WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: fi 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.560 Good morning, 2 00:00:04.560 --> 00:00:09.920 Everybody else is here except Vesa Kupari is joining us online 3 00:00:09.920 --> 00:00:13.410 and Vesa, can you hear us? 4 00:00:13.410 --> 00:00:18.900 - Yes I do. - Now we cannot hear you. 5 00:00:18.900 --> 00:00:23.130 Okay now we can hear 6 00:00:23.130 --> 00:00:27.770 so let's go, you can start 7 00:00:27.770 --> 00:00:32.530 We have here Linda Saukko-Rauta who is doing this live 8 00:00:32.530 --> 00:00:37.170 imaging for us. 9 00:00:37.170 --> 00:00:42.370 Live sketching, sorry. Okay, Vesa, please go ahead. 10 00:00:42.370 --> 00:00:46.630 so do I have fifteen minutes to go? 11 00:00:46.630 --> 00:00:49.880 is it fifteen minutes? 12 00:00:49.880 --> 00:00:55.750 - Maximum fifteen minutes. - Maximum, alright. 13 00:00:55.750 --> 00:01:01.350 Hello everyone, my name is Vesa Kupari and I'm in charge of the financial investments of 14 00:01:01.350 --> 00:01:07.000 university of Jyväskylä and I was running the panel yesterday 15 00:01:07.000 --> 00:01:12.930 about responsibility in financial investments 16 00:01:12.930 --> 00:01:18.230 of universities. And I lost my voice and it hasn't 17 00:01:18.230 --> 00:01:23.730 returned yet but hopefully you can hear something. 18 00:01:23.730 --> 00:01:29.580 Okay, so the panelists were from two universities, meaning Helsinki university and Aalto university 19 00:01:29.580 --> 00:01:34.640 and from three asset managers, one from Stockholm, SEB 20 00:01:34.640 --> 00:01:39.420 one from Helsinki, Evli, and one from Oslo 21 00:01:39.420 --> 00:01:44.540 Storebrand. And in the beginning we had 22 00:01:44.540 --> 00:01:49.830 a discussion about the wide concept of responsibility, what does it actually 23 00:01:49.830 --> 00:01:54.890 mean with investments because there are 24 00:01:54.890 --> 00:02:00.200 some cases that somebody might think that we should only focus on carbon neutrality and environment but 25 00:02:00.200 --> 00:02:04.970 we agreed that we have a wider concept 26 00:02:04.970 --> 00:02:09.800 meaning E - environment, S - social, G - governance 27 00:02:09.800 --> 00:02:14.810 and of course the financial element 28 00:02:14.810 --> 00:02:19.440 we are not able to lose the money of universities but 29 00:02:19.440 --> 00:02:24.360 we are accountable to the university community and 30 00:02:24.360 --> 00:02:29.490 to increase the wealth of universities. Okay we have the three 31 00:02:29.490 --> 00:02:34.390 wide topics or themes 32 00:02:34.390 --> 00:02:39.020 the first one was how to set responsibility 33 00:02:39.020 --> 00:02:43.770 targets for ESG dimensions 34 00:02:43.770 --> 00:02:48.910 and the discussion was extremely interesting 35 00:02:48.910 --> 00:02:54.190 and it was a bit hard to try to summarize it but I tried, and 36 00:02:54.190 --> 00:02:59.300 first of all, those targets should be set to 37 00:02:59.300 --> 00:03:04.610 should be based on the values and the missions of the organization who is setting those 38 00:03:04.610 --> 00:03:08.880 secondly, the world is the extremely 39 00:03:08.880 --> 00:03:13.970 complicated but we have to try to make some kind of 40 00:03:13.970 --> 00:03:18.900 impact with the help of investments. Currently 41 00:03:18.900 --> 00:03:24.150 the ESG ratings they are not at all consistent, there's hardly any coherence 42 00:03:24.150 --> 00:03:28.880 in the ratings between different service providers, so that 43 00:03:28.880 --> 00:03:33.880 the quality at the moment is I would say poor, but it's getting better 44 00:03:33.880 --> 00:03:36.340 step by step. 45 00:03:36.340 --> 00:03:42.080 and then we agreed that basically also concrete actions are needed 46 00:03:42.080 --> 00:03:47.270 like exclusion of heavy coal or oil 47 00:03:47.270 --> 00:03:52.890 producers but that is not the only way to do it 48 00:03:52.890 --> 00:03:57.640 definitely not. And in spite of the fact 49 00:03:57.640 --> 00:04:03.160 that there are major data quality problems, some measurement definitely 50 00:04:03.160 --> 00:04:08.190 is needed and it should be reported 51 00:04:08.190 --> 00:04:13.670 transparently so that everybody can see how the 52 00:04:13.670 --> 00:04:18.730 development is actually progressing 53 00:04:18.730 --> 00:04:23.300 and when we are talking about financial investments 54 00:04:23.300 --> 00:04:27.680 our quarter is twenty-five years 55 00:04:27.680 --> 00:04:32.980 for somebody else dealing with space it's 56 00:04:32.980 --> 00:04:37.770 two hundred and fifty years but our 57 00:04:37.770 --> 00:04:43.470 quarter is twenty-five years so that's short enough 58 00:04:43.470 --> 00:04:47.830 Okay and then we had a case example at the end of this session 59 00:04:47.830 --> 00:04:52.960 based on our case 60 00:04:52.960 --> 00:04:58.260 the university of Jyväskylä, we have a widely globally diversified portfolio, we have 61 00:04:58.260 --> 00:05:03.060 several asset managers, hundreds of funds, thousands of companies 62 00:05:03.060 --> 00:05:08.100 and the question was would it be reasonable to set targets 63 00:05:08.100 --> 00:05:13.130 to these ESG dimensions based on one 64 00:05:13.130 --> 00:05:17.900 although imperfect key performance indicator 65 00:05:17.900 --> 00:05:23.140 provided by one of the most credible service providers 66 00:05:23.140 --> 00:05:28.240 like NSCI or Morningstar. And basically 67 00:05:28.240 --> 00:05:33.230 the most important thing is to follow up if the direction of changes 68 00:05:33.230 --> 00:05:38.020 is proceeding as 69 00:05:38.020 --> 00:05:43.150 we are targeting. Well these were the questions and 70 00:05:43.150 --> 00:05:48.070 the answers were interesting. Somebody dared to 71 00:05:48.070 --> 00:05:53.410 say this might be possible and ESG 72 00:05:53.410 --> 00:05:58.690 rating is getting better. Some others said that 73 00:05:58.690 --> 00:06:03.160 long term approach might be reasonable and 74 00:06:03.160 --> 00:06:08.110 he was setting the question that 75 00:06:08.110 --> 00:06:14.380 what is actually the role of asset managers in this kind of widely diversified portfolio 76 00:06:14.380 --> 00:06:19.880 and those are good questions but we don't have the right answers yet 77 00:06:19.880 --> 00:06:25.310 Okay, how many minuted do I have, two topics 78 00:06:25.310 --> 00:06:30.520 left, so carbon neutrality was the second one and 79 00:06:30.520 --> 00:06:35.800 first question was should we exclude industries 80 00:06:35.800 --> 00:06:40.840 or companies, and general agreement was that that would be 81 00:06:40.840 --> 00:06:45.940 only the last choice. We have to focus on supply 82 00:06:45.940 --> 00:06:51.210 chain and not on individual company, we can even ask what is a carbon 83 00:06:51.210 --> 00:06:56.360 neutral company? it's not that easy to answer that question 84 00:06:56.360 --> 00:07:01.170 and if companies are 85 00:07:01.170 --> 00:07:05.690 or investors are excluded from our investment portfolio, it has 86 00:07:05.690 --> 00:07:10.230 to be defined transparently in a way that the 87 00:07:10.230 --> 00:07:14.980 we really know what you are excluding and what you are not excluding 88 00:07:14.980 --> 00:07:19.340 so that nobody can say that we are only doing greenwashing 89 00:07:19.340 --> 00:07:24.500 so then the next question was what is the meaning or importance of 90 00:07:24.500 --> 00:07:29.390 transition funds, generally it 91 00:07:29.390 --> 00:07:34.740 was agreed that it would be better to have direct impact but on the 92 00:07:34.740 --> 00:07:39.720 other hand it's usually impossible. There are basically 93 00:07:39.720 --> 00:07:44.750 a huge variety of impact funds with 94 00:07:44.750 --> 00:07:49.660 various quality I would say 95 00:07:49.660 --> 00:07:54.380 and at the moment there are quite a limited number 96 00:07:54.380 --> 00:07:59.440 of carbon transitional funds available right now and 97 00:07:59.440 --> 00:08:04.700 the basic question is that if you want to be an active or passive 98 00:08:04.700 --> 00:08:09.370 investor, if you are a passive investor 99 00:08:09.370 --> 00:08:13.960 then it is very difficult to have direct impact, but 100 00:08:13.960 --> 00:08:18.780 as we understand, most of us are passive investors because 101 00:08:18.780 --> 00:08:23.630 if we are dealing with diversified portfolios, nothing else is possible, at least 102 00:08:23.630 --> 00:08:27.590 at the university of Jyväskylä 103 00:08:27.590 --> 00:08:33.980 but then there was an interesting question, how did the 104 00:08:33.980 --> 00:08:39.680 panelists see the role carbon emission compensation 105 00:08:39.680 --> 00:08:44.790 and four panelists and me said no, they don't have 106 00:08:44.790 --> 00:08:50.040 they don't play any role and only one 107 00:08:50.040 --> 00:08:55.010 panelist said that yes, they might play some kind of a role and 108 00:08:55.010 --> 00:08:59.830 she explained it more that compensation should be the 109 00:08:59.830 --> 00:09:05.040 last resort, if the carbon neutrality is impossible to reach with other 110 00:09:05.040 --> 00:09:10.000 tools. So, not too easy. 111 00:09:10.000 --> 00:09:15.050 second interesting question was what did the panelists 112 00:09:15.050 --> 00:09:20.220 think what could be, what is their organisation's deadline for the carbon 113 00:09:20.220 --> 00:09:25.420 neutrality, meaning the scope 1 and 2 carbon neutrality 114 00:09:25.420 --> 00:09:29.900 meaning direct impact on emissions and no 115 00:09:29.900 --> 00:09:35.180 indirect impacts included. And this should be basically very easy one 116 00:09:35.180 --> 00:09:40.150 scope 1 and 2. The answers were, one 117 00:09:40.150 --> 00:09:45.090 said there is no exact year, one said 118 00:09:45.090 --> 00:09:50.740 2030, but there are huge question marks 119 00:09:50.740 --> 00:09:55.080 one said, well, it's impossible to say a 120 00:09:55.080 --> 00:10:00.900 year but we have to increase pace, one said 121 00:10:00.900 --> 00:10:05.180 2040, and one said 122 00:10:05.180 --> 00:10:10.100 2050 latest. 123 00:10:10.100 --> 00:10:15.140 And I answered 2035 because this is our proposal 124 00:10:15.140 --> 00:10:20.150 to the board of the University of Jyväskylä 125 00:10:20.150 --> 00:10:25.510 and let's hear what it shall be, but if that would be 126 00:10:25.510 --> 00:10:30.090 the target, it wouldn't be too easy 127 00:10:30.090 --> 00:10:35.370 and it's very tough compared with other targets that are set in the world 128 00:10:35.370 --> 00:10:39.060 okay and the final topic was 129 00:10:39.060 --> 00:10:43.790 biodiversity, so that I could crystallize it in 130 00:10:43.790 --> 00:10:48.630 one sentence, biodiversity is a very important 131 00:10:48.630 --> 00:10:53.230 issue but very difficult to measure and 132 00:10:53.230 --> 00:10:58.550 we are rally focusing on this issue but at that moment 133 00:10:58.550 --> 00:11:02.650 it's impossible to measure it in any reasonable way 134 00:11:02.650 --> 00:11:08.880 well, that's it, hopefully you could follow me to some extent. 135 00:11:08.880 --> 00:11:12.340 Thank you very much. 136 00:11:12.340 --> 00:11:18.660 Thank you very much Vesa. And now Eveliina, please 137 00:11:18.660 --> 00:11:23.470 from workshop 3 138 00:11:23.470 --> 00:11:29.450 139 00:11:29.450 --> 00:11:34.590 Okay, so I'm Eveliina Asikainen 140 00:11:34.590 --> 00:11:39.730 from Tampere university of applied sciences and I arrived here this morning. 141 00:11:39.730 --> 00:11:44.530 and so was leading the workshop on what is required of 142 00:11:44.530 --> 00:11:50.070 university teachers when bringing sustainability 143 00:11:50.070 --> 00:11:55.180 and responsibility to curricula. And we had a very vivid discussion 144 00:11:55.180 --> 00:12:00.180 and I'll start this summary by describing 145 00:12:00.180 --> 00:12:04.850 shortly the structure of our workshop and then 146 00:12:04.850 --> 00:12:09.710 I will wrap up the main results 147 00:12:09.710 --> 00:12:14.840 We had three parts, first one was a panel discussion hosted by two students of Tampere university of 148 00:12:14.840 --> 00:12:19.630 applied sciences, secondly we had a group work 149 00:12:19.630 --> 00:12:24.990 and third was a wrap-up talk by Meeri Karvinen from Aalto university 150 00:12:24.990 --> 00:12:30.370 The students, they asked teachers attending to the panel 151 00:12:30.370 --> 00:12:34.810 for example about reasons for not discussing sustainable development 152 00:12:34.810 --> 00:12:39.990 about the difficulties 153 00:12:39.990 --> 00:12:45.340 in addressing issues like social sustainability or inequalities 154 00:12:45.340 --> 00:12:50.180 about ways of bringing future into courses 155 00:12:50.180 --> 00:12:54.810 and classroom, and about ways of tackling issues 156 00:12:54.810 --> 00:12:59.910 like participation and change agency in practice 157 00:12:59.910 --> 00:13:05.560 on the courses. These are issues that they themselves somehow experienced 158 00:13:05.560 --> 00:13:09.880 difficult during their studies 159 00:13:09.880 --> 00:13:14.620 in the answers the teachers brought up commonly felt 160 00:13:14.620 --> 00:13:19.750 problems like having to reveal yourselves, your values 161 00:13:19.750 --> 00:13:24.030 or commitments comedians when you are discussing issues 162 00:13:24.030 --> 00:13:28.700 related to sustainable development as a teacher 163 00:13:28.700 --> 00:13:33.100 also about being uncertain 164 00:13:33.100 --> 00:13:36.860 whether you know enough or not 165 00:13:36.860 --> 00:13:43.090 and also finding the right scale of discussing the issues 166 00:13:43.090 --> 00:13:48.590 was difficult for some teachers and was mentioned as one of the problems 167 00:13:48.590 --> 00:13:51.640 168 00:13:51.640 --> 00:13:56.620 the second phase was a group work using a Flinga board shared 169 00:13:56.620 --> 00:14:01.820 with all groups and the groups were formed broadly according to 170 00:14:01.820 --> 00:14:06.480 disciplines so there was a group for science and technology, 171 00:14:06.480 --> 00:14:11.250 another for society and a third for education and then there was a fourth group for teachers 172 00:14:11.250 --> 00:14:16.130 who had an economics background 173 00:14:16.130 --> 00:14:22.110 the groups discussed problems, practices 174 00:14:22.110 --> 00:14:27.410 or structures which would facilitate sustainability education and good practices 175 00:14:27.410 --> 00:14:32.840 and then finally good practices which they had themselves developed 176 00:14:32.840 --> 00:14:38.360 and in these discussions curriculum 177 00:14:38.360 --> 00:14:44.190 development, sustainability education in teacher training 178 00:14:44.190 --> 00:14:48.890 and further education of teachers as well as discussions 179 00:14:48.890 --> 00:14:55.030 with other teachers, and enough time 180 00:14:55.030 --> 00:14:59.570 for discussions, allocating enough time for discussions 181 00:14:59.570 --> 00:15:05.380 were considered as important practices and structures 182 00:15:05.380 --> 00:15:09.950 helping to take sustainability into teaching 183 00:15:09.950 --> 00:15:15.420 all sorts of sustainable practices at campuses, 184 00:15:15.420 --> 00:15:20.170 shared values and psychological 185 00:15:20.170 --> 00:15:24.550 safety in the teaching situation 186 00:15:24.550 --> 00:15:29.370 came out as important structural 187 00:15:29.370 --> 00:15:34.120 prerequisites for successful sustainability education 188 00:15:34.120 --> 00:15:39.540 Finally, ability to 189 00:15:39.540 --> 00:15:43.890 dialogue, systemic thinking and learning by 190 00:15:43.890 --> 00:15:48.850 doing -attitude of the teacher were considered 191 00:15:48.850 --> 00:15:53.290 such personal capabilities which would 192 00:15:53.290 --> 00:15:58.090 facilitate sustainability education 193 00:15:58.090 --> 00:16:03.520 teachers also shared many good practices, many mentioned 194 00:16:03.520 --> 00:16:09.060 inter- or multidisciplinary courses or projects 195 00:16:09.060 --> 00:16:12.980 as an easy way to show that there are different kinds 196 00:16:12.980 --> 00:16:17.870 of knowledge and understandings of good solutions 197 00:16:17.870 --> 00:16:22.930 sustainable solutions in this case, and they also 198 00:16:22.930 --> 00:16:27.490 said that humor, hope, 199 00:16:27.490 --> 00:16:32.560 inspiration, and positivity, including positive 200 00:16:32.560 --> 00:16:37.020 imagination of futures are important 201 00:16:37.020 --> 00:16:41.880 attitudinal good practices 202 00:16:41.880 --> 00:16:46.600 and thirdly, it is important to show 203 00:16:46.600 --> 00:16:50.020 what has been accomplished 204 00:16:50.020 --> 00:16:54.270 through examples from working life or research 205 00:16:54.270 --> 00:17:00.700 we have to be able to motivate, not to despair our students 206 00:17:00.700 --> 00:17:05.120 and we have to make the students understand 207 00:17:05.120 --> 00:17:11.430 that we need all the essential stakeholders to solve the wicked problems 208 00:17:11.430 --> 00:17:15.550 co-operation of teachers, co-teaching, 209 00:17:15.550 --> 00:17:20.470 and discussing teaching experiments are already used in many 210 00:17:20.470 --> 00:17:25.650 higher education institutions to share good practices 211 00:17:25.650 --> 00:17:31.510 the third part was Meeri Karvinen's wrap-up talk 212 00:17:31.510 --> 00:17:37.400 which connected the workshop with concepts and research. She talked 213 00:17:37.400 --> 00:17:43.130 about three levels of change-making; political, personal, and practical. 214 00:17:43.130 --> 00:17:48.110 Political and personal change produce changes 215 00:17:48.110 --> 00:17:53.620 in the practices, also in higher education institutions 216 00:17:53.620 --> 00:17:57.560 we can work on the personal level through reflecting our own 217 00:17:57.560 --> 00:18:02.480 feelings and mental models. We can work on the political 218 00:18:02.480 --> 00:18:07.450 level by making sustainability education a self-evident 219 00:18:07.450 --> 00:18:12.680 part of teacher education, supporting curriculum development, 220 00:18:12.680 --> 00:18:16.810 and by sharing and making space and time 221 00:18:16.810 --> 00:18:21.540 for dialogue with other teachers and working life 222 00:18:21.540 --> 00:18:27.000 this then produce some committed sustainability champions, 223 00:18:27.000 --> 00:18:32.770 teaching champions and other kind of champions who can also help 224 00:18:32.770 --> 00:18:38.080 many more teachers to give up the traditional roles 225 00:18:38.080 --> 00:18:42.630 and to throw themselves into co-learning and co-teaching 226 00:18:42.630 --> 00:18:48.310 we should actively engage stakeholders to ensure that that they are interested 227 00:18:48.310 --> 00:18:53.950 in the competencies we are developing to our graduates 228 00:18:53.950 --> 00:18:58.900 Meeri also emphasized the 229 00:18:58.900 --> 00:19:03.830 need for teacher education and addressed the ways to educate 230 00:19:03.830 --> 00:19:08.590 citizens with the key sustainability competencies 231 00:19:08.590 --> 00:19:12.890 so that kind of teacher education would be more 232 00:19:12.890 --> 00:19:16.590 interested in learning processes 233 00:19:16.590 --> 00:19:20.520 and learning together, than outcomes. 234 00:19:20.520 --> 00:19:26.900 also in teacher education we would have to take new looks at evaluation of competencies 235 00:19:26.900 --> 00:19:32.630 for example, how to evaluate the competence of empathy 236 00:19:32.630 --> 00:19:38.110 Meeri also emphasized the importance of curriculum and interaction 237 00:19:38.110 --> 00:19:43.180 between curriculum and teaching practices 238 00:19:43.180 --> 00:19:45.970 239 00:19:45.970 --> 00:19:51.240 My personal conclusion 240 00:19:51.240 --> 00:19:56.470 of this workshop from a teacher educator's point of view 241 00:19:56.470 --> 00:20:03.200 is that we need pedagogies of not knowing 242 00:20:03.200 --> 00:20:06.200 and pedagogies of uncertainty. 243 00:20:06.200 --> 00:20:11.570 it is of course important to have sufficient content knowledge 244 00:20:11.570 --> 00:20:16.740 and sufficient knowledge of developments in sustainable development 245 00:20:16.740 --> 00:20:21.700 for this we need good materials and summaries of targets and reports et cetera 246 00:20:21.700 --> 00:20:27.920 and I think that there is a plethora of those, but we must admit 247 00:20:27.920 --> 00:20:33.770 that we cannot always have as good knowledge as we would like to have 248 00:20:33.770 --> 00:20:39.510 pedagogies of not knowing, or pedagogies of uncertainty would 249 00:20:39.510 --> 00:20:45.790 prepare teachers to face the situations or feelings that you don't know enough. 250 00:20:45.790 --> 00:20:49.790 They would help teachers act despite not 251 00:20:49.790 --> 00:20:55.300 knowing exactly, or despite knowing that there are contradictory opinions 252 00:20:55.300 --> 00:21:00.380 or different readings of the same facts 253 00:21:00.380 --> 00:21:05.630 we need to build teacher education which encourages teachers to 254 00:21:05.630 --> 00:21:10.870 make change, take risks and to bear the 255 00:21:10.870 --> 00:21:15.380 uncertainty inherent to experimenting new pedagogies 256 00:21:15.380 --> 00:21:21.240 this has to be facilitated with organizational structures 257 00:21:21.240 --> 00:21:26.800 like team teaching, organized sharing and with further education and 258 00:21:26.800 --> 00:21:32.130 by allowing time for experimentation, dialogue and sharing. 259 00:21:32.130 --> 00:21:36.590 One of the risks teachers should take more often 260 00:21:36.590 --> 00:21:40.770 is participatory approach 261 00:21:40.770 --> 00:21:46.590 this can mean that students can affect the implementation and evaluation practices 262 00:21:46.590 --> 00:21:52.480 of a course, or that they can participate in processes in which 263 00:21:52.480 --> 00:21:57.940 they engage with the change-making communities 264 00:21:57.940 --> 00:22:04.220 This also changes teachers' role more to a coach or mentor 265 00:22:04.220 --> 00:22:10.040 and that is, in my opinion, something we need. 266 00:22:10.040 --> 00:22:16.380 I think that all the participants of this workshop 267 00:22:16.380 --> 00:22:21.150 shared good practices and left the workshop 268 00:22:21.150 --> 00:22:26.370 a little better equipped for making change 269 00:22:26.370 --> 00:22:30.950 be it personal, political, or practical, in our universities. 270 00:22:30.950 --> 00:22:34.880 Thank you all. 271 00:22:34.880 --> 00:22:37.900 272 00:22:37.900 --> 00:22:42.780 thank you so much Eveliina, and there is already 273 00:22:42.780 --> 00:22:47.490 a discussion going a little bit on the chat, so you can do that, but we can also 274 00:22:47.490 --> 00:22:52.300 if there is time after each presentation, we can have questions or 275 00:22:52.300 --> 00:22:56.970 comments here, and we have now a couple of minutes if anyone has a comment or question 276 00:22:56.970 --> 00:23:01.630 For Eveliina or this working group number 3 277 00:23:01.630 --> 00:23:05.830 If not, then please, Sami, it's 278 00:23:05.830 --> 00:23:09.530 your turn. Now we will hear about 279 00:23:09.530 --> 00:23:12.150 carbon. 280 00:23:12.150 --> 00:23:14.330 281 00:23:14.330 --> 00:23:16.130 282 00:23:16.130 --> 00:23:20.900 283 00:23:20.900 --> 00:23:25.680 Alright, yeah, thanks a lot 284 00:23:25.680 --> 00:23:31.540 I think that previous conclusion and summary was so great that I feel that 285 00:23:31.540 --> 00:23:35.950 I don't have such a great conclusion since our workshop just ended some minutes ago 286 00:23:35.950 --> 00:23:40.040 However, I'll try to summarize some of the key conclusions and happily 287 00:23:40.040 --> 00:23:44.660 we did have help, I did get some help from the workshop participants since 288 00:23:44.660 --> 00:23:49.600 they, we used this platform where they could also make their conclusions about the workshop 289 00:23:49.600 --> 00:23:54.180 I'm going to read some of those soon aloud. I'm Sami El Geneidy, 290 00:23:54.180 --> 00:23:59.040 a doctoral researcher here from the University of Jyväskylä 291 00:23:59.040 --> 00:24:03.650 from the JYU.Wisdom community and from the school of business and economics 292 00:24:03.650 --> 00:24:06.140 so, um 293 00:24:06.140 --> 00:24:11.290 my workshop was titled 'Carbon footprint and offsetting in universities - 294 00:24:11.290 --> 00:24:17.000 towards a joint reporting model', so basically 295 00:24:17.000 --> 00:24:20.840 we were discussing how we could 296 00:24:20.840 --> 00:24:25.780 kind of push toward this sort of a joint reporting model, since now all 297 00:24:25.780 --> 00:24:31.360 the universities need to report their carbon footprints to the Ministry or education and culture 298 00:24:31.360 --> 00:24:35.670 and this has brought great challenges to the comparability 299 00:24:35.670 --> 00:24:40.290 of the carbon footprints of different universities. 300 00:24:40.290 --> 00:24:45.690 We had a workshop both on Thursday and Friday, so I had a two-part workshop 301 00:24:45.690 --> 00:24:50.600 the first day focused on carbon footprints and more on this 302 00:24:50.600 --> 00:24:55.720 joint reporting model thing, and then on the second day so today, we focused 303 00:24:55.720 --> 00:25:00.590 on carbon offsetting and such issues, so actually the keynote 304 00:25:00.590 --> 00:25:05.590 from Sampo gave us a great introduction to that workshop as well. 305 00:25:05.590 --> 00:25:11.370 Yeah, so the first day, so yesterday 306 00:25:11.370 --> 00:25:15.640 we were discussing about this how universities now need 307 00:25:15.640 --> 00:25:20.690 to report their carbon footprints to the Ministry of education and culture 308 00:25:20.690 --> 00:25:26.340 so we discussed some key questions related to carbon footprints and I presented 309 00:25:26.340 --> 00:25:30.830 a roadmap that we've been developing in this Finn-ARMA network 310 00:25:30.830 --> 00:25:35.630 for a more integrated reporting so that 311 00:25:35.630 --> 00:25:41.900 we can discuss that within different universities, so let me 312 00:25:41.900 --> 00:25:46.810 tell you some of the questions that we had, so for example we discussed 313 00:25:46.810 --> 00:25:51.760 that do you think that university carbon footprinting is important, why, 314 00:25:51.760 --> 00:25:56.930 why not? Then we for example discussed the barriers, so what are the barriers in 315 00:25:56.930 --> 00:26:02.420 producing those carbon footprints within universities, then we discussed 316 00:26:02.420 --> 00:26:06.920 what kind of a role do you see for universities in developing 317 00:26:06.920 --> 00:26:11.420 better practices in carbon footprint reporting and mitigation throughout the 318 00:26:11.420 --> 00:26:16.160 society and how could this role be enhanced 319 00:26:16.160 --> 00:26:21.610 then regarding the roadmap I wanted to ask people 320 00:26:21.610 --> 00:26:26.510 what kind of pros and cons do they see in this roadmap 321 00:26:26.510 --> 00:26:31.450 and got a lot of interesting, helpful comments and we're going to be looking at 322 00:26:31.450 --> 00:26:36.360 those later and start developing the roadmap further 323 00:26:36.360 --> 00:26:41.770 then also we discussed lastly a little bit about 324 00:26:41.770 --> 00:26:47.850 other things as well, so not only climate and carbon but I wanted to ask what kind of other environmental 325 00:26:47.850 --> 00:26:52.870 indicators universities could collectively account for and we got a lot of 326 00:26:52.870 --> 00:26:58.240 interesting answers to that as well. So let me see 327 00:26:58.240 --> 00:27:03.440 a little bit what people told, what could be the key messages 328 00:27:03.440 --> 00:27:08.790 from the workshop number 1 329 00:27:08.790 --> 00:27:13.980 so basically I think people were kind of of the same opinion 330 00:27:13.980 --> 00:27:19.180 that yes, we do need this sort of a joint reporting model and 331 00:27:19.180 --> 00:27:25.010 it's really important issue 332 00:27:25.010 --> 00:27:29.430 then people also discussed that people, that universities 333 00:27:29.430 --> 00:27:34.550 also have a key role for producing this sort of research-based knowledge 334 00:27:34.550 --> 00:27:39.730 about the carbon footprints, so it's not only for producing the 335 00:27:39.730 --> 00:27:45.070 carbon footprint results for ourselves and doing those calculations, but also 336 00:27:45.070 --> 00:27:50.010 kind of trying to scale and communicate those methods that we're using and 337 00:27:50.010 --> 00:27:55.150 put them into practice in society as well. 338 00:27:55.150 --> 00:28:00.510 and some comments, I cannot now show you the roadmap, but we had kind of this 339 00:28:00.510 --> 00:28:05.580 midstep to 2025 and then the goal of carbon neutrality in 2030 340 00:28:05.580 --> 00:28:10.650 some people thought that some of the goals were rather easy, and 341 00:28:10.650 --> 00:28:15.400 we should be more ambitious in the 342 00:28:15.400 --> 00:28:20.370 roadmap so we could even make more stricter goals 343 00:28:20.370 --> 00:28:26.590 and, yes, I think that's about it from the 344 00:28:26.590 --> 00:28:31.020 from the first workshop. 345 00:28:31.020 --> 00:28:35.380 and then the second 346 00:28:35.380 --> 00:28:38.980 second workshop 347 00:28:38.980 --> 00:28:44.200 we focused more on carbon offsetting, so 348 00:28:44.200 --> 00:28:49.460 we discussed a lot about traditional offsetting, so buying these sort of carbon 349 00:28:49.460 --> 00:28:54.600 credits from the market as Sampo already told us, so some question that we 350 00:28:54.600 --> 00:28:59.430 for example asked there was what do you think are the main barriers and benefits 351 00:28:59.430 --> 00:29:04.340 in implementing these sort of traditional offsets in universities 352 00:29:04.340 --> 00:29:09.930 and then we also discussed that do you think that these offsets amd 353 00:29:09.930 --> 00:29:14.490 emission reductions complement each other, or do they rather compete for the same 354 00:29:14.490 --> 00:29:19.370 resources for example, like money and time. 355 00:29:19.370 --> 00:29:24.560 then we also discussed a little bit what actually 356 00:29:24.560 --> 00:29:29.670 should belong to the offsetting responsibility of a university, so 357 00:29:29.670 --> 00:29:34.380 I think we're all in the same mind that it's quite clear that we need to mitigate our emissions and we need 358 00:29:34.380 --> 00:29:39.400 to consider all the emissions, so all the direct emissions that out operations cause and 359 00:29:39.400 --> 00:29:44.580 the indirect and so on. However, what's more unclear is 360 00:29:44.580 --> 00:29:49.710 that if all of these things belong also the offsetting 361 00:29:49.710 --> 00:29:54.560 responsibility of a university, for example, if we don't 362 00:29:54.560 --> 00:29:59.600 own these premises, and someone else kind of owns these premises and 363 00:29:59.600 --> 00:30:04.660 buys the heat and so on, is it our responsibility then to offset those 364 00:30:04.660 --> 00:30:09.400 since we're the main consumers of that. That's a complex question I would say. 365 00:30:09.400 --> 00:30:11.650 366 00:30:11.650 --> 00:30:17.450 yes, then we moved on a little bit from traditional offsetting 367 00:30:17.450 --> 00:30:22.710 so we discussed more also this sort of 368 00:30:22.710 --> 00:30:27.600 internal carbon offsetting model or one could say also this sort 369 00:30:27.600 --> 00:30:33.130 of a carbon tax or carbon pricing model in universties, so which could be an alternative 370 00:30:33.130 --> 00:30:38.160 approach to traditional offsets 371 00:30:38.160 --> 00:30:43.560 so in that model we would kind of 372 00:30:43.560 --> 00:30:48.440 not put so much effort in buying these carbon 373 00:30:48.440 --> 00:30:53.630 offsetting credits from external providers, but 374 00:30:53.630 --> 00:30:58.724 build our sustainability funds within university and through that invest money 375 00:30:58.724 --> 00:31:03.819 in mitigating impacts within the university and investing in 376 00:31:03.819 --> 00:31:08.913 sustainability research and education, so basically the 377 00:31:08.913 --> 00:31:14.007 hand print or the positive impacts of our university. Well, there's of course 378 00:31:14.007 --> 00:31:19.102 a lot of challenges in that sort of models as well so 379 00:31:19.102 --> 00:31:24.196 now we initially discussed in the group as well so what do people think about that, 380 00:31:24.196 --> 00:31:29.290 what are the main barriers and benefits related to that. A lot of good answers again. And then 381 00:31:29.290 --> 00:31:34.384 lastly, again I asked this sort of question that how would you 382 00:31:34.384 --> 00:31:39.479 balance between mitigating negative impacts and creating a positive societal impact 383 00:31:39.479 --> 00:31:44.110 in universities. So did people think that 384 00:31:44.110 --> 00:31:49.040 one is more important than the other, and that's, I think something that we need to kind of 385 00:31:49.040 --> 00:31:53.630 also consider this sort of a balance 386 00:31:53.630 --> 00:31:59.050 yes, so, again some key messages that I'll try to see 387 00:31:59.050 --> 00:32:04.290 what people came up with, so firstly 388 00:32:04.290 --> 00:32:09.800 people said that offsetting, it seems to be a more difficult subject 389 00:32:09.800 --> 00:32:14.380 than footprints and 390 00:32:14.380 --> 00:32:19.450 things are a little bit more complex even when we talk about offsetting. 391 00:32:19.450 --> 00:32:24.680 And then we talked of course also about this quality offsets so we need a 392 00:32:24.680 --> 00:32:29.730 clear guidance on what are quality offsets, and 393 00:32:29.730 --> 00:32:33.970 people also thought that, all right, maybe we should first start offsetting 394 00:32:33.970 --> 00:32:38.440 some categories, but not everything, but start from something small and then 395 00:32:38.440 --> 00:32:43.210 expand from that 396 00:32:43.210 --> 00:32:48.110 and the internal, this internal offsetting was also discussed 397 00:32:48.110 --> 00:32:52.890 in the group, some find it a good model and some find 398 00:32:52.890 --> 00:32:57.380 that there are also a lot of issues within that. 399 00:32:57.380 --> 00:33:00.590 400 00:33:00.590 --> 00:33:03.270 401 00:33:03.270 --> 00:33:08.290 then there was also this thing that 402 00:33:08.290 --> 00:33:13.490 at the end of the day carbon footprint is just one aspect or sustainability 403 00:33:13.490 --> 00:33:18.290 so that's also an important thing to know. 404 00:33:18.290 --> 00:33:23.030 And a lot of the groups really emphasized that we need to 405 00:33:23.030 --> 00:33:27.520 exercise caution with the offsets, so we really need to 406 00:33:27.520 --> 00:33:32.280 act quite carefully with them, nevertheless I think that most 407 00:33:32.280 --> 00:33:37.390 of the groups agreed that maybe we do need the offsets 408 00:33:37.390 --> 00:33:41.610 in one form or the other 409 00:33:41.610 --> 00:33:47.150 cool, and then lastly, one 410 00:33:47.150 --> 00:33:52.840 comment from the group, they said that they believe that we shall focus more on handprints 411 00:33:52.840 --> 00:33:57.820 and solutions rather than these offsetting things, so they said as our 412 00:33:57.820 --> 00:34:03.210 handprint can be an order of magnitude higher than our footprint so they thought that 413 00:34:03.210 --> 00:34:08.490 we should more focus on our handprints rather than the footprints. 414 00:34:08.490 --> 00:34:13.740 all right, I think that's 415 00:34:13.740 --> 00:34:19.560 all for my workshop, and if we have some time for questions, yeah, then 416 00:34:19.560 --> 00:34:23.860 if you'd like to ask something 417 00:34:23.860 --> 00:34:29.850 418 00:34:29.850 --> 00:34:34.460 -Excellent summary and good work. I was just 419 00:34:34.460 --> 00:34:39.250 thinking, did you decide on the next steps, how to go forward 420 00:34:39.250 --> 00:34:45.410 and there has to be a minimum on what to report by each university, the reports could be different in depth 421 00:34:45.410 --> 00:34:49.380 but should have a minimum of something 422 00:34:49.380 --> 00:34:54.690 - Yes, I do have to say that in this group we didn't kind of really settle on the concrete 423 00:34:54.690 --> 00:34:59.530 next steps, but we're going to do that in the following weeks in the Finn-ARMA network, so 424 00:34:59.530 --> 00:35:04.770 I think we'll have a meeting, I think next week or in two weeks, where we're going to settle on the 425 00:35:04.770 --> 00:35:09.720 on the steps and timeline, but in the roadmap we do kind of 426 00:35:09.720 --> 00:35:14.900 agree that from now on we have some common categories, for example the university buildings 427 00:35:14.900 --> 00:35:19.750 and energy use, and business travel, and 428 00:35:19.750 --> 00:35:24.610 I don't remember, maybe there something else as well, and those are the things that we're 429 00:35:24.610 --> 00:35:30.080 now at least going to start reporting right now and 430 00:35:30.080 --> 00:35:34.770 then by 2025 we would have more categories, for example related to 431 00:35:34.770 --> 00:35:39.650 the investments and procurement and those kind of things, and by 2030 432 00:35:39.650 --> 00:35:44.750 we would have encompassed at least mostly everything 433 00:35:44.750 --> 00:35:50.620 within the universities' operations, and by then every university should kind of have 434 00:35:50.620 --> 00:35:55.240 a whole figure of their carbon footprint 435 00:35:55.240 --> 00:36:00.930 - I no one else has a question, I have one. 436 00:36:00.930 --> 00:36:05.110 Did you have a discussion about the offsetting and 437 00:36:05.110 --> 00:36:10.490 especially with the technical universities, I know that they are struggling with their 438 00:36:10.490 --> 00:36:14.850 target to be carbon neutral by 2030 if the ministry's 439 00:36:14.850 --> 00:36:20.230 decision that we cannot use the government money 440 00:36:20.230 --> 00:36:24.980 for the offsets, if that sticks, then it practically, well universities 441 00:36:24.980 --> 00:36:29.880 have a little bit of wiggling way of it because they have other, 442 00:36:29.880 --> 00:36:35.820 for instance investments and we could use their profits, but the technical universities 443 00:36:35.820 --> 00:36:39.890 they don't have much other choice. So did you have this discussion 444 00:36:39.890 --> 00:36:45.190 there? And should we have like a message to the ministry about 445 00:36:45.190 --> 00:36:50.370 this also, that okay, if you really want all the universities, technical universities, all the 446 00:36:50.370 --> 00:36:55.220 higher education institutions to be carbon neutral, then you have to allow us to use money 447 00:36:55.220 --> 00:37:00.120 on offsetting, even though it would be like sort of internal model of offsetting that would 448 00:37:00.120 --> 00:37:05.930 direct this to our own research or societal impact. 449 00:37:05.930 --> 00:37:10.070 - Yeah, that's a really relevant and good question, 450 00:37:10.070 --> 00:37:15.580 I do think that a lot of groups discussed this and I still haven't 451 00:37:15.580 --> 00:37:19.900 gone through all the comments but I think that a lot of groups discussed that this is 452 00:37:19.900 --> 00:37:25.040 one of the main barriers of course of implementing these offsets in universities, this 453 00:37:25.040 --> 00:37:29.990 decision from the ministry to not allow to use 454 00:37:29.990 --> 00:37:34.300 the government funding on offsets. And I think 455 00:37:34.300 --> 00:37:39.190 that's definitely something that we need to discuss more probably with the ministry and I do hope 456 00:37:39.190 --> 00:37:43.720 that this is maybe going to change 457 00:37:43.720 --> 00:37:49.380 and that this decision will not be final as such 458 00:37:49.380 --> 00:37:54.150 but let's see. I don't know if anyone from, who was 459 00:37:54.150 --> 00:37:59.480 in my working group, if you want to, you can also share if you had some 460 00:37:59.480 --> 00:38:06.180 discussion related to that. Yeah. 461 00:38:06.180 --> 00:38:10.340 462 00:38:10.340 --> 00:38:15.190 463 00:38:15.190 --> 00:38:20.110 464 00:38:20.110 --> 00:38:25.370 465 00:38:25.370 --> 00:38:28.720 466 00:38:28.720 --> 00:38:31.290 467 00:38:31.290 --> 00:38:37.280 468 00:38:37.280 --> 00:38:41.480 469 00:38:41.480 --> 00:38:46.610 470 00:38:46.610 --> 00:38:51.470 471 00:38:51.470 --> 00:38:57.580 472 00:38:57.580 --> 00:39:01.730 473 00:39:01.730 --> 00:39:07.020 474 00:39:07.020 --> 00:39:11.580 475 00:39:11.580 --> 00:39:16.380 476 00:39:16.380 --> 00:39:21.550 Okay, thank you very much Sami and working group 1. 477 00:39:21.550 --> 00:39:26.980 So now Veera and Johanna and biodiversity 478 00:39:26.980 --> 00:39:31.790 so working group number 6 479 00:39:31.790 --> 00:39:35.400 480 00:39:35.400 --> 00:39:42.080 481 00:39:42.080 --> 00:39:45.270 Okay, so hi everyone, my name is Veera Vainio and I am a project planner here at 482 00:39:45.270 --> 00:39:49.460 the university of Jyväskylä and the School of Resource Wisdom 483 00:39:49.460 --> 00:39:53.940 And my name is Johanna Toivonen de Gonzales and I come from the university of Turku 484 00:39:53.940 --> 00:39:58.510 and I work there as a grant writer in research services 485 00:39:58.510 --> 00:40:02.610 and I'm very much interested in these biodiversity issues because I'm a biologist from my background 486 00:40:02.610 --> 00:40:07.820 yes and the topic of our workshop today was biodiversity impact assessment 487 00:40:07.820 --> 00:40:12.050 and ecological compensation in higher education institutions and 488 00:40:12.050 --> 00:40:16.700 we had some very fruitful discussions with our participants this morning 489 00:40:16.700 --> 00:40:21.760 and we actually talked about some of the same questions that Sami presented 490 00:40:21.760 --> 00:40:24.970 but with biodiversity in mind 491 00:40:24.970 --> 00:40:30.110 and this workshop kind of built on the keynote talk that we heard yesterday from 492 00:40:30.110 --> 00:40:35.070 Janne Kotiaho, so interesting topics 493 00:40:35.070 --> 00:40:40.440 and at the moment the biodiversity impacts of higher education institutions 494 00:40:40.440 --> 00:40:45.460 or universities, they're a fairly unknown topic but also a very important 495 00:40:45.460 --> 00:40:50.240 one, so unlike carbon footprinting, we don't yet have similar 496 00:40:50.240 --> 00:40:55.220 tools for the biodiversity impacts but we do need to 497 00:40:55.220 --> 00:41:00.290 start tackling biodiversity loss and that's why we need to 498 00:41:00.290 --> 00:41:06.120 dive deeper into this topic and take it into account in our own actions 499 00:41:06.120 --> 00:41:10.840 and it's sort of our duty as educators and researchers and experts 500 00:41:10.840 --> 00:41:15.040 in universities to study these topics and share our knowledge to the 501 00:41:15.040 --> 00:41:20.080 society. And the biodiversity impacts 502 00:41:20.080 --> 00:41:24.470 of our actions are much more complicated than our impact on 503 00:41:24.470 --> 00:41:29.180 the physical campus area, for example our consumption choices 504 00:41:29.180 --> 00:41:33.400 can indirectly have impacts all over the world 505 00:41:33.400 --> 00:41:38.870 just like with emissions as well, and we here at the university of Jyväskylä 506 00:41:38.870 --> 00:41:44.160 have studied the ecological impacts of energy use, or disrtict heat use, 507 00:41:44.160 --> 00:41:48.830 and also procurement or the goods and services we buy 508 00:41:48.830 --> 00:41:53.790 and we talked about that perhaps these methods could be adopted by other 509 00:41:53.790 --> 00:41:58.810 universities as well. But methodologies should also be developed for 510 00:41:58.810 --> 00:42:03.850 other impact categories as well. Like with carbon footprinting, we 511 00:42:03.850 --> 00:42:09.160 can assess the impact of travels or investments or energy use or 512 00:42:09.160 --> 00:42:14.150 construction and so on, so we need to look into how could we assess the ecological 513 00:42:14.150 --> 00:42:19.620 impacts of these actions as well 514 00:42:19.620 --> 00:42:24.040 Well, the biodiversity impacts are a common topic for all the universities 515 00:42:24.040 --> 00:42:29.410 but there are experts of different fields and topics in different universities, so 516 00:42:29.410 --> 00:42:34.520 perhaps this question of methodology development could be divided so that 517 00:42:34.520 --> 00:42:39.290 each university could focus on some category and use their special expertise 518 00:42:39.290 --> 00:42:44.350 and then we could share our findings and ideas on a shared forum like we do 519 00:42:44.350 --> 00:42:49.150 do with carbon footprinting, like we heard Sami tell. 520 00:42:49.150 --> 00:42:54.410 Yes and besides of these categories and indicators, what should 521 00:42:54.410 --> 00:42:59.250 be measured and how is a very complicated issue, we talked about 522 00:42:59.250 --> 00:43:04.280 ecological compensations related to these impacts, and 523 00:43:04.280 --> 00:43:09.450 very much based on what we heard yesterday with Janne Kotiaho's talk, 524 00:43:09.450 --> 00:43:14.620 so well just to say shortly, what does it mean, is that we try to compensate 525 00:43:14.620 --> 00:43:19.370 the damage that we cause to biodiversity by restoring or 526 00:43:19.370 --> 00:43:24.460 conserving nature elsewhere, because we cannot compensate it in exactly 527 00:43:24.460 --> 00:43:29.520 the same place. And there we of course have many challenges with 528 00:43:29.520 --> 00:43:34.660 how to compensate because nature is very unique,the species composition is unique, 529 00:43:34.660 --> 00:43:39.380 and also the functionality of the whole ecosystem depends on the species composition 530 00:43:39.380 --> 00:43:44.200 so it's not the same est morte ah ain't is of insisted easy about 531 00:43:44.200 --> 00:43:48.380 any made it wasn't beside 532 00:43:48.380 --> 00:43:53.670 the tiger something what walking back began almost always talking cannot 533 00:43:53.670 --> 00:43:58.540 increase her but because there is always something and we began briskly 534 00:43:58.540 --> 00:44:03.490 gaspar de san roman takes them in 535 00:44:03.490 --> 00:44:08.660 the yes fails in backs ave slowly like the 536 00:44:08.660 --> 00:44:13.740 indignant boundaries the that bit of simple facing orgy 537 00:44:13.740 --> 00:44:19.060 of sex than that which work will be one excess 538 00:44:19.060 --> 00:44:23.530 of always takes time and then boat my he 539 00:44:23.530 --> 00:44:28.590 says few days that are they saw the climate began 540 00:44:28.590 --> 00:44:33.590 or because they are objects in nature it is case of the almost 541 00:44:33.590 --> 00:44:38.470 forest and the johan used while behind senora ah 542 00:44:38.470 --> 00:44:42.970 the forest at all next day. 543 00:44:42.970 --> 00:44:49.530 ah yes mentioned busy isn't he there's my aunt annie and am 544 00:44:49.530 --> 00:44:55.270 the many silences and being young and facing the end of can of 545 00:44:55.270 --> 00:45:00.200 the light never yet while was on summer is as 546 00:45:00.200 --> 00:45:05.260 on that and the envy locksley ordering of the unique amory importantly 547 00:45:05.260 --> 00:45:09.880 still almost at once the to unite our next and 548 00:45:09.880 --> 00:45:15.300 you monument is the burnamy's morning 549 00:45:15.300 --> 00:45:20.590 so our me out your ear if mamma everybody 550 00:45:20.590 --> 00:45:25.090 with its presence among high so humble on but in any other 551 00:45:25.090 --> 00:45:30.290 if he's had an unmitigated bloom and beauty is like to have announced all 552 00:45:30.290 --> 00:45:35.160 with awe and at once you next after that there are man 553 00:45:35.160 --> 00:45:40.490 who is ever getting his fellow macraw beneath the under sense though we ave 554 00:45:40.490 --> 00:45:45.000 that people blackness and again the that animated but we 555 00:45:45.000 --> 00:45:50.050 have to act now is that what he says so but we cannot 556 00:45:50.050 --> 00:45:55.320 ha anything linen began say something an 557 00:45:55.320 --> 00:45:59.900 we decided that the pay off is uses of the we can say 558 00:45:59.900 --> 00:46:06.130 and yet it is done it admits no limit going sia 559 00:46:06.130 --> 00:46:11.110 if the images the angel these monuments won't you come to it. 560 00:46:11.110 --> 00:46:16.250 at began haystack it's okay indefatigable 561 00:46:16.250 --> 00:46:21.140 asked if he thought that am at the stockade even on the other 562 00:46:21.140 --> 00:46:25.930 epaminondas and indicators funk misha unnoticed at it 563 00:46:25.930 --> 00:46:30.870 with work so that he bought where ye must these vessel that it's nothing 564 00:46:30.870 --> 00:46:35.570 to the one hasten to the image of the meadows at begetter 565 00:46:35.570 --> 00:46:40.610 of age that it together and then with even at the ice 566 00:46:40.610 --> 00:46:45.430 though so far there is information on about these on recommenced and 567 00:46:45.430 --> 00:46:50.090 fancy the heath our began in 568 00:46:50.090 --> 00:46:54.650 mockeries and that the ranged all montague bells 569 00:46:54.650 --> 00:46:59.980 but now this message to you that are many straight fall 570 00:46:59.980 --> 00:47:04.060 but at least half chuckled discussing organized hasten or it 571 00:47:04.060 --> 00:47:08.950 will be canongate still raised his gun you need he 572 00:47:08.950 --> 00:47:13.400 deeming it must be so awfully age 573 00:47:13.400 --> 00:47:17.920 has something to do so why man and birth or but something anything 574 00:47:17.920 --> 00:47:22.210 can only he spied something of sadness is all hate 575 00:47:22.210 --> 00:47:26.040 you into anything at all 576 00:47:26.040 --> 00:47:31.210 ah yes oh what 577 00:47:31.210 --> 00:47:36.200 beast carries out his irish girl it was on hand rig was 578 00:47:36.200 --> 00:47:41.190 allowed to live with me like day 579 00:47:41.190 --> 00:47:46.800 and hour in the as the enthusiast to the other like 580 00:47:46.800 --> 00:47:51.710 last hall caine jerry said each safely hand 581 00:47:51.710 --> 00:47:56.280 and the sam the ugliest tell mother was 582 00:47:56.280 --> 00:48:01.270 absent or we can do something 583 00:48:01.270 --> 00:48:06.190 you can get something that summer passed on contacts and ending at 584 00:48:06.190 --> 00:48:11.100 the appetite think the most everything is to be betty's next interrupted 585 00:48:11.100 --> 00:48:14.880 in himself all the 586 00:48:14.880 --> 00:48:17.880 oh oh. 587 00:48:22.750 --> 00:48:27.240 ought to know that where much by the 588 00:48:27.240 --> 00:48:31.810 enable men to was on the audience near him 589 00:48:31.810 --> 00:48:36.870 what about our limbs on why 590 00:48:36.870 --> 00:48:41.520 you can also awful permission this big by raising your hand 591 00:48:41.520 --> 00:48:46.700 yes 592 00:48:46.700 --> 00:48:51.670 think it worth while our or not 593 00:48:51.670 --> 00:48:56.770 really don't you call prefer shut and the while 594 00:48:56.770 --> 00:49:01.610 while on the umbrella on my head of the vehicle you 595 00:49:01.610 --> 00:49:06.550 are lot of nevertheless toe on was there and it 596 00:49:06.550 --> 00:49:11.600 awfully lonely reads the eye for its own while 597 00:49:11.600 --> 00:49:16.610 at the honors that you save on the 598 00:49:16.610 --> 00:49:21.840 and i've only just now that the following year is totally 599 00:49:21.840 --> 00:49:26.540 foreign to aid her in honour 600 00:49:26.540 --> 00:49:31.540 am at our ease passed at anyway why ah see 601 00:49:31.540 --> 00:49:35.130 based on an errand or a. 602 00:49:35.130 --> 00:49:41.210 was coming any as yet am getting off the 603 00:49:41.210 --> 00:49:45.400 hardest gazed up at the only his task is offended 604 00:49:45.400 --> 00:49:50.380 am as now missus palma add to it adding if 605 00:49:50.380 --> 00:49:55.330 the best of all the while on the whole deciding what 606 00:49:55.330 --> 00:50:01.490 is on eagerly engaged it is an idea has fallen to 607 00:50:01.490 --> 00:50:05.480 it and and while 608 00:50:05.480 --> 00:50:11.050 tell you don't femme beneath canopy 609 00:50:11.050 --> 00:50:15.470 however make bold to night wonder why 610 00:50:15.470 --> 00:50:20.940 missus ye that there is also some of the think am to stay 611 00:50:20.940 --> 00:50:25.400 whar dat thought that am fairly won at last paula 612 00:50:25.400 --> 00:50:30.800 why ere it we have all that is sort of pushes us to wear undefined 613 00:50:30.800 --> 00:50:35.820 and and so don't think we can 614 00:50:35.820 --> 00:50:40.830 be any made asked as if lack warlike however are 615 00:50:40.830 --> 00:50:45.910 inside of the star ya were thin and anne and 616 00:50:45.910 --> 00:50:50.880 openly spiral will continue to do 617 00:50:50.880 --> 00:50:57.040 and we weep and then made war horses the irons 618 00:50:57.040 --> 00:51:06.020 in any other person supplements the the 619 00:51:06.020 --> 00:51:09.150 ox or munroe reverses 620 00:51:09.150 --> 00:51:14.470 you wonder unto overseers bidders 621 00:51:14.470 --> 00:51:19.750 ah eneugh fool pretty she's buyers 622 00:51:19.750 --> 00:51:24.900 your otto said or earth dwyer sadly 623 00:51:24.900 --> 00:51:30.520 we hire evasions huge and reserved as usual think 624 00:51:30.520 --> 00:51:35.730 instead of being only morla crossed actually those on the matter brought 625 00:51:35.730 --> 00:51:40.640 all hollow to bristol measure these things and hollow to 626 00:51:40.640 --> 00:51:45.030 the trees all ran just such fine 627 00:51:45.030 --> 00:51:49.590 to of all is the main 628 00:51:49.590 --> 00:51:54.400 kranath manes the theme the society article. 629 00:51:54.400 --> 00:52:00.480 you know da say thoughts or in other on why it's boina 630 00:52:00.480 --> 00:52:05.270 tree gave me the adolescence ninety in the method all knew that 631 00:52:05.270 --> 00:52:11.340 still we toomey's beauties which happened however brave amy 632 00:52:11.340 --> 00:52:16.230 and had arranged than our own shall act on the whole sign excellently 633 00:52:16.230 --> 00:52:21.270 and archie for my own soft tearing along just 634 00:52:21.270 --> 00:52:26.930 then she tried to be calm monster know 635 00:52:26.930 --> 00:52:32.200 you managed ha an air of times of lovely 636 00:52:32.200 --> 00:52:37.530 off with you but am that 637 00:52:37.530 --> 00:52:42.920 he was tell ye can carry me 638 00:52:42.920 --> 00:52:48.450 am not don't know why in 639 00:52:48.450 --> 00:52:53.450 happy an honest man and his eye at the nation 640 00:52:53.450 --> 00:52:58.760 the anthony at aunt was i'll make 641 00:52:58.760 --> 00:53:03.340 anyhow fasten me 642 00:53:03.340 --> 00:53:08.730 agathemer's so you are maiden to induce you to 643 00:53:08.730 --> 00:53:13.160 you ask yourself now got on well when rena 644 00:53:13.160 --> 00:53:16.950 you on on goes on around her 645 00:53:16.950 --> 00:53:22.940 later honestly the on rather fine new things more quickly 646 00:53:22.940 --> 00:53:28.270 than ah dunno one another's battleship on death has always 647 00:53:28.270 --> 00:53:33.860 through us we see nodded roses are you doing his work with 648 00:53:33.860 --> 00:53:39.010 look just as of something that you beside our mothers but with 649 00:53:39.010 --> 00:53:44.400 these in never home while the neighbors the she announced 650 00:53:44.400 --> 00:53:48.270 there are very awful aside. 651 00:53:48.270 --> 00:53:51.950 how i. 652 00:53:51.950 --> 00:53:56.890 one of the animal may now as the eye 653 00:53:56.890 --> 00:54:01.990 all ask that bertha 654 00:54:01.990 --> 00:54:07.990 and well must 655 00:54:07.990 --> 00:54:11.630 guess it's 656 00:54:11.630 --> 00:54:16.790 oh wish am much since you are on 657 00:54:16.790 --> 00:54:22.410 the quay in that us quite surprise 658 00:54:22.410 --> 00:54:26.990 that how kind of laying boldly think 659 00:54:26.990 --> 00:54:32.280 best were think just as broad as was 660 00:54:32.280 --> 00:54:36.930 added think you we shou'd very close our actions 661 00:54:36.930 --> 00:54:42.160 and luke to time very alert for the yet 662 00:54:42.160 --> 00:54:47.080 and don't think there there's any other hideously on each on 663 00:54:47.080 --> 00:54:52.800 says it is he that is the duty talking on but 664 00:54:52.800 --> 00:54:57.190 don't be safe are humidor 665 00:54:57.190 --> 00:55:02.130 season hast thou have rake or other although wish you were 666 00:55:02.130 --> 00:55:08.100 it's all qualities are what ever so that entered the castle or research 667 00:55:08.100 --> 00:55:13.880 has of course and universities inhabits flung him back 668 00:55:13.880 --> 00:55:18.910 can only be printed all in order to be interesting in ordered the battle we 669 00:55:18.910 --> 00:55:23.310 minnie jack weighing reckon he and 670 00:55:23.310 --> 00:55:28.150 he's one of his in our lot so why 671 00:55:28.150 --> 00:55:32.870 do think we all what next year ah tis pity 672 00:55:32.870 --> 00:55:37.690 three her only tragedy by quick eye and saw know 673 00:55:37.690 --> 00:55:42.580 is very difficult but there was no her 674 00:55:42.580 --> 00:55:47.170 judah if indeed any other rayner 675 00:55:47.170 --> 00:55:51.590 that while being very ah 676 00:55:51.590 --> 00:55:55.380 was in love and wishes it. 677 00:55:55.380 --> 00:56:01.480 oh thought the louder 678 00:56:01.480 --> 00:56:06.130 v 679 00:56:06.130 --> 00:56:11.890 exit of the new divided with the unoccupied enters the it made 680 00:56:11.890 --> 00:56:17.840 vow and ending on anybody from what you have number for 681 00:56:17.840 --> 00:56:22.720 whom the ha ha 682 00:56:22.720 --> 00:56:27.730 oh how can tell everybody 683 00:56:27.730 --> 00:56:32.420 o'er us from about while it in her in the anti 684 00:56:32.420 --> 00:56:37.700 everything my name is any heaven and i'm working in the each one woman 685 00:56:37.700 --> 00:56:41.900 in her object with is about by diversity education at work 686 00:56:41.900 --> 00:56:47.490 and we are sending our work for one beneath it and in outline and walk on 687 00:56:47.490 --> 00:56:51.860 or also working approach but at least full at 688 00:56:51.860 --> 00:56:56.900 the spot like short words about almonte 689 00:56:56.900 --> 00:57:01.590 and in the other windings of the workshop 690 00:57:01.590 --> 00:57:07.230 so and first thanks to every one who was ave our 691 00:57:07.230 --> 00:57:13.350 what shall we had very good athos's annals of the previous worship discusses were 692 00:57:13.350 --> 00:57:17.900 to possess late hour this asses 693 00:57:17.900 --> 00:57:24.570 so we have project with is founded by mister egerton archer and mayhap curiosities 694 00:57:24.570 --> 00:57:29.570 or liberating indescribable checked and now have also met you people 695 00:57:29.570 --> 00:57:35.270 here and maybe the heavenly people to co operate with us all 696 00:57:35.270 --> 00:57:40.840 and we are doing its lounging in word or standing 697 00:57:40.840 --> 00:57:44.790 by legacy the ladies that is in 698 00:57:44.790 --> 00:57:49.490 the university as i'm trying to reign iris to relate it causes 699 00:57:49.490 --> 00:57:53.950 togedder idealized alone then 700 00:57:53.950 --> 00:58:00.040 asked last philothea causes uncreate son causes or examined by the 701 00:58:00.040 --> 00:58:05.090 nowadays and my soul before it more later on 702 00:58:05.090 --> 00:58:10.800 and the old talk is to create newspapers in it is all students 703 00:58:10.800 --> 00:58:15.800 about heidegger's theses of unclean displayed while he followed 704 00:58:15.800 --> 00:58:20.270 hires belated questions in the society 705 00:58:20.270 --> 00:58:25.310 had the tell more about quarter of an hour when on him by on 706 00:58:25.310 --> 00:58:30.020 wears findings ah that was the new eyeing us 707 00:58:30.020 --> 00:58:34.570 anna was best for you that you will be mayakin while 708 00:58:34.570 --> 00:58:39.240 his beauty was repeated ina on also be there 709 00:58:39.240 --> 00:58:44.280 the awe by diversity nay nay theatre engaged 710 00:58:44.280 --> 00:58:48.630 in our own ship ah 711 00:58:48.630 --> 00:58:53.690 had army we spark the hour very there 712 00:58:53.690 --> 00:58:58.950 are into hostile art with the ark army had rounded 713 00:58:58.950 --> 00:59:04.460 the night or ah calls us that ah aisle kase 714 00:59:04.460 --> 00:59:09.360 betty had also people for anything by 715 00:59:09.360 --> 00:59:14.170 gaze and ah how those ya piously fell into 716 00:59:14.170 --> 00:59:20.010 chair landers background including also asked unit at man worst 717 00:59:20.010 --> 00:59:24.230 added why we may ere your eye each 718 00:59:24.230 --> 00:59:29.080 eye he now to our expenses of white proceed 719 00:59:29.080 --> 00:59:34.090 dispute on all why oh why asked quietly 720 00:59:34.090 --> 00:59:39.960 yes and the exercise of art we worked on our 721 00:59:39.960 --> 00:59:44.380 money be thinking gay said ah 722 00:59:44.380 --> 00:59:49.410 the maid at will's death can be called beast will 723 00:59:49.410 --> 00:59:54.200 always than you and that the mayhap nakedly 724 00:59:54.200 --> 00:59:59.420 be why are you find crowd of people flung 725 00:59:59.420 --> 01:00:04.350 me into place and enter with medio because you are my 726 01:00:04.350 --> 01:00:09.950 orders because he's lightly through the ah yes 727 01:00:09.950 --> 01:00:14.170 anna timing the hue of all that 728 01:00:14.170 --> 01:00:19.260 avec la on excess thought maybe i'll take whatever 729 01:00:19.260 --> 01:00:24.130 they ha an de la la home language 730 01:00:24.130 --> 01:00:29.160 on on attending all she and think of your own steeple 731 01:00:29.160 --> 01:00:34.590 top halsbury don't 732 01:00:34.590 --> 01:00:39.520 gazed in piano were many apathy at 733 01:00:39.520 --> 01:00:44.600 all he was thinking ah thought am found 734 01:00:44.600 --> 01:00:49.310 he's got out of joint asked to be in 735 01:00:49.310 --> 01:00:54.390 gaze the eva grant the understanding how 736 01:00:54.390 --> 01:00:59.450 all our view points told of complex east use 737 01:00:59.450 --> 01:01:04.240 knew am baith thinking was very well before 738 01:01:04.240 --> 01:01:09.920 quite out of being yams and also beast awful 739 01:01:09.920 --> 01:01:14.210 awful cheese and mythical she there might be 740 01:01:14.210 --> 01:01:19.450 like all the though he's will be the case stanley's 741 01:01:19.450 --> 01:01:24.670 which our relation to are widely on environed 742 01:01:24.670 --> 01:01:30.080 valleys youth while our scheme all mining deems 743 01:01:30.080 --> 01:01:34.600 then will problem base larry in an hour 744 01:01:34.600 --> 01:01:39.830 by use all then added he gains of 745 01:01:39.830 --> 01:01:44.940 the day of art yet also he acted ab or 746 01:01:44.940 --> 01:01:49.980 leave our joint isle of our whilst all the these 747 01:01:49.980 --> 01:01:54.940 ah ah that was the barter the earth 748 01:01:54.940 --> 01:01:59.780 say at the wretch that 749 01:01:59.780 --> 01:02:04.650 was such an hour him well 750 01:02:04.650 --> 01:02:10.220 ain't here than anywhere as the and unite our eyes hamlet 751 01:02:10.220 --> 01:02:15.120 the meaning of the orestes feared and hated barry up earth 752 01:02:15.120 --> 01:02:19.910 air and am presents have acknowledged in race israel or 753 01:02:19.910 --> 01:02:25.050 ephie's aniline wanting ericson there as the thing about the 754 01:02:25.050 --> 01:02:30.410 either as to be anger burst the crises on their way resting in his hand 755 01:02:30.410 --> 01:02:35.320 et une this island today in our cut by 756 01:02:35.320 --> 01:02:40.280 the sad guess i'll even of the sauce island 757 01:02:40.280 --> 01:02:45.130 we at any rate id asked ashbury justiciar all 758 01:02:45.130 --> 01:02:50.330 biologist allarmed the isle we had already found that 759 01:02:50.330 --> 01:02:55.110 was to leave the as we at many great ideas ah 760 01:02:55.110 --> 01:03:00.470 he moved with the merry at heart make interest the last ll 761 01:03:00.470 --> 01:03:05.610 piracy or none dynasties and hers i'm for that we 762 01:03:05.610 --> 01:03:10.750 of the death of the mighty after example the daily hereafter 763 01:03:10.750 --> 01:03:15.860 maybe she who it was clear that bed when 764 01:03:15.860 --> 01:03:20.950 think he is ye are learning and fall idlers the 765 01:03:20.950 --> 01:03:24.520 ain't my fault. 766 01:03:24.520 --> 01:03:29.230 yes i. 767 01:03:29.230 --> 01:03:30.880 the. 768 01:03:30.880 --> 01:03:36.110 lengthy or all possible to know what 769 01:03:36.110 --> 01:03:41.270 shall we got many ideas held on to near our it with the by day residence 770 01:03:41.270 --> 01:03:46.260 now cause and with our wrote it and we got nearly equal you 771 01:03:46.260 --> 01:03:51.390 honestly think may be and made many important homans out through 772 01:03:51.390 --> 01:03:56.340 all kind hold it is very new points is awful work 773 01:03:56.340 --> 01:04:01.370 weak or an we ending up asked ought to make it 774 01:04:01.370 --> 01:04:06.270 is about while she hunted by aggressively and economy 775 01:04:06.270 --> 01:04:11.440 in the hall society and whole wife and 776 01:04:11.440 --> 01:04:16.470 from yesterday's this cousins and from the day also hollow 777 01:04:16.470 --> 01:04:21.640 what message on our worship is that people either by diversity 778 01:04:21.640 --> 01:04:26.380 and you crowded isolate human beings from the quiet adversity 779 01:04:26.380 --> 01:04:31.530 and summoning our works of actually set of life people spiders city it 780 01:04:31.530 --> 01:04:36.480 is very very nice wait you and these orders about 781 01:04:36.480 --> 01:04:41.870 either worshipper and it'll make you ah we eloquence 782 01:04:41.870 --> 01:04:46.650 and yet don't know anything not bonner under us and 783 01:04:46.650 --> 01:04:51.700 regarded by the engine idle upon hochelaga the friend of the content 784 01:04:51.700 --> 01:04:56.540 in quantity was education among some of their new degree from the field apology 785 01:04:56.540 --> 01:05:01.700 and i'm loth to continue developing mike's these by or clambered upon what 786 01:05:01.700 --> 01:05:07.230 tumble participating in field force this mawnin on any opportunity is busy at 787 01:05:07.230 --> 01:05:11.620 every have been thinking about the new learning life will 788 01:05:11.620 --> 01:05:16.630 surely it is all can tell all that was we have made at 789 01:05:16.630 --> 01:05:22.300 the by de knuckles began take cross or mules 790 01:05:22.300 --> 01:05:26.860 which might be feasts are also who you are open 791 01:05:26.860 --> 01:05:31.670 for general avec elle ever so these kind of 792 01:05:31.670 --> 01:05:37.110 the ah he falls these ah also its on another 793 01:05:37.110 --> 01:05:42.110 story will give you all the without maniac 794 01:05:42.110 --> 01:05:46.650 all all they had been for miles uganda 795 01:05:46.650 --> 01:05:51.620 why could you didn't at all says the boy act 796 01:05:51.620 --> 01:05:56.380 to overthrow of also object be allowed to he is 797 01:05:56.380 --> 01:06:01.570 the only one cedar off that will be in or in ireland 798 01:06:01.570 --> 01:06:06.540 as colonel mannering appeal because think have yet to be repressing 799 01:06:06.540 --> 01:06:10.860 with an eye to eye 800 01:06:10.860 --> 01:06:15.900 is the law or all 801 01:06:15.900 --> 01:06:20.710 of the hid it ees miners the 802 01:06:20.710 --> 01:06:25.250 it cases will 803 01:06:25.250 --> 01:06:30.430 see the want of leads us to 804 01:06:30.430 --> 01:06:33.970 go certainly vi 805 01:06:33.970 --> 01:06:39.790 then shall keels on all certainly 806 01:06:39.790 --> 01:06:44.110 may be prayers at thee 807 01:06:44.110 --> 01:06:49.030 is very ill when 808 01:06:49.030 --> 01:06:54.550 go to your education 809 01:06:54.550 --> 01:06:59.500 he placed these also and 810 01:06:59.500 --> 01:07:04.300 also the duppy's heels and home in his eye 811 01:07:04.300 --> 01:07:09.820 with the oh this is or or in other our harmony 812 01:07:09.820 --> 01:07:14.550 exterior ha my madness ha 813 01:07:14.550 --> 01:07:19.450 no ai yale raw hide my 814 01:07:19.450 --> 01:07:24.150 says he'll all her these last we beg 815 01:07:24.150 --> 01:07:29.770 and you and used to wear her municipality 816 01:07:29.770 --> 01:07:34.380 again and we got lot of like people always calling when 817 01:07:34.380 --> 01:07:39.580 when at that we had at one is about the gardener and was name 818 01:07:39.580 --> 01:07:44.590 shall at it and when at last there may be is leaves some part of the quarter 819 01:07:44.590 --> 01:07:49.430 we don't touch it and immediately people as by pulling its it's not 820 01:07:49.430 --> 01:07:54.550 leave here disliked in everywhere that grant is them and slew 821 01:07:54.550 --> 01:07:59.710 half like it good people that the now they should be it known woman left 822 01:07:59.710 --> 01:08:04.810 bare headed and for my self exactly yes that is evidently made 823 01:08:04.810 --> 01:08:09.880 for all the other if there is no any other questions 824 01:08:09.880 --> 01:08:14.650 or or or comments and thank you very much and 825 01:08:14.650 --> 01:08:20.130 sir and if you want to join our neck where you can said the man on the astral 826 01:08:20.130 --> 01:08:24.970 ca eczema and not the know where to 827 01:08:24.970 --> 01:08:29.880 lay continue with the education at the make i'll move 828 01:08:29.880 --> 01:08:33.950 but when you pa and ma. 829 01:08:33.950 --> 01:08:39.210 presently 830 01:08:39.210 --> 01:08:45.090 pa and think can get me if had to say something 831 01:08:45.090 --> 01:08:49.200 selfhood acton and could have to all of you like but at last 832 01:08:49.200 --> 01:08:54.360 spectre responsible placing us at us with awe and divers 833 01:08:54.360 --> 01:08:59.430 batteries that debased weapon book that 834 01:08:59.430 --> 01:09:04.130 equals titled cooperation between high eddication its huge thence in 835 01:09:04.130 --> 01:09:09.520 sustainable education cell of dacent people deems it was really interesting 836 01:09:09.520 --> 01:09:14.360 yet alas present they said that they have to say that 837 01:09:14.360 --> 01:09:19.850 it was reedy makes this and think it that these duties but we have our how death 838 01:09:19.850 --> 01:09:24.220 they had all but ready while in sense the last of this game leg 839 01:09:24.220 --> 01:09:29.720 though the fed upon itself glossy stands as adding ghostly already happy 840 01:09:29.720 --> 01:09:34.390 days the anne and the other either the invaded 841 01:09:34.390 --> 01:09:39.730 the wowkle in decorate ah these for dancing in the 842 01:09:39.730 --> 01:09:44.300 that our into it and and so so they were both 843 01:09:44.300 --> 01:09:49.380 of these sights am an hour and also have the stadia 844 01:09:49.380 --> 01:09:54.390 already in these days at that it that the discusses bear but purely 845 01:09:54.390 --> 01:09:59.960 lightly and unproductive and we get high amount of much areas 846 01:09:59.960 --> 01:10:05.240 are both in that in the applicant aganippe castles so 847 01:10:05.240 --> 01:10:09.760 think we get me also have to up and ah couldn't do that 848 01:10:09.760 --> 01:10:14.380 at that point but michael was host think so 849 01:10:14.380 --> 01:10:19.670 so if you have something that hung from their these tool ah so 850 01:10:19.670 --> 01:10:25.180 we had to resent this lest be neglected happy ought not to come in as the isn't 851 01:10:25.180 --> 01:10:31.310 enough and then alan was krysia utterly alias if applied sciences 852 01:10:31.310 --> 01:10:36.180 and and was theirs sitting about the leafy where people 853 01:10:36.180 --> 01:10:40.700 would see her decided you'll want that 854 01:10:40.700 --> 01:10:45.840 after only he asked allister these in the east 855 01:10:45.840 --> 01:10:51.620 remarking sustainable development and and dames of despair small ruled 856 01:10:51.620 --> 01:10:56.130 her enter at her throat last was still ah 857 01:10:56.130 --> 01:11:01.610 scarcely defined advanced distaste in an agony this these concerning 858 01:11:01.610 --> 01:11:06.540 the dead horses bad morals it libra and also he rather interested 859 01:11:06.540 --> 01:11:11.400 about the various he's been nectar in these fields and the neck that's awful 860 01:11:11.400 --> 01:11:16.370 snapping not only in the yearning as the spectacles also that in or 861 01:11:16.370 --> 01:11:21.910 higher education institutions elsa universities applied sciences the 862 01:11:21.910 --> 01:11:27.550 pleasant ah ain blossom that benefit defy our state 863 01:11:27.550 --> 01:11:31.360 what what do we already high on their antecedent aim 864 01:11:31.360 --> 01:11:36.940 was to consider how against saint mande deepen our upraised and ease theodorus 865 01:11:36.940 --> 01:11:41.850 high ignition institutions ah elsa masons and discussions 866 01:11:41.850 --> 01:11:46.360 related these the immediately so that puny this these antony does 867 01:11:46.360 --> 01:11:51.690 he's by sciences have taking these bradbury seriously that evening 868 01:11:51.690 --> 01:11:56.710 into into give laughed at the nera ah don't bedding was 869 01:11:56.710 --> 01:12:01.980 discussing it it be any nice that antinahuel what talking about these 870 01:12:01.980 --> 01:12:07.050 these easy sat at the last legal hit war because of easy santa 871 01:12:07.050 --> 01:12:12.260 launched though also how they would be in amity thing in in university 872 01:12:12.260 --> 01:12:17.400 says think we can be white isle to me she let that be said 873 01:12:17.400 --> 01:12:22.500 hastily bone or ah sell one may learn beneath their gainful by 874 01:12:22.500 --> 01:12:27.650 house also by the yacht met the school that their utterly 875 01:12:27.650 --> 01:12:33.270 defend long cells that losses mould santa anna mark of 876 01:12:33.270 --> 01:12:38.230 the mother models of couple of yes aunt sez she have to mention blankly 877 01:12:38.230 --> 01:12:43.160 as in minute purchased of the unique in our empty and also international again 878 01:12:43.160 --> 01:12:48.150 and that if it has been doing him siebert to be morse the advocate 879 01:12:48.150 --> 01:12:52.780 draw study of venus exercised patient institutions and also 880 01:12:52.780 --> 01:12:58.030 ouida need he said met her aunt and concentrate the thunder on the losses 881 01:12:58.030 --> 01:13:03.120 relating to assist the sustainable development indicates the of many avarice and 882 01:13:03.120 --> 01:13:07.880 ida's eppie led it was pretext to be among the school because 883 01:13:07.880 --> 01:13:13.030 he had so much of important information that ross allah allah 884 01:13:13.030 --> 01:13:17.900 mostly agony as ease of also something that is going on in the evening 885 01:13:17.900 --> 01:13:23.100 this is white science east on aunt anna examining visit these like 886 01:13:23.100 --> 01:13:28.210 new lescombat though either by the faces statement that the spunky edict 887 01:13:28.210 --> 01:13:33.010 made the wheat commenced abhor korea ask altogether parts 888 01:13:33.010 --> 01:13:38.640 of the barega till we had already done the cells old de 889 01:13:38.640 --> 01:13:43.380 own that having read being all that was the aided by expects 890 01:13:43.380 --> 01:13:47.940 him out of his leonie and more at ease is an island at the 891 01:13:47.940 --> 01:13:53.030 was coming out of the whig every for all our students and those of the just 892 01:13:53.030 --> 01:13:58.270 salary eager to manage ah asked you wouldn't on that will last belonging 893 01:13:58.270 --> 01:14:03.120 to the most players on the idea of the bisect the 894 01:14:03.120 --> 01:14:07.920 takes some time to get almost falling down there 895 01:14:07.920 --> 01:14:13.030 if then the other presentation pick out man of from that like that 896 01:14:13.030 --> 01:14:18.230 mister farraday address the important seeing how keen universities applied 897 01:14:18.230 --> 01:14:23.270 sciences ah how are you in day in the fable 898 01:14:23.270 --> 01:14:28.530 of kind of cutting troo de lawd tuning happy 899 01:14:28.530 --> 01:14:33.190 upon on the fancies all bachelor masculinity please think 900 01:14:33.190 --> 01:14:38.280 holiday happy find one against these also calls for sustainable developing 901 01:14:38.280 --> 01:14:43.500 their so they having you'll be all their yourself as state of the 902 01:14:43.500 --> 01:14:48.150 anne and allow that darby's these as do the 903 01:14:48.150 --> 01:14:53.230 gospel stopped jointly as is about to be the only this is white 904 01:14:53.230 --> 01:14:57.970 sciences but still think it said mary at my ovah hat that death 905 01:14:57.970 --> 01:15:03.190 you have themselves in key that the space i'm told that 906 01:15:03.190 --> 01:15:08.350 the owner of it sees anger was be it in draught mode of thinking 907 01:15:08.350 --> 01:15:13.190 entailed leg every once constructed and yet 908 01:15:13.190 --> 01:15:18.630 and inane ally dispassion after the still present additions 909 01:15:18.630 --> 01:15:23.750 ah ever making many things at the will and and the people by dissipating 910 01:15:23.750 --> 01:15:28.680 ah you up about us while we realize that although 911 01:15:28.680 --> 01:15:33.280 we had almost by rank of the goggled at the 912 01:15:33.280 --> 01:15:38.760 vanda seneca moneyless and under her 913 01:15:38.760 --> 01:15:43.770 glossy step that they had we learned that they are at once more of him 914 01:15:43.770 --> 01:15:48.380 anna and also we anna anna many more make it month 915 01:15:48.380 --> 01:15:54.010 yet all of one at aware of the also international 916 01:15:54.010 --> 01:15:58.660 that's hung and we discussed that many of the calls these at anna 917 01:15:58.660 --> 01:16:03.390 is discovered lot away over the students they asked the white 918 01:16:03.390 --> 01:16:08.470 generale and we also meat or go ceased at deepen elsie against 919 01:16:08.470 --> 01:16:13.880 understanding and these issues from various identity ah 920 01:16:13.880 --> 01:16:18.510 background slack posses were laid at the station at the eldest 921 01:16:18.510 --> 01:16:23.430 law and so on of course we realize that the spanish one is already cheese 922 01:16:23.430 --> 01:16:28.440 in our enemy best is tenderly that if the applied sciences but they anna at the moment 923 01:16:28.440 --> 01:16:33.390 gained in the long that they ah the available for also against the loveliness 924 01:16:33.390 --> 01:16:38.380 is an end of light science is very implored the stood that was 925 01:16:38.380 --> 01:16:43.730 are constantly anna and these gaseous neglecting to 926 01:16:43.730 --> 01:16:48.510 us on our based abetting what can lucky jess and 927 01:16:48.510 --> 01:16:53.420 others deafening there's awesomely education on the spot dance at the these 928 01:16:53.420 --> 01:16:58.500 instant and then he that is so common in all of these notes of 929 01:16:58.500 --> 01:17:03.660 they need more more angry education ah and 930 01:17:03.660 --> 01:17:08.480 an invitation for apparition of the looking as if the baccy 931 01:17:08.480 --> 01:17:13.530 outlet was be sent ye now our becky with very many people 932 01:17:13.530 --> 01:17:18.610 in dress the in that feet and the now in it as beyond our sabine ewing hourly bears 933 01:17:18.610 --> 01:17:24.140 the backwards at the santa anna heavenly after hours of the just like that 934 01:17:24.140 --> 01:17:28.400 of this ef they mostly knees ah where by the 935 01:17:28.400 --> 01:17:33.520 mammal indignation is the same came up to this the most was the buttons 936 01:17:33.520 --> 01:17:38.520 down very happy at the teaches us to aware of this important matter 937 01:17:38.520 --> 01:17:43.590 of in now university or that began for example promise to be teaches 938 01:17:43.590 --> 01:17:49.220 the eastthorpe hastily happily expressed their 939 01:17:49.220 --> 01:17:53.330 we realize that the altogether we walk ordination so 940 01:17:53.330 --> 01:17:58.950 that not all of my education institutions wooden stools slow de se create 941 01:17:58.950 --> 01:18:03.380 higher on the without knowing about beats us at this very 942 01:18:03.380 --> 01:18:08.880 lightly yet stone axes going on and and an we realizing 943 01:18:08.880 --> 01:18:13.220 in view is levy letting go that ah 944 01:18:13.220 --> 01:18:18.250 it is not broken love the broken up we haven't any posses people state that the 945 01:18:18.250 --> 01:18:23.970 began her silence admit that fast they might be for souls diocese stuck one education 946 01:18:23.970 --> 01:18:28.460 in byron's silences after silence is silent so it is 947 01:18:28.460 --> 01:18:33.650 at the out aware of the way of doing in each institution 948 01:18:33.650 --> 01:18:38.690 on and then flung back the and join our horses at apiece and very important 949 01:18:38.690 --> 01:18:43.680 vichy the also was made wasn't so that if that is the happy 950 01:18:43.680 --> 01:18:49.720 should apply to hush offend the tree so sees in awe of 951 01:18:49.720 --> 01:18:53.880 the assembly also we are realized that beattie john whether he noticed 952 01:18:53.880 --> 01:18:58.800 all this the existing iris related to the raw wiped 953 01:18:58.800 --> 01:19:03.400 many of them as these yet there at the because out of hand 954 01:19:03.400 --> 01:19:08.440 i'd existence for instance the out that the flossie's accessible dusted 955 01:19:08.440 --> 01:19:13.820 and set up it may be the up this to establish they you'll pa 956 01:19:13.820 --> 01:19:19.280 and they accent begin de perry cura islands or so 957 01:19:19.280 --> 01:19:23.690 we had day at it for example that lightly as hath various 958 01:19:23.690 --> 01:19:28.700 relating kill getting the jesting involve him in the across his body 959 01:19:28.700 --> 01:19:33.920 and in his eye occasion institutions and also buried 960 01:19:33.920 --> 01:19:38.710 we he's giant quasi speed we need to go on our backs are 961 01:19:38.710 --> 01:19:43.770 at us and the assignments and his brows the sigh complex and 962 01:19:43.770 --> 01:19:48.850 diana and then also in the hollow horizon that however we 963 01:19:48.850 --> 01:19:53.790 do these rose small lafayette loudly on the nut 964 01:19:53.790 --> 01:19:59.900 each and every about us with the same thing her grandmother pieces so they seized her hand 965 01:19:59.900 --> 01:20:03.860 let the if your happy 966 01:20:03.860 --> 01:20:08.810 that ah these so they see maybe they must going on 967 01:20:08.810 --> 01:20:13.540 my body nation but it's as easy though really need each and we 968 01:20:13.540 --> 01:20:18.340 decide what do you reckon on these eased us both in it in the needy and am in 969 01:20:18.340 --> 01:20:23.250 florence on ah join our haughtiest cells of 970 01:20:23.250 --> 01:20:29.100 at began ha proceeds touch with pattmore coherent 971 01:20:29.100 --> 01:20:33.110 tita along this education and displaying at length 972 01:20:33.110 --> 01:20:37.900 response of bank ha 973 01:20:37.900 --> 01:20:43.230 but aren't 974 01:20:43.230 --> 01:20:47.630 you mamma questions comments here 975 01:20:47.630 --> 01:20:53.030 these with her eye you know what 976 01:20:53.030 --> 01:20:57.820 allowed it to you 977 01:20:57.820 --> 01:21:03.880 but tell you think he is and peter admiration 978 01:21:03.880 --> 01:21:08.380 that he either in the oh 979 01:21:08.380 --> 01:21:12.960 own ha ha 980 01:21:12.960 --> 01:21:17.680 ha he confident and uli 981 01:21:17.680 --> 01:21:23.330 young ladies that her says 982 01:21:23.330 --> 01:21:27.850 i'll sit in the they at least you know is that in an 983 01:21:27.850 --> 01:21:33.180 i'll share an augury an' an pulled 984 01:21:33.180 --> 01:21:37.630 the bell or either the 985 01:21:37.630 --> 01:21:43.540 then he more boof all arrest permit me to because 986 01:21:43.540 --> 01:21:49.000 tells raw has gone was 987 01:21:49.000 --> 01:21:54.630 the is whispered wore one is kinder 988 01:21:54.630 --> 01:21:57.400 didn't i. 989 01:21:57.400 --> 01:22:00.630 but i. 990 01:22:00.630 --> 01:22:05.930 guess honor and ivory eiderdown without 991 01:22:05.930 --> 01:22:10.760 law or as was manhole ration 992 01:22:10.760 --> 01:22:15.730 is in our yes think don't know as they ability experts 993 01:22:15.730 --> 01:22:21.430 or are you we that immediate what could why 994 01:22:21.430 --> 01:22:26.000 am so media of iceland 995 01:22:26.000 --> 01:22:31.060 nita moods or if there is long way as 996 01:22:31.060 --> 01:22:35.690 if you please when uncle horses er 997 01:22:35.690 --> 01:22:40.740 gazed for prudence and as see no ah 998 01:22:40.740 --> 01:22:45.940 only ah your anna hand you 999 01:22:45.940 --> 01:22:50.650 over it but on the aviation offer us 1000 01:22:50.650 --> 01:22:52.150 is he. 1001 01:22:52.150 --> 01:22:53.890 i. 1002 01:22:53.890 --> 01:23:00.120 on the us isle where our 1003 01:23:00.120 --> 01:23:03.190 worst wagon rooms then let's have another ga ga