WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: fi 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.390 thank you very much and very nice to be 2 00:00:05.390 --> 00:00:10.060 with all you here today and for the last two days, yesterday and today 3 00:00:10.060 --> 00:00:15.140 I'm very happy to be here, I'm very happy to have the room for the view of the 4 00:00:15.140 --> 00:00:20.360 students in the end of the seminar and to deliver the closing words for you all. We've had some very 5 00:00:20.360 --> 00:00:25.210 inspiring discussions and some good ideas delivered today and I'd like to provide maybe one more 6 00:00:25.210 --> 00:00:31.650 point of view to this discussion as well as wrapping up this event 7 00:00:31.650 --> 00:00:35.400 so, um I think 8 00:00:35.400 --> 00:00:40.430 it's very great that we are so committed to these issues and I'm very happy to hear 9 00:00:40.430 --> 00:00:45.850 about the different things the universities and the scientific community is doing at the moment 10 00:00:45.850 --> 00:00:50.150 it also gives us students, I think, um, we are a big part of 11 00:00:50.150 --> 00:00:55.770 that job and it gives us also some inspiration to 12 00:00:55.770 --> 00:01:01.120 work with the universities and also to, in collaboration, make these things heard 13 00:01:01.120 --> 00:01:06.650 for example, the theses on sustainable development and responsibility are, I think 14 00:01:06.650 --> 00:01:12.090 a big advantagement, big advantage which we can provide together 15 00:01:12.090 --> 00:01:13.640 I looked at all the strategies of the universities 16 00:01:13.640 --> 00:01:18.900 and I'm very happy that in all of those we can 17 00:01:18.900 --> 00:01:23.940 see some very important values and some very important action which is delivered 18 00:01:23.940 --> 00:01:29.190 so that is very nice but one point of view I would like to provide 19 00:01:29.190 --> 00:01:33.970 to this discussion is that as we have seen, as we 20 00:01:33.970 --> 00:01:38.910 have heard, we all know the curves, we all know the facts 21 00:01:38.910 --> 00:01:43.930 the situation is very urgent with the climate and with these sustainability crises and we have 22 00:01:43.930 --> 00:01:49.190 to act now but what more can we do, and what state of mind could we like 23 00:01:49.190 --> 00:01:54.380 bring something more about, so I would like to provide to you as a student 24 00:01:54.380 --> 00:01:59.980 activist and that point of view is exactly that, activism 25 00:01:59.980 --> 00:02:03.880 I think the state of mind of activism is something that 26 00:02:03.880 --> 00:02:08.840 in society and the universities could maybe gain even more, um 27 00:02:08.840 --> 00:02:15.090 by getting that state of mind mentally, in tackling these issues 28 00:02:15.090 --> 00:02:18.660 I'm an optimist myself 29 00:02:18.660 --> 00:02:23.010 but at these times I see that sometimes it's very hard to have 30 00:02:23.010 --> 00:02:28.250 some optimism in the future as a member of a younger generation, we hear about all the crises 31 00:02:28.250 --> 00:02:32.860 that's coming, regarding environment, regarding biodiversity and also 32 00:02:32.860 --> 00:02:37.150 mental health crisis and all these visions of the welfare state 33 00:02:37.150 --> 00:02:42.450 collapsing, for example which are heard in the society, but one thing which gives me optimism 34 00:02:42.450 --> 00:02:47.410 is the global climate movement of youth and students for example 35 00:02:47.410 --> 00:02:52.430 and, this is me ten years ago, not, didn't have a beard 36 00:02:52.430 --> 00:02:57.640 then but, if I think about myself I remember 37 00:02:57.640 --> 00:03:02.530 climate issues have always been a big inspiration for me in getting 38 00:03:02.530 --> 00:03:07.620 involved in these things as a student activist and being involved in the society 39 00:03:07.620 --> 00:03:12.550 but when was younger, ten years ago, there was no such thing as global youth sustainability movement 40 00:03:12.550 --> 00:03:17.670 I remember being quite alone with these issues, of course there were friends I were discussing with 41 00:03:17.670 --> 00:03:22.460 and these things were shown in media somewhat but I think 42 00:03:22.460 --> 00:03:27.400 the thing that gives me optimism today is that people like me ten 43 00:03:27.400 --> 00:03:33.560 years ago don't have to be alone. Youth have the chance to feel the sense of community, to be a part of something bigger 44 00:03:33.560 --> 00:03:39.020 and together to get our voices heard, so, so that's a big advantage today 45 00:03:39.020 --> 00:03:44.390 we have seen these footages, the movement is global, it's getting hot in 46 00:03:44.390 --> 00:03:49.630 here, ah these forest fires for example, these horrible imagery we have seen it 47 00:03:49.630 --> 00:03:54.830 through this year, through the summer everywhere and, as I said we know the facts 48 00:03:54.830 --> 00:03:59.750 and we really do have the solutions to solve these things, it's all about acting and it's 49 00:03:59.750 --> 00:04:04.930 all about taking the leadership, and it comes from the government, from 50 00:04:04.930 --> 00:04:09.930 the officials, and from the political side 51 00:04:09.930 --> 00:04:15.690 and students as I said, are a part of this movement and I hope that we can bring something 52 00:04:15.690 --> 00:04:19.970 new to this discussion and and I hope that we can use the power we have 53 00:04:19.970 --> 00:04:25.210 the power or force, the power of, of this generation policy and standing 54 00:04:25.210 --> 00:04:30.010 up for the future and for the future generations and I hope that 55 00:04:30.010 --> 00:04:35.090 together with the universities we can also continue this work of getting the voice heard and getting 56 00:04:35.090 --> 00:04:40.000 the voice of science heard, because as we all known there's a big problem in 57 00:04:40.000 --> 00:04:45.190 in society regarding, um, that we have known these facts for quite a long time 58 00:04:45.190 --> 00:04:50.330 and we do have the knowledge to solve the climate crisis but we need to 59 00:04:50.330 --> 00:04:55.060 really, really get the governments to act and 60 00:04:55.060 --> 00:05:00.010 I think the best way to do it is through activism at this moment since the situation is so urgent. We can't 61 00:05:00.010 --> 00:05:05.000 wait for, we can't only be optimistic and wait that these things will get solved in 62 00:05:05.000 --> 00:05:09.770 in some time because the more time we take the more urgent this thing becomes 63 00:05:09.770 --> 00:05:14.730 and the more damage we do to our planet which can't be maybe 64 00:05:14.730 --> 00:05:19.230 solved completely in the future as we have heard 65 00:05:19.230 --> 00:05:23.970 yeah, and these imagery before the corona crisis, um 66 00:05:23.970 --> 00:05:27.590 are well known for us all 67 00:05:27.590 --> 00:05:32.800 and this is going on, so what I would like to 68 00:05:32.800 --> 00:05:37.690 point out is that the voice of the younger generations, this movement is getting 69 00:05:37.690 --> 00:05:43.200 bigger and bigger, the main point is to learn to listen. To learn to listen to the science, to learn to listen to 70 00:05:43.200 --> 00:05:47.930 younger generations and also based on that, act now 71 00:05:47.930 --> 00:05:53.130 and that is the point of view that activism can bring to the society 72 00:05:53.130 --> 00:05:58.100 at this stage, and this is the big question we shall talk about, we at SYL 73 00:05:58.100 --> 00:06:02.890 we like to talk about sukupolvipolitiikka, generation policy, so 74 00:06:02.890 --> 00:06:08.680 the generation before us, generations, um, before 75 00:06:08.680 --> 00:06:12.910 these generations now have left us the welfare state but what is this generation 76 00:06:12.910 --> 00:06:17.910 going to leave, going to give for the future generations, because 77 00:06:17.910 --> 00:06:23.430 as I said we basically have only visions of horror and destruction and 78 00:06:23.430 --> 00:06:28.910 and pessimism so I don't think it's a big surprise that the youth is, if we look at mental health 79 00:06:28.910 --> 00:06:34.430 statistics I don't think it's a surprise the youth is not doing so well these days, because we, I believe we don't 80 00:06:34.430 --> 00:06:39.610 have much optimism to offer to them which is a very sad thing 81 00:06:39.610 --> 00:06:44.990 but as I said, I'm an optimist and there's always hope and 82 00:06:44.990 --> 00:06:50.520 if we act now and if we do the things necessary we can give hope to the future generations 83 00:06:50.520 --> 00:06:55.640 we can provide the best case scenario, it, I think, um 84 00:06:55.640 --> 00:07:00.680 we can't change the past but we can change the future from now on, from this moment on, and for the years 85 00:07:00.680 --> 00:07:05.560 to come and we need to be very urgent and we need to be very determined 86 00:07:05.560 --> 00:07:10.670 in his work. I have, I think I've given some um 87 00:07:10.670 --> 00:07:15.060 a bit grim scenarios of the future in here, but 88 00:07:15.060 --> 00:07:19.600 I always like to end on a high note, and there's also one rule I like to 89 00:07:19.600 --> 00:07:24.110 live by and that rule is always end your presentation with cute pictures 90 00:07:24.110 --> 00:07:26.800 of animals. Thank you very much!