WEBVTT Kind: captions; Language: en 1 00:00:07.320 --> 00:00:12.420 Hi, my name is Eleni and today I'm on campus in room where there isn't camera. 2 00:00:12.420 --> 00:00:15.370 There isn't microphone, but I still want to organise hybrid 3 00:00:15.370 --> 00:00:18.420 teaching or hybrid meeting if that's the case. 4 00:00:18.420 --> 00:00:22.320 I have three devices so three options for you to try. 5 00:00:22.320 --> 00:00:27.960 First, if I, for example, have my own laptop here and I can use my laptop's camera, I just need 6 00:00:27.960 --> 00:00:33.850 microphone or speaker, then the Jabra microphone speaker is good option. 7 00:00:33.850 --> 00:00:38.100 If I need better camera or I want to connect camera to teacher computer, 8 00:00:38.100 --> 00:00:40.590 it's already in the room, then there are two more options. 9 00:00:40.590 --> 00:00:46.130 The first one is this Logitech Connect device, and then there's the meeting owl. 10 00:00:46.130 --> 00:00:53.090 But let's start by explaining how this one works. 11 00:00:53.090 --> 00:00:58.350 So how to use this Logitech Connect device when you have gotten it from the janitors? 12 00:00:58.350 --> 00:01:01.190 It'll come together with two cables. 13 00:01:01.190 --> 00:01:03.570 But let's first have a look at the device itself. 14 00:01:03.570 --> 00:01:08.860 So at the top there's few buttons and the power button. 15 00:01:08.860 --> 00:01:13.440 And don't forget there's hidden remote control, so don't forget to take 16 00:01:13.440 --> 00:01:15.920 this off, otherwise you're not going to see much on camera. 17 00:01:15.920 --> 00:01:19.320 On the remote control you can find the mute button, so 18 00:01:19.320 --> 00:01:21.940 you can switch the microphone off and on. 19 00:01:21.940 --> 00:01:25.400 You can put the volume up or down and then with the arrows you can move 20 00:01:25.400 --> 00:01:28.360 the camera little bit and you can also zoom in and out. 21 00:01:28.360 --> 00:01:31.320 But there is also physical button on the device itself. 22 00:01:31.320 --> 00:01:36.320 So here there's little wheel you can scroll up or down or up and as you can 23 00:01:36.320 --> 00:01:41.460 see the camera will also move little bit And then this grey bit here that's 24 00:01:41.460 --> 00:01:45.280 the both the microphone and the speaker and not on. 25 00:01:45.280 --> 00:01:49.400 Importantly, at the back is where you can connect both cables. 26 00:01:49.400 --> 00:01:55.260 So let's do that. First, I'll start with the charger. 27 00:01:55.260 --> 00:01:57.500 So you connect the charger. 28 00:01:57.500 --> 00:01:59.660 Let's start by connecting to the device. 29 00:01:59.660 --> 00:02:07.260 So at the back, this end goes in, and then I'll connect it here as well 30 00:02:07.260 --> 00:02:10.020 get. And then there's regular USB cable. 31 00:02:10.020 --> 00:02:16.500 So again, one end goes into the Logitech Connect device, and the other end goes into your 32 00:02:16.500 --> 00:02:23.250 laptop or the feature computer, just like computer mouse or keyboard would. 33 00:02:23.250 --> 00:02:25.050 Great. 34 00:02:25.050 --> 00:02:27.860 And then you can it might start itself when you open Zoom or then there's 35 00:02:27.860 --> 00:02:32.410 power button at the top and you know it's on when there's this beautiful 36 00:02:32.410 --> 00:02:42.550 blue light at the bottom and it makes out. 37 00:02:42.550 --> 00:02:47.930 When using new device, it's always good to test the sound in Zoom or teams. 38 00:02:47.930 --> 00:02:53.050 So when you go to the right side of the microphone button, there 39 00:02:53.050 --> 00:02:58.300 is an option that says test speaker and microphone. 40 00:02:58.300 --> 00:03:01.400 I can hear it. That's great. 41 00:03:01.400 --> 00:03:03.630 Now I will say something. 42 00:03:03.630 --> 00:03:05.860 Now I will say something. I can hear myself. 43 00:03:05.860 --> 00:03:08.300 That's great too. So I press yes. 44 00:03:08.300 --> 00:03:13.170 So this way I know that both the speaker and the microphone work. 45 00:03:13.170 --> 00:03:16.770 If you want to triple check, you can also check it from the settings. 46 00:03:16.770 --> 00:03:22.640 So again if I click on this small arrow pointing upwards, it'll show under microphone 47 00:03:22.640 --> 00:03:26.250 that the connect device is connected and similarly under speaker. 48 00:03:26.250 --> 00:03:31.240 It also shows Connect Here between brackets and similarly with the 49 00:03:31.240 --> 00:03:36.340 camera, if I go to the camera settings, it'll also show that the conference 50 00:03:36.340 --> 00:03:38.520 camera connect is the one we're using. 51 00:03:38.520 --> 00:03:42.160 And of course I can switch the camera on and then 52 00:03:42.160 --> 00:03:46.510 it shows me the right the right angle. 53 00:03:46.510 --> 00:03:49.810 When you're in Teams, this is what it'll look like. 54 00:03:49.810 --> 00:03:54.090 So the device is again connected to the laptop, but this time in Teams. 55 00:03:54.090 --> 00:03:56.970 We also want to check the settings, so we want to make sure it 56 00:03:56.970 --> 00:03:59.990 is using the right camera and the right microphone. 57 00:03:59.990 --> 00:04:04.800 To find the settings you go to more so the three horizontal dots. 58 00:04:04.800 --> 00:04:09.250 Then you find the wheel with the settings little bit lower 59 00:04:09.250 --> 00:04:14.930 and next you can click on device settings. 60 00:04:14.930 --> 00:04:16.840 Then on the right list opens. 61 00:04:16.840 --> 00:04:21.180 Here under audio settings we again see that the device that we're 62 00:04:21.180 --> 00:04:23.590 using is called connect, so that's the right one. 63 00:04:23.590 --> 00:04:30.310 And then when we go down under video settings it'll also show conference Cam connect 64 00:04:30.310 --> 00:04:35.070 and if not then you can click on the arrow and choose the right one. 65 00:04:35.070 --> 00:04:38.620 From here, when the settings are correct, we can close 66 00:04:38.620 --> 00:04:42.130 them and for example, switch the camera on. 67 00:04:42.130 --> 00:04:44.610 Double check that we see what we want to see. 68 00:04:44.610 --> 00:04:47.090 And then when you're ready to start the teaching or start the meeting, 69 00:04:47.090 --> 00:04:50.060 don't forget to switch on your microphone. 70 00:04:50.060 --> 00:04:54.260 We have an online participant, so let's see how this works in practise. 71 00:04:54.260 --> 00:04:57.440 My camera is switched on, so I first need to double check 72 00:04:57.440 --> 00:04:59.420 my microphone is switched on as well. 73 00:04:59.420 --> 00:05:02.340 That way the online participants can hear us. 74 00:05:02.340 --> 00:05:04.300 So let's do test. Hi Salma. 75 00:05:04.300 --> 00:05:07.840 How are you doing? I'm doing fine. 76 00:05:07.840 --> 00:05:09.660 How about you? Doing fine too. 77 00:05:09.660 --> 00:05:11.460 Thank you. 78 00:05:11.460 --> 00:05:14.040 So Salmet can hear us through this grey bit. 79 00:05:14.040 --> 00:05:16.620 So this is both the speaker and the microphone. 80 00:05:16.620 --> 00:05:20.320 And then obviously you can move this device around the way you like. 81 00:05:20.320 --> 00:05:24.020 So you can put it further away, somewhere in the middle of the room, somewhere in the 82 00:05:24.020 --> 00:05:30.080 corner, depending on what what angle you want to see on the camera. 83 00:05:30.080 --> 00:05:32.860 Good. Thank you, Salma. 84 00:05:32.860 --> 00:05:39.060 Thank you. 85 00:05:39.060 --> 00:05:44.020 A second option is to use this meeting Owl or Cocoa Spiller. 86 00:05:44.020 --> 00:05:46.200 This device again comes with two cables. 87 00:05:46.200 --> 00:05:50.360 There's USB cable and charger. What does it look like? 88 00:05:50.360 --> 00:05:56.910 Well, at the top there's 360 camera, so this will view and show the entire room. 89 00:05:56.910 --> 00:06:01.520 And then the side bit, the grey bit, that's all speaker and microphone. 90 00:06:01.520 --> 00:06:05.300 It doesn't have power button, so it'll switch itself itself on the 91 00:06:05.300 --> 00:06:07.540 moment you connect it to the laptop or the moment you, for example, 92 00:06:07.540 --> 00:06:11.040 open the camera or microphone in Zoom or teams. 93 00:06:11.040 --> 00:06:15.660 Then on the side you can switch the volume up and down. 94 00:06:15.660 --> 00:06:20.210 But of course, once it's connected to the laptop, you can also just use your laptop's buttons, 95 00:06:20.210 --> 00:06:25.850 and then you can also use the mute button from here if you'd like at the bottom. 96 00:06:25.850 --> 00:06:36.630 This is where you connect both cables, so let's do that first 97 00:06:36.630 --> 00:06:44.810 and then the USB goes next side or like alongside the power cable. 98 00:06:44.810 --> 00:06:51.830 Both are in. 99 00:06:51.830 --> 00:06:58.340 So now I connect it to the laptop, it already shows us his eyes. 100 00:06:58.340 --> 00:07:04.020 You can see it on this side, but also on this side, and I want to switch on the camera. 101 00:07:04.020 --> 00:07:08.720 It'll wake up even more and sometimes it makes very lovely owl sound. 102 00:07:08.720 --> 00:07:13.100 But of course, now for the sake of filming this, it doesn't want to. 103 00:07:13.100 --> 00:07:20.620 Yeah, it does. Good. 104 00:07:20.620 --> 00:07:24.980 So now the owl is connected in Teams, you can check from the settings. 105 00:07:24.980 --> 00:07:29.080 So here under audio settings it'll say meeting our pro and when you Scroll 106 00:07:29.080 --> 00:07:32.920 down it also shows that meeting our camera under the camera. 107 00:07:32.920 --> 00:07:37.870 But obviously we can see that it's using the right camera at the moment with the owl and 108 00:07:37.870 --> 00:07:46.000 360° camera here at the top it shows the entire room and then here in the front 109 00:07:46.000 --> 00:07:49.480 it'll show two or three or just one person depending on who's talking. 110 00:07:49.480 --> 00:07:51.280 So this is me. 111 00:07:51.280 --> 00:07:55.570 And then there's the lovely Patsy who is here with us today as well. 112 00:07:55.570 --> 00:07:59.130 So in the zoom settings this is how you will find the owl. 113 00:07:59.130 --> 00:08:04.770 So here it shows between brackets 2 Meeting Owl Pro under speaker. 114 00:08:04.770 --> 00:08:10.270 It's the same name and then when you want to triple check the camera. 115 00:08:10.270 --> 00:08:13.220 Also here you'll find Meeting Owl Camera. 116 00:08:13.220 --> 00:08:18.230 So make sure those are checked when you want to use the meeting. 117 00:08:18.230 --> 00:08:20.200 OWL,. 118 00:08:20.200 --> 00:08:24.440 My teaching or meeting has ended again so I want to return this meeting. 119 00:08:24.440 --> 00:08:34.060 I will to janitors. I first remove all the cables, 120 00:08:34.060 --> 00:08:40.530 so if you remember they were here at the bottom of the owl. The 121 00:08:40.530 --> 00:08:42.060 owl doesn't have power button so you don't need 122 00:08:42.060 --> 00:08:44.310 to do anything on this device anymore. 123 00:08:44.310 --> 00:08:47.460 Then all you need to do is put the device and both cables back into 124 00:08:47.460 --> 00:08:54.310 the box and then return the box to the janitor. 125 00:08:54.310 --> 00:08:59.090 When you're in room that doesn't have many devices or any devices, 126 00:08:59.090 --> 00:09:02.190 but you have for example laptop and laptop has camera and that 127 00:09:02.190 --> 00:09:04.630 camera is enough for the situation you're in. 128 00:09:04.630 --> 00:09:07.570 Or there's teacher computer and the teacher computer has camera 129 00:09:07.570 --> 00:09:10.760 so all you're missing is a speaker and or microphone. 130 00:09:10.760 --> 00:09:14.540 Then this Yabra device can come to the rescue. 131 00:09:14.540 --> 00:09:19.700 This comes with USB USB cables connected to the device. 132 00:09:19.700 --> 00:09:27.250 So all you need to do is plug this into the teacher computer or your own laptop and then 133 00:09:27.250 --> 00:09:32.810 from the device you can mute, unmute or switch the volume higher or lower. 134 00:09:32.810 --> 00:09:35.590 But again, you can also do that using the settings on your 135 00:09:35.590 --> 00:09:44.120 own laptop or on the teacher computer. 136 00:09:44.120 --> 00:09:48.760 So when in zoom settings again I want to make sure it's using this 137 00:09:48.760 --> 00:09:51.600 this Yabra device as both microphone and speaker. 138 00:09:51.600 --> 00:09:57.120 So here under microphone between brackets it says Yabra speak, so that's the one we 139 00:09:57.120 --> 00:10:01.790 want and then similarly under speaker it has also chosen for Yabra. 140 00:10:01.790 --> 00:10:05.480 So double check that these two are checked before using 141 00:10:05.480 --> 00:10:09.560 this microphone speaker when in Teams. 142 00:10:09.560 --> 00:10:14.300 When you go to the settings then here as well you will find that Yabra speaks. 143 00:10:14.300 --> 00:10:18.750 So check under Audio settings that it's using the Yabra device and 144 00:10:18.750 --> 00:10:25.270 if not you can always find it here from the list. 145 00:10:25.270 --> 00:10:27.580 My meeting or teaching has ended. 146 00:10:27.580 --> 00:10:31.260 I again switched off my laptop or signed out from the teacher computer. 147 00:10:31.260 --> 00:10:37.700 So to return the Abra, I just unplug it from the device. 148 00:10:37.700 --> 00:10:45.550 There's no power button so all I need to do is roll it up and then you will 149 00:10:45.550 --> 00:10:49.550 most likely have gotten it into in a case so put it back into its case and 150 00:10:49.550 --> 00:10:53.990 then return the case with the Abrahamic to the Janitor. 151 00:10:53.990 --> 00:10:58.270 So remember that even when you have teaching or a meeting in room where there isn't camera 152 00:10:58.270 --> 00:11:02.830 and or there also maybe isn't a microphone or speaker you do have options. 153 00:11:02.830 --> 00:11:05.890 If you can use camera from your laptop and all you need is 154 00:11:05.890 --> 00:11:09.010 microphone speaker then the Yabra will do. 155 00:11:09.010 --> 00:11:12.530 If you also want camera then there's Logitech connect device 156 00:11:12.530 --> 00:11:14.450 and if you would like to show the entire room. 157 00:11:14.450 --> 00:11:20.250 If you want 360 view then I recommend using the owl So all you need to do is 158 00:11:20.250 --> 00:11:24.110 send message to the janitor, let them know when and where you would need which 159 00:11:24.110 --> 00:11:27.070 one of these devices go pick them up and then have fun. 160 00:11:27.070 --> 00:11:36.040 Try them out. Good luck from the janitors 161 00:11:36.040 --> 00:11:37.840 of the university. 162 00:11:37.840 --> 00:11:40.400 From the six buildings you can lend equipment. 163 00:11:40.400 --> 00:11:45.020 There is equipment available in the Library, Lady Main Building, 164 00:11:45.020 --> 00:11:50.080 Lagunda Rule, Supposta, Agora and Nanoscience Centre. 165 00:11:50.080 --> 00:11:54.720 To get this equipment, you can just walk into these janitor spots 166 00:11:54.720 --> 00:11:59.610 on the campus and ask for a lendable hybrid equipment. 167 00:11:59.610 --> 00:12:03.450 If you want, you can already contact the janitors beforehand 168 00:12:03.450 --> 00:12:07.080 by sending them e-mail or calling them. 169 00:12:07.080 --> 00:12:10.500 The contact information can be found on the university website.