420 00:45:57.270 --> 00:46:04.420 for. Everything clear. 421 00:46:04.420 --> 00:46:13.980 You know what to do? Choose article and will decrease. 422 00:46:13.980 --> 00:46:22.990 The breakout rooms. Se on haju room. 423 00:46:22.990 --> 00:46:32.330 Ajax actually name? Name the rooms according to the articles. 424 00:46:32.330 --> 00:46:36.570 Hei no velho ai hope event on ainoa. 425 00:46:36.570 --> 00:46:42.940 Nyt alat kaitala of new information and you terminology, but hope the case 426 00:46:42.940 --> 00:46:51.180 study and group discussions you now have and idea what is internal plus 427 00:46:51.180 --> 00:46:57.950 studies and also ovat corpus assisted discord dies. 428 00:46:57.950 --> 00:47:01.560 Vaikka benny atte qualitative aspectuit. 429 00:47:01.560 --> 00:47:07.520 En nyt siitä pitkän beast malti designer also to compare different languages, 430 00:47:07.520 --> 00:47:14.630 cultures even different kind of mediafoorum soit can be just quit. 431 00:47:14.630 --> 00:47:19.360 Koitat the difference things. 432 00:47:19.360 --> 00:47:25.350 Tuosta mini tai kolmekymmentäneljä lights olet sunrise what actually voitettu 433 00:47:25.350 --> 00:47:33.600 entistä lecture sovimme tiskiaine fc slide so the moment you. 434 00:47:33.600 --> 00:47:37.080 Jes just meni. Oit. 435 00:47:37.080 --> 00:47:42.750 Stop sharing for reason. OK, do you siitä minä? 436 00:47:42.750 --> 00:47:46.870 Jes OK se menee vielä cbg teitä. 437 00:47:46.870 --> 00:47:53.870 Meillä familiatic perspective and social social perspective, että enables 438 00:47:53.870 --> 00:47:59.870 astui explore hiden structures and meanings and this hiden structures and 439 00:47:59.870 --> 00:48:06.090 meanings ai me discord prosessorista että vie. 440 00:48:06.090 --> 00:48:10.220 Moi että jes what? 441 00:48:10.220 --> 00:48:16.400 Watching of discord siis tagged research words katwen vituiks, statistical 442 00:48:16.400 --> 00:48:21.990 by collection analysis www.cannot into fly. Se ei. 443 00:48:21.990 --> 00:48:26.750 Match collage, which have this computational analysis behind it. 444 00:48:26.750 --> 00:48:33.040 So what exploring and revealing structures? Mikä on ollut suomeksi? 445 00:48:33.040 --> 00:48:40.310 Camping of generations from these cora and because say of largecan 446 00:48:40.310 --> 00:48:45.790 just nätisti 3 first and old school cobra just the train different 447 00:48:45.790 --> 00:48:50.400 kind of ai, charles and language models. 448 00:48:50.400 --> 00:48:56.660 Puolelta challenges that we have limited context because the most of the 449 00:48:56.660 --> 00:49:02.160 time only have technical coe text and we need to care more. 450 00:49:02.160 --> 00:49:08.990 Day two have the cultural context context that goes beyond the next. 451 00:49:08.990 --> 00:49:11.820 We are inspection. 452 00:49:11.820 --> 00:49:16.790 Äänten meni times we do big data analysis was only 453 00:49:16.790 --> 00:49:21.210 Inter greatest etikalla quantitative. 454 00:49:21.210 --> 00:49:25.510 Directions with really going into the quality of part 455 00:49:25.510 --> 00:49:29.480 like in my case study, should you. 456 00:49:29.480 --> 00:49:33.460 Mä meen by actually go back there. Sovikaan. 457 00:49:33.460 --> 00:49:42.850 Siit la cer casita että? Places is bestisch pressure for all. 458 00:49:42.850 --> 00:49:47.750 All of the. Thousandber hotspotteja kun valitatte. 459 00:49:47.750 --> 00:49:55.280 Differences lakrits air and tools DV moreliatit the westön Helsinki arias jakomäki, kontula 460 00:49:55.280 --> 00:50:02.690 varrellatit more action and northern part of Helsinki and so forth. 461 00:50:02.690 --> 00:50:06.490 L scroll back. 462 00:50:06.490 --> 00:50:12.700 Joo and old school challenges, processing, storying lage dataset. 463 00:50:12.700 --> 00:50:20.090 Laki silitys iskening easier and more organic twitch defend infrastructure. 464 00:50:20.090 --> 00:50:24.210 Project. But also show. 465 00:50:24.210 --> 00:50:31.130 The challenges isät cisco intel hd understanding of the nom nom like the graphic 466 00:50:31.130 --> 00:50:35.230 research and discourse analysis records and case studies. 467 00:50:35.230 --> 00:50:42.100 TAR qt difficult to crash housing designing of methods. 468 00:50:42.100 --> 00:50:44.270 Kaupas assis. 469 00:50:44.270 --> 00:50:49.830 Discourse analysis is perfect just corps analysis mikä sitten on soothing 470 00:50:49.830 --> 00:50:58.540 you count the qualitative side and combine ahdistifeld approach two 471 00:50:58.540 --> 00:51:04.140 macs the places and minimis the witness of this. 472 00:51:04.140 --> 00:51:07.440 This two approaches. 473 00:51:07.440 --> 00:51:12.740 Android demonstration aivot like you select xmin. 474 00:51:12.740 --> 00:51:18.180 Tän sourcing search word relevant to your topics ovat 475 00:51:18.180 --> 00:51:21.580 vielä kovin to do you going to search? 476 00:51:21.580 --> 00:51:29.600 Joo search from jo corpus se on jo need two pick up and select town and all sodan 477 00:51:29.600 --> 00:51:37.490 loud and connect to your computer connecttime live have the data will have word looking 478 00:51:37.490 --> 00:51:44.960 into NN we have the software going to you and we have time viiville all so. 479 00:51:44.960 --> 00:51:49.290 Ehkä luokat this program colt kollotin päättää tasan the guardianin 480 00:51:49.290 --> 00:51:53.800 installation static webpage webpage. 481 00:51:53.800 --> 00:51:59.340 Hiukan also find all siis is from finnish finnish light 482 00:51:59.340 --> 00:52:03.750 ages to change lähtee että into references. 483 00:52:03.750 --> 00:52:07.810 Päätyykö find the reference list here and ol so. 484 00:52:07.810 --> 00:52:15.750 Aivos using, että diesel translate flight from finnish english. 485 00:52:15.750 --> 00:52:19.830 Tyhjiö haveniin questions for me. 486 00:52:19.830 --> 00:52:31.980 Right now am sorry, one minit over time. 487 00:52:31.980 --> 00:52:35.970 Joo hän alkoi imeä mä ihmeellisin tässä slides. 488 00:52:35.970 --> 00:52:44.180 Entä first light and then will thank you and we will you is there on monday.