WEBVTT 1 00:00:48.200 --> 00:00:49.720 No looking forward. 2 00:01:00.840 --> 00:01:01.720 Floors mine. 3 00:01:02.320 --> 00:01:05.809 How nice thank you and welcome today on this ... 4 00:01:05.809 --> 00:01:07.359 beautiful winter. 5 00:01:08.200 --> 00:01:09.400 Wednesday. 6 00:01:10.160 --> 00:01:13.890 Good I got something right that's good to start out on the ... 7 00:01:13.890 --> 00:01:17.620 right foot to talk about in search of wise leadership and ... 8 00:01:17.620 --> 00:01:21.112 maybe what we can we can glean from it for teaching and ... 9 00:01:21.112 --> 00:01:24.684 learning it's a pleasure to be with you I'm most of you I ... 10 00:01:24.684 --> 00:01:28.652 know where online it's nice to start off a presentation when ... 11 00:01:28.652 --> 00:01:32.065 the new virus emerges but notwithstanding I want to ... 12 00:01:32.065 --> 00:01:35.795 welcome you and start out this presentation like I do all ... 13 00:01:35.795 --> 00:01:39.128 my presentations and quite frankly how I think all ... 14 00:01:39.128 --> 00:01:40.794 presentation should be. 15 00:01:41.320 --> 00:01:43.760 I begin with a warm thank you. 16 00:01:44.920 --> 00:01:47.947 Thank you for being here I know you have a lot of things ... 17 00:01:47.947 --> 00:01:51.319 to do you have lives we all have lives and things on her mind. 18 00:01:51.880 --> 00:01:54.640 But I will try and do is make it worth your time. 19 00:01:55.280 --> 00:01:58.355 And as I as I'm an Explorer seeking or what wisdom ... 20 00:01:58.355 --> 00:02:01.892 means and how we can use it to together our institutions ... 21 00:02:01.892 --> 00:02:05.198 and our lives both personally and professionally. 22 00:02:05.840 --> 00:02:08.240 As I walk it I am warmed by your company. 23 00:02:08.960 --> 00:02:09.960 Thanks for being you. 24 00:02:12.080 --> 00:02:15.618 I'd like to begin my talk by my telling you what I'm going to ... 25 00:02:15.618 --> 00:02:18.861 talk about and first I want to show you why I think it's ... 26 00:02:18.861 --> 00:02:22.030 worth your time to give you as I say in my own business ... 27 00:02:22.030 --> 00:02:23.799 classes your money's worth. 28 00:02:24.320 --> 00:02:26.640 So let me speak in the beginning. 29 00:02:27.160 --> 00:02:29.883 To why we need wise leadership I don't think this is ... 30 00:02:29.883 --> 00:02:31.439 going to be a difficult sell. 31 00:02:32.520 --> 00:02:37.680 Problem that we face the journey that we have taken. 32 00:02:38.200 --> 00:02:41.120 And a solution that maybe we're getting closer to. 33 00:02:41.640 --> 00:02:45.248 And I apologize to you in advance if if you've come ... 34 00:02:45.248 --> 00:02:47.360 looking for simple answers. 35 00:02:47.880 --> 00:02:51.760 There aren't any or if there are I don't have to. 36 00:02:52.320 --> 00:02:57.288 But what I think we are on the brink of what I think we are ... 37 00:02:57.288 --> 00:03:02.145 moving towards is a path is away is a process to see how ... 38 00:03:02.145 --> 00:03:06.119 we can understand what wise leadership is. 39 00:03:06.680 --> 00:03:10.160 And to cultivated in ourselves and hopefully. 40 00:03:10.680 --> 00:03:14.976 Institutionalize it so it lives it lived Beyond us and I will ... 41 00:03:14.976 --> 00:03:18.928 present that model to you I will present that model of of ... 42 00:03:18.928 --> 00:03:21.935 what it means to be a more wise and how we can ... 43 00:03:21.935 --> 00:03:25.629 become more wise and I'll tip you off there are three ... 44 00:03:25.629 --> 00:03:26.917 dialectics invo. 45 00:03:27.600 --> 00:03:31.520 1 divided howling to be better to see better and to do better. 46 00:03:32.440 --> 00:03:36.317 And then finally an integrated there in I'll speak to teaching ... 47 00:03:36.317 --> 00:03:40.119 and learning cuz I know much of our audience is from this back. 48 00:03:40.800 --> 00:03:43.760 So how if we know what wise leadership is. 49 00:03:44.800 --> 00:03:48.250 What path should we take as individuals and what path ... 50 00:03:48.250 --> 00:03:50.759 should we cultivate as professional. 51 00:03:51.520 --> 00:03:54.240 Tell to move us in the right direction. 52 00:03:55.000 --> 00:03:56.400 So with your permission. 53 00:03:57.080 --> 00:03:58.720 I will proceed in this way. 54 00:04:00.600 --> 00:04:03.488 Let me talk to you about the journey I've taken and how ... 55 00:04:03.488 --> 00:04:05.719 it's landed me here and you've asked you. 56 00:04:07.480 --> 00:04:10.852 I've looked at this problem in many ways both vertically ... 57 00:04:10.852 --> 00:04:11.999 and horizontally. 58 00:04:12.920 --> 00:04:16.515 If you look at it vertically and maybe that icon is a little ... 59 00:04:16.515 --> 00:04:19.510 small but I was I was fortunate I was blessed to be ... 60 00:04:19.510 --> 00:04:22.805 the worldwide General editor of the Encyclopedia of ... 61 00:04:22.805 --> 00:04:24.078 management Theory. 62 00:04:24.760 --> 00:04:29.600 I had an opportunity to see what theories exist in our field. 63 00:04:30.160 --> 00:04:34.615 Borrowed of course it in gratuitously stolen or applied ... 64 00:04:34.615 --> 00:04:39.164 from Mary is like psychology sociology history cultural ... 65 00:04:39.164 --> 00:04:41.438 anthropology and the light. 66 00:04:42.000 --> 00:04:45.400 To see what models of understanding their exist. 67 00:04:46.120 --> 00:04:49.158 And I also sought to ask other folks folks who are ... 68 00:04:49.158 --> 00:04:52.803 actually out there slugging it out and my university is in ... 69 00:04:52.803 --> 00:04:56.448 downtown Manhattan so folks who are working full-time if ... 70 00:04:56.448 --> 00:05:00.397 they're using these tools if they are using and applying them. 71 00:05:00.920 --> 00:05:02.200 If they're actually work. 72 00:05:02.920 --> 00:05:05.320 This is part of my journey that I've been take. 73 00:05:06.240 --> 00:05:08.200 I also wanted to look at this verdict. 74 00:05:08.840 --> 00:05:12.950 I had an opportunity to to publish and to share ideas on ... 75 00:05:12.950 --> 00:05:16.695 an importance and human importance what it means ... 76 00:05:16.695 --> 00:05:21.719 and pay if you've come here we're going big we're not wasting time. 77 00:05:22.400 --> 00:05:26.520 What it means to be a significant and valuable human being. 78 00:05:28.120 --> 00:05:31.926 And also what this means at the cultural or Global level ... 79 00:05:31.926 --> 00:05:35.980 had an opportunity to present in South Africa some ideas on ... 80 00:05:35.980 --> 00:05:39.703 cultural mythology and Global Leadership and string ... 81 00:05:39.703 --> 00:05:41.358 together some of these. 82 00:05:41.960 --> 00:05:45.300 Templates to see how they overlap what are the ... 83 00:05:45.300 --> 00:05:48.552 preferences and an end strength what are the ... 84 00:05:48.552 --> 00:05:52.419 predilections that we that we have and how can we lead ... 85 00:05:52.419 --> 00:05:55.759 both within and across cultural boundaries. 86 00:05:56.320 --> 00:05:58.280 This has brought me. 87 00:05:59.480 --> 00:06:00.680 To the following Journey. 88 00:06:01.240 --> 00:06:04.041 I was fortunate to a published the handbook of ... 89 00:06:04.041 --> 00:06:06.399 organizational a managerial wisdom. 90 00:06:07.120 --> 00:06:10.729 Where we looked at different aspects of wisdom the ... 91 00:06:10.729 --> 00:06:13.479 wisdom is not a thing that's a spoiler. 92 00:06:14.040 --> 00:06:18.106 Across different types of organizations this was an ... 93 00:06:18.106 --> 00:06:22.449 edited volume and what I'll be speaking with a from today ... 94 00:06:22.449 --> 00:06:26.237 mostly is a book that was published last year it's ... 95 00:06:26.237 --> 00:06:30.672 December so it's still just last year on wise leadership a ... 96 00:06:30.672 --> 00:06:34.645 toolbox for sustainable success do this in a way is a ... 97 00:06:34.645 --> 00:06:38.711 culmination of a long journey I've taken in search of ... 98 00:06:38.711 --> 00:06:43.516 understanding what wisdom is and how we can lead in a wiser way. 99 00:06:44.080 --> 00:06:47.360 And if you're wondering why these hexagon Circle the globe. 100 00:06:48.000 --> 00:06:49.520 That's coming soon. 101 00:06:50.040 --> 00:06:51.680 Doing that will be explained. 102 00:06:52.560 --> 00:06:53.440 So here we are. 103 00:06:54.160 --> 00:06:57.655 Here we are in you vascular here we are at the Finish ... 104 00:06:57.655 --> 00:07:01.233 Institute for educational research here we are and ... 105 00:07:01.233 --> 00:07:05.061 thank you even for your introduction with your support ... 106 00:07:05.061 --> 00:07:08.556 and here we are thanks to paivi and you see and all my ... 107 00:07:08.556 --> 00:07:12.134 colleagues here you've allowed me to continue this ... 108 00:07:12.134 --> 00:07:15.878 Quest and maybe we can share some ideas going forward. 109 00:07:16.960 --> 00:07:19.080 It's the beginning of my sabbatical. 110 00:07:21.000 --> 00:07:24.200 And on this sabbatical I've come from New York as I mention. 111 00:07:25.080 --> 00:07:27.996 And my first stop has been fiddling do you know you are ... 112 00:07:27.996 --> 00:07:29.719 the world's happiest country. 113 00:07:30.600 --> 00:07:32.560 So I'm looking for some answers here. 114 00:07:33.600 --> 00:07:36.920 And I'm also right after Finland going to be traveling. 115 00:07:37.520 --> 00:07:38.040 Egypt. 116 00:07:38.960 --> 00:07:42.040 To look for similar answers and ideas about what. 117 00:07:42.800 --> 00:07:44.080 And after Egypt. 118 00:07:44.640 --> 00:07:47.000 My plan is to then go to Cory. 119 00:07:48.040 --> 00:07:52.880 To see and look for answers there so what an interesting tapestry yes. 120 00:07:53.440 --> 00:07:57.384 What is wisdom that does not limit our self or put put us in ... 121 00:07:57.384 --> 00:08:01.076 any of us but other people are ourselves in the Box let ... 122 00:08:01.076 --> 00:08:06.279 us let let us truly be explorers and if they give it to him in a literal sense. 123 00:08:08.400 --> 00:08:12.100 So why should you be here why should you invest an ... 124 00:08:12.100 --> 00:08:15.800 hour and a half of your valuable time today here. 125 00:08:16.360 --> 00:08:20.961 Well let's talk about that and if you don't agree then after ... 126 00:08:20.961 --> 00:08:22.839 the first parts please. 127 00:08:23.480 --> 00:08:24.240 What do you say. 128 00:08:26.200 --> 00:08:27.680 What do you see in this picture. 129 00:08:30.400 --> 00:08:32.080 If you are like most people. 130 00:08:32.640 --> 00:08:35.940 You recognize that very famous statue on the end of ... 131 00:08:35.940 --> 00:08:37.040 the hallway yes. 132 00:08:37.680 --> 00:08:42.064 This is in Florence Italy this is the Academia and that of ... 133 00:08:42.064 --> 00:08:46.541 course is Michelangelo's David it is glowing it is said in ... 134 00:08:46.541 --> 00:08:50.645 front of your eyes you are meant to go over there and if ... 135 00:08:50.645 --> 00:08:54.562 you travel to the Academia you see all these people ... 136 00:08:54.562 --> 00:08:59.132 running to David like they are ball bearings and it is a very ... 137 00:08:59.132 --> 00:09:02.117 powerful magnet and it is a race that I. 138 00:09:02.640 --> 00:09:05.982 That goes to the swiftest selfie speakers so when you ... 139 00:09:05.982 --> 00:09:10.159 are looking here and you are seeing this David and you are running. 140 00:09:10.680 --> 00:09:12.520 My contention to you is. 141 00:09:13.520 --> 00:09:15.120 You're looking in the wrong place. 142 00:09:16.800 --> 00:09:17.880 Because wisdom. 143 00:09:18.600 --> 00:09:20.640 Is hiding in plain sight. 144 00:09:21.440 --> 00:09:24.802 And an Envy the epitome of wisdom nickel Angelo's ... 145 00:09:24.802 --> 00:09:28.082 masterpieces are not necessarily the David but ... 146 00:09:28.082 --> 00:09:31.772 these little statues that you see on the hallway which ... 147 00:09:31.772 --> 00:09:35.544 everyone except maybe one person here is noticing they ... 148 00:09:35.544 --> 00:09:37.676 are the very famous prisoners. 149 00:09:38.440 --> 00:09:42.393 They are the they are the statues that are emerging ... 150 00:09:42.393 --> 00:09:46.534 from their sedimentary penitentiaries they are the ... 151 00:09:46.534 --> 00:09:50.958 masterpieces trying to make their way out of the marble. 152 00:09:52.440 --> 00:09:53.200 You see. 153 00:09:54.440 --> 00:09:56.520 Michelangelo didn't quit. 154 00:09:57.200 --> 00:10:01.200 The statue in the marble it was already there. 155 00:10:01.720 --> 00:10:04.840 He just removed the extraneous material. 156 00:10:06.240 --> 00:10:07.200 Similarly. 157 00:10:08.480 --> 00:10:10.400 You can't train wisdom. 158 00:10:11.600 --> 00:10:15.836 And you shouldn't try maybe some of it subcomponents ... 159 00:10:15.836 --> 00:10:19.879 maybe at some level you can't put wisdom into peep. 160 00:10:20.880 --> 00:10:22.600 You need to uncover it. 161 00:10:23.120 --> 00:10:26.400 Educate a means to draw forth in the ancient. 162 00:10:27.120 --> 00:10:31.142 So rather than trying to be talkin head giving people ... 163 00:10:31.142 --> 00:10:35.439 answers I'm not here to give you answers sorry I'm here to ... 164 00:10:35.439 --> 00:10:37.359 ask you Wicked question. 165 00:10:37.880 --> 00:10:40.200 And to help you find the wisdom Within. 166 00:10:40.800 --> 00:10:45.432 And to help you unleash that to find the the kaleidoscopic ... 167 00:10:45.432 --> 00:10:48.520 you and to be able to lead sustainable. 168 00:10:49.120 --> 00:10:52.360 So beware when you're shown places to look. 169 00:10:53.440 --> 00:10:57.120 Beware of those David's in the world right and if you're ... 170 00:10:57.120 --> 00:11:00.960 David I'm sorry but beware of those David in the world that ... 171 00:11:00.960 --> 00:11:04.640 scream out for your attention and look for that wisdom. 172 00:11:05.240 --> 00:11:07.600 Hiding in plain sight. 173 00:11:09.720 --> 00:11:12.480 I've asked this question so many times. 174 00:11:13.160 --> 00:11:17.012 And again this was kind of the sea to my tree the tree of ... 175 00:11:17.012 --> 00:11:19.639 wisdom perhaps why do leaders fail. 176 00:11:20.200 --> 00:11:23.333 I mean for 10:20 I don't want to keep going but you'll know ... 177 00:11:23.333 --> 00:11:27.199 how old I am lots of years I've asked this question why do leaders fail. 178 00:11:27.880 --> 00:11:29.280 Why do they fail themselves. 179 00:11:30.000 --> 00:11:34.422 Why do they fail others why at Stewart's as Trustees of ... 180 00:11:34.422 --> 00:11:37.959 our institutions and organizations down. 181 00:11:38.720 --> 00:11:40.920 Well here are some of the themes. 182 00:11:41.520 --> 00:11:44.139 And if you can see on the screen I can do if you know ... 183 00:11:44.139 --> 00:11:47.282 this my pointer here you're not that smart they just don't ... 184 00:11:47.282 --> 00:11:48.919 understand they don't get it. 185 00:11:49.720 --> 00:11:51.640 You know any leaders who just don't get it. 186 00:11:52.840 --> 00:11:53.480 Is it you. 187 00:11:54.840 --> 00:11:56.280 You're not very nice. 188 00:11:56.920 --> 00:12:00.440 Where's their heart where's their energy where's their compassion. 189 00:12:01.040 --> 00:12:03.543 Have you opened up the newspaper or clicked ... 190 00:12:03.543 --> 00:12:07.159 somewhere on the new source can you find a l who's not very nice. 191 00:12:08.880 --> 00:12:09.400 I mean. 192 00:12:10.200 --> 00:12:13.440 You don't have any ethics where's their moral compass ... 193 00:12:13.440 --> 00:12:14.520 tell do anything. 194 00:12:15.920 --> 00:12:19.950 You're like a drone up there all about the the e g o the ... 195 00:12:19.950 --> 00:12:23.887 ego right they only care about themselves and they ... 196 00:12:23.887 --> 00:12:28.199 can't see beyond their own little spear world or group. 197 00:12:29.320 --> 00:12:31.280 They can't bring people together. 198 00:12:32.280 --> 00:12:33.320 Divisive. 199 00:12:34.320 --> 00:12:35.520 Can't get anything done. 200 00:12:36.040 --> 00:12:39.352 They're all talk and no action there a paper tiger they're all ... 201 00:12:39.352 --> 00:12:42.729 they're all dribbling dribbling and not scoring and bringing ... 202 00:12:42.729 --> 00:12:45.651 it to the hoop or maybe since I'm in Finland they're all ... 203 00:12:45.651 --> 00:12:48.118 skating and skating and no shooting in score. 204 00:12:49.160 --> 00:12:52.160 These are the primary reason I've heard why leaders fail. 205 00:12:52.920 --> 00:12:54.560 What do you think have you heard them too. 206 00:12:57.240 --> 00:13:00.680 Why do we have so many stupid smart people. 207 00:13:01.560 --> 00:13:05.217 I mean we live in an age where we have so much ... 208 00:13:05.217 --> 00:13:09.919 information so much data so much knowledge yet we keep ... 209 00:13:09.919 --> 00:13:11.799 doing stupid things. 210 00:13:12.720 --> 00:13:16.280 I mean the opposite of wisdom is what pool hardness. 211 00:13:18.480 --> 00:13:20.440 Why do we not. 212 00:13:20.960 --> 00:13:24.448 Reddit why do we continue to have this problem why is ... 213 00:13:24.448 --> 00:13:28.179 Harare to as you talked about in sapiens do we build more ... 214 00:13:28.179 --> 00:13:32.559 and more capacity you keep knowing how to use that capacity well. 215 00:13:33.480 --> 00:13:34.040 Well. 216 00:13:35.000 --> 00:13:37.280 Look for the answers as far back as Plato. 217 00:13:37.840 --> 00:13:41.460 In his Republic we talked about the difference between ... 218 00:13:41.460 --> 00:13:42.719 becoming a leader. 219 00:13:43.440 --> 00:13:47.280 And being leader that we don't always choose the right people. 220 00:13:47.880 --> 00:13:51.800 Sometimes the skills it takes to get elected or to climb the ... 221 00:13:51.800 --> 00:13:55.400 corporate ladder are not those same skills it takes to ... 222 00:13:55.400 --> 00:13:56.760 actually do the job. 223 00:13:57.560 --> 00:14:00.040 Maybe our selection systems are a rod. 224 00:14:01.960 --> 00:14:03.360 Maybe we're kidding ourselves. 225 00:14:04.440 --> 00:14:07.160 Why is kid and capitals it's an. 226 00:14:08.800 --> 00:14:10.920 Why are we so obsessed. 227 00:14:11.520 --> 00:14:12.120 With data. 228 00:14:12.760 --> 00:14:17.480 Information and knowledge or knowledge information data kid. 229 00:14:18.000 --> 00:14:20.560 That we miss the idea of wisdom. 230 00:14:21.280 --> 00:14:23.520 I mean everything is day that we are. 231 00:14:24.760 --> 00:14:28.008 We are we are drowning in data we are all washing ... 232 00:14:28.008 --> 00:14:31.839 information I mean we are overflowing with knowledge. 233 00:14:33.480 --> 00:14:34.920 We're starving for wisdom. 234 00:14:37.120 --> 00:14:40.290 Maybe we're going backwards and not forwards ... 235 00:14:40.290 --> 00:14:43.711 in this good we just look at what we can measure and ... 236 00:14:43.711 --> 00:14:47.215 wisdom hard to measure something more is needed at ... 237 00:14:47.215 --> 00:14:50.469 end enough is enough how do we solve these major ... 238 00:14:50.469 --> 00:14:52.638 problems before it's too late. 239 00:14:53.720 --> 00:14:55.280 How do we wise up. 240 00:14:56.000 --> 00:14:57.960 How do we rise and shine. 241 00:14:58.520 --> 00:15:01.880 Sorry I must have at least one bad pun and every left. 242 00:15:03.440 --> 00:15:08.692 Doing searching for these ideas I've scoured literature's ... 243 00:15:08.692 --> 00:15:13.209 and where best to start then below Sophia you make it ... 244 00:15:13.209 --> 00:15:14.679 pronounced it.. 245 00:15:15.320 --> 00:15:16.000 The love. 246 00:15:17.520 --> 00:15:21.160 And these are ancient principles I mean Millenia. 247 00:15:21.720 --> 00:15:25.696 Right some people like to invent their own theories and ... 248 00:15:25.696 --> 00:15:29.759 maybe even named it after themselves but I want to defer. 249 00:15:30.960 --> 00:15:33.200 To folks who are you smarter than. 250 00:15:33.800 --> 00:15:36.280 Couldn't doing this for thousands of years. 251 00:15:36.800 --> 00:15:40.220 And look at the common questions that are asked as ... 252 00:15:40.220 --> 00:15:43.640 wielder and tells us every discipline rest on the ... 253 00:15:43.640 --> 00:15:45.558 foundation of philosophy. 254 00:15:46.480 --> 00:15:49.795 Questions and they're all essentially the same question ... 255 00:15:49.795 --> 00:15:52.902 how do we think how do we feel it's Heather excetera and ... 256 00:15:52.902 --> 00:15:55.319 when you mix philosophy with leadership. 257 00:15:56.200 --> 00:15:57.480 Who that gets interest. 258 00:15:58.160 --> 00:15:59.920 Not too much math in Maya. 259 00:16:00.440 --> 00:16:03.621 In my in my in my in my presentation and free though ... 260 00:16:03.621 --> 00:16:06.958 if you're on your appreciate my very little nap here ... 261 00:16:06.958 --> 00:16:09.519 wisdom plus leadership is wise leader. 262 00:16:10.080 --> 00:16:13.754 So how do we understand the leadership literature that's ... 263 00:16:13.754 --> 00:16:17.198 quite divisive and and quite complicated and how do we ... 264 00:16:17.198 --> 00:16:18.958 boil it down to its essence. 265 00:16:19.600 --> 00:16:21.240 Well I have some ideas. 266 00:16:21.960 --> 00:16:23.480 And this is what I want to share with. 267 00:16:25.000 --> 00:16:25.720 Better hurry. 268 00:16:26.400 --> 00:16:28.960 Because leaders are making a big. 269 00:16:30.120 --> 00:16:34.228 Leaders are responsible for a performance our satisfaction ... 270 00:16:34.228 --> 00:16:38.014 are absenteeism our turnover for our well-being for our ... 271 00:16:38.014 --> 00:16:41.719 happiness for our Effectiveness we better get moving. 272 00:16:42.280 --> 00:16:44.560 And as I mentioned to you I think we're moving. 273 00:16:46.000 --> 00:16:47.200 Be a little provocative. 274 00:16:47.800 --> 00:16:48.840 In the wrong direction. 275 00:16:50.120 --> 00:16:51.520 I'll show you this on a slide. 276 00:16:52.680 --> 00:16:54.920 And in one of the things we're up against. 277 00:16:55.800 --> 00:16:58.987 Is that we don't it's hard to measure wisdom so instead ... 278 00:16:58.987 --> 00:17:02.599 of that we just call other things wisdom and we measure those. 279 00:17:03.200 --> 00:17:05.720 You ever hear the joke about the man who's looking for his ... 280 00:17:05.720 --> 00:17:08.079 keys and someone says will let me help you and you said ... 281 00:17:08.079 --> 00:17:10.599 okay where did you drop them on the other side of the road. 282 00:17:11.240 --> 00:17:13.280 Why you looking here while the lights.. 283 00:17:14.240 --> 00:17:17.253 Sometimes we look for things where the light's better not ... 284 00:17:17.253 --> 00:17:18.759 necessarily where they are. 285 00:17:19.320 --> 00:17:22.189 And when we when we obsessed on measuring ... 286 00:17:22.189 --> 00:17:26.239 things right we understand that people do what's inside. 287 00:17:27.120 --> 00:17:28.240 Not what's X. 288 00:17:29.240 --> 00:17:32.660 We have to dare to look at complex Dynamic fuzzy ... 289 00:17:32.660 --> 00:17:36.519 things without stripping them of their very nature. 290 00:17:37.400 --> 00:17:41.760 So here's my representation of where we are and where we're going. 291 00:17:42.360 --> 00:17:45.400 Don't worry I'm not going to leave you depressed on this winter day. 292 00:17:46.200 --> 00:17:49.509 We need wisdom I I don't think I can sell that enough I ... 293 00:17:49.509 --> 00:17:52.664 don't think it's very hard as hell I hope I made the ... 294 00:17:52.664 --> 00:17:55.511 argument as the world gets a more complex and ... 295 00:17:55.511 --> 00:17:58.358 interconnected as the ramifications of our ... 296 00:17:58.358 --> 00:18:01.359 adjustments or Miss judgments are Amplified. 297 00:18:02.200 --> 00:18:03.200 Unfortunately. 298 00:18:04.560 --> 00:18:05.400 And again I'm going. 299 00:18:06.000 --> 00:18:09.507 Hope some sticks here right that's what I'm here to do to ... 300 00:18:09.507 --> 00:18:10.879 ask Wicked question. 301 00:18:11.560 --> 00:18:14.880 You're not necessarily educating folks for Wiz. 302 00:18:15.840 --> 00:18:16.520 Train. 303 00:18:17.560 --> 00:18:20.610 Right and in this is dangerous because the past ... 304 00:18:20.610 --> 00:18:24.599 is not necessarily going to be a good predictor of the future. 305 00:18:25.360 --> 00:18:28.909 You know there are there are there are major disturbances ... 306 00:18:28.909 --> 00:18:32.311 and they're happening more and more frequently so if we ... 307 00:18:32.311 --> 00:18:35.491 rely on models of the past and we don't try and then we ... 308 00:18:35.491 --> 00:18:38.375 just talked to some of our very impressive Edge ... 309 00:18:38.375 --> 00:18:41.333 Executive MBA students yesterday and trying to ... 310 00:18:41.333 --> 00:18:44.439 predict the future we need other ways of doing that ... 311 00:18:44.439 --> 00:18:45.918 accept leaning on what. 312 00:18:46.480 --> 00:18:47.080 Cast. 313 00:18:47.960 --> 00:18:51.120 So we need not to cultivate memorization. 314 00:18:52.240 --> 00:18:52.840 Wizard. 315 00:18:54.240 --> 00:18:55.200 And let's put the. 316 00:18:55.880 --> 00:18:57.880 Hey let's put the F teachers out the. 317 00:18:58.560 --> 00:19:01.520 Let's let let's doctor he'll die selves as well. 318 00:19:02.120 --> 00:19:04.400 Cuz those if you and I hold PhD. 319 00:19:04.920 --> 00:19:06.720 Which means doctor of philosophy. 320 00:19:07.480 --> 00:19:10.534 It very rarely do people who have phds actually have to ... 321 00:19:10.534 --> 00:19:11.959 take a philosophy class. 322 00:19:12.800 --> 00:19:14.400 To be doctors of philosophy. 323 00:19:15.160 --> 00:19:18.738 So it's interesting to think about when we need wisdom ... 324 00:19:18.738 --> 00:19:21.679 more and more power on a very slippery slope. 325 00:19:22.520 --> 00:19:24.240 And we need to change. 326 00:19:27.960 --> 00:19:30.960 We have to recognize it it's cumulative. 327 00:19:31.600 --> 00:19:36.133 That are combined wisdom's capital W here is going to be ... 328 00:19:36.133 --> 00:19:38.399 a function of what we learn. 329 00:19:39.520 --> 00:19:40.800 For what we Missler. 330 00:19:41.680 --> 00:19:44.440 Sometimes we have to follow me here. 331 00:19:45.040 --> 00:19:46.280 Learn to forget. 332 00:19:47.360 --> 00:19:50.640 Sometimes we have to be willing to drop things that don't work. 333 00:19:51.560 --> 00:19:55.892 Drop the lives we planned as a Joseph Conrad says to to ... 334 00:19:55.892 --> 00:19:59.239 to go to the lives that are waiting for us. 335 00:20:00.080 --> 00:20:03.815 So we have to kind of reconcile as we take our ... 336 00:20:03.815 --> 00:20:06.720 steps that were your increasing. 337 00:20:07.560 --> 00:20:11.960 Decreasing our cumulative capacity to deal with this future. 338 00:20:12.960 --> 00:20:14.000 Set another way. 339 00:20:14.560 --> 00:20:17.760 And hey I look for an excuse to get my favorite art into ever. 340 00:20:19.560 --> 00:20:20.360 I show you. 341 00:20:21.000 --> 00:20:22.200 Rafael's. 342 00:20:23.520 --> 00:20:24.160 Willa.. 343 00:20:25.240 --> 00:20:28.450 And you may have regular recognize it it's in the Vatican ... 344 00:20:28.450 --> 00:20:31.319 you can see the door here on the bottom left corner. 345 00:20:31.880 --> 00:20:34.947 And in the middle you have a debate going on with ... 346 00:20:34.947 --> 00:20:36.519 professor and student. 347 00:20:37.200 --> 00:20:38.800 Do you debate with your professors. 348 00:20:39.800 --> 00:20:43.718 It's required to have my class but you can see this debate ... 349 00:20:43.718 --> 00:20:45.719 going on here between Plato. 350 00:20:46.320 --> 00:20:49.320 And Aristotle and Plato is pointing up. 351 00:20:49.880 --> 00:20:57.320 Capital T truths absolutes but Aristotle is like no no no no empiricism. 352 00:20:57.840 --> 00:21:01.701 CU situation-specific troops we have to look and see how ... 353 00:21:01.701 --> 00:21:03.919 the truth changes its relative. 354 00:21:05.040 --> 00:21:05.800 Who is Ray. 355 00:21:06.760 --> 00:21:07.600 Trick question. 356 00:21:08.520 --> 00:21:09.600 They're both right. 357 00:21:10.240 --> 00:21:13.676 That the process of experimenting and exploring ... 358 00:21:13.676 --> 00:21:15.519 the components of wisdom. 359 00:21:16.080 --> 00:21:18.680 Will give us is cumulative understand. 360 00:21:19.240 --> 00:21:22.295 We have to recognize it's a process and we have to be ... 361 00:21:22.295 --> 00:21:25.859 willing and there's some very good research out there and I ... 362 00:21:25.859 --> 00:21:29.059 think some people who are on this are the ones doing it ... 363 00:21:29.059 --> 00:21:33.278 at thank you for joining that this very gradually build up our wisdom. 364 00:21:33.880 --> 00:21:37.188 And look at its components but not separate and not ... 365 00:21:37.188 --> 00:21:41.599 have these wars but instead look for ways of putting them together. 366 00:21:45.120 --> 00:21:46.680 We spelled in many ways. 367 00:21:47.840 --> 00:21:48.560 Wheat ale. 368 00:21:49.720 --> 00:21:50.680 In many ways. 369 00:21:51.520 --> 00:21:53.880 I've been teaching some of these course is wrong. 370 00:21:54.640 --> 00:21:58.040 And I'm sorry if I remind you of one of the courses you take. 371 00:22:00.200 --> 00:22:01.160 Let's let's look. 372 00:22:01.840 --> 00:22:04.021 Have you taken a course where you've been forced to ... 373 00:22:04.021 --> 00:22:04.799 memorize people. 374 00:22:05.360 --> 00:22:08.633 This person did that at this time and then what are you ... 375 00:22:08.633 --> 00:22:11.757 do you spit it back on the test and then as soon as you ... 376 00:22:11.757 --> 00:22:12.798 leave it's gone. 377 00:22:14.200 --> 00:22:15.520 Text not learning. 378 00:22:16.440 --> 00:22:19.160 It's not even training and it certainly isn't education. 379 00:22:20.000 --> 00:22:22.840 You know but that's how a lot of our text books are written. 380 00:22:25.760 --> 00:22:29.212 Better approaches look at categories like is the issue is ... 381 00:22:29.212 --> 00:22:32.377 Lee Ann this is a common one in leadership research is ... 382 00:22:32.377 --> 00:22:34.678 leadership Universal or contingent. 383 00:22:35.400 --> 00:22:41.120 It is it is it at is it a trait who you are or is it a behavior what you do. 384 00:22:41.880 --> 00:22:44.820 Then again you have these warring factions and the ... 385 00:22:44.820 --> 00:22:47.900 student scratching their heads and Tinley possible ... 386 00:22:47.900 --> 00:22:51.400 like which Theory should I use which is right oh I don't know. 387 00:22:54.080 --> 00:22:57.417 If we move toward the yet studying a fundamental ... 388 00:22:57.417 --> 00:23:01.172 competencies organized around wisdom we can finally ... 389 00:23:01.172 --> 00:23:03.758 bring these literature's together. 390 00:23:04.520 --> 00:23:05.520 They're doing it. 391 00:23:06.080 --> 00:23:09.004 I'm about to give you one of my least favorite words in the ... 392 00:23:09.004 --> 00:23:09.999 English language. 393 00:23:11.120 --> 00:23:12.000 Three letter word. 394 00:23:14.920 --> 00:23:16.240 The way we're doing it. 395 00:23:17.800 --> 00:23:18.720 Stone narrow. 396 00:23:21.800 --> 00:23:22.960 Surface. 397 00:23:23.720 --> 00:23:26.094 Don't worry I'm almost done with the depressing part of ... 398 00:23:26.094 --> 00:23:26.919 the presentation. 399 00:23:28.640 --> 00:23:31.200 Let's address the elephant in the room shall we. 400 00:23:31.760 --> 00:23:33.920 You know this expression elephant in the room. 401 00:23:34.440 --> 00:23:35.400 The biggest shoes. 402 00:23:36.120 --> 00:23:39.191 And they're this comes from one of my favorite poems I ... 403 00:23:39.191 --> 00:23:42.332 actually read it in my classes by John Godfrey Saxe the ... 404 00:23:42.332 --> 00:23:45.403 Blind Men and the elephant and if you see the truth and ... 405 00:23:45.403 --> 00:23:48.614 the truth is the elephant and the Blind Men are coming to ... 406 00:23:48.614 --> 00:23:51.825 it don't worry I'm including myself as someone blind in ... 407 00:23:51.825 --> 00:23:54.687 this case you know was a researcher we only look at ... 408 00:23:54.687 --> 00:23:57.688 part of the elephant and then we swear it's the whole ... 409 00:23:57.688 --> 00:24:01.597 elephant and then we argue with everyone else who sees a different. 410 00:24:03.040 --> 00:24:06.995 I looked I've stumbled into the elephant mbulo it feels like a ... 411 00:24:06.995 --> 00:24:09.399 wall so I swear this elephants a wall. 412 00:24:10.280 --> 00:24:12.200 I swear this is what wisdom is. 413 00:24:13.440 --> 00:24:16.650 Oh I happen to touch the Tusk what have we here so ... 414 00:24:16.650 --> 00:24:20.436 very round and smooth and sharp is evident the elephant ... 415 00:24:20.436 --> 00:24:21.999 is nothing but a spear. 416 00:24:22.720 --> 00:24:24.440 Actually remember 7 to the pole. 417 00:24:25.720 --> 00:24:28.040 Oh I happened to touch the squirming tree. 418 00:24:28.600 --> 00:24:33.120 So I will swear that wisdom is this Justice part it's a snake. 419 00:24:34.160 --> 00:24:38.143 I happened to touch the leg it feels like a tree right I know ... 420 00:24:38.143 --> 00:24:41.545 what a tree is so I swear wisdom is a tree and I'm in a ... 421 00:24:41.545 --> 00:24:45.279 fight with anyone who says it's like a wall or a Spears. 422 00:24:46.440 --> 00:24:50.022 Wisdom is a fan and sorry I should have gotten a better ... 423 00:24:50.022 --> 00:24:54.093 picture of the elephant that's teasing the tail that swings ... 424 00:24:54.093 --> 00:24:57.838 within your scope you think that the elephant is a rope. 425 00:24:58.960 --> 00:25:01.200 And this is the problem that we've been facing. 426 00:25:01.760 --> 00:25:04.660 Yeah we have all these folks coming from all these ... 427 00:25:04.660 --> 00:25:07.207 disciplines philosophy psychology lot of ... 428 00:25:07.207 --> 00:25:10.037 psychologists studying wisdom unfortunately ... 429 00:25:10.037 --> 00:25:13.220 sometimes wisdom is defined in what they know just the ... 430 00:25:13.220 --> 00:25:15.837 happy end of all this psychological scales. 431 00:25:16.600 --> 00:25:20.668 Or historians or excetera excetera we have to be willing ... 432 00:25:20.668 --> 00:25:24.649 to see more of the elephant and put it together do I have I ... 433 00:25:24.649 --> 00:25:27.159 convinced you we have to go bigger. 434 00:25:28.520 --> 00:25:30.040 Good so let's do that. 435 00:25:30.560 --> 00:25:35.100 Let's kind of go bigger let's be willing to look at and what ... 436 00:25:35.100 --> 00:25:37.559 wisdom is as in the big picture. 437 00:25:38.160 --> 00:25:41.993 Let's work our way toward a solution for you getting the ... 438 00:25:41.993 --> 00:25:43.159 leaders we need. 439 00:25:46.160 --> 00:25:49.940 The approach I took and I'm going to speak about this in a ... 440 00:25:49.940 --> 00:25:53.803 different talk I think it's in two weeks is to borrow from ... 441 00:25:53.803 --> 00:25:58.159 theoretical physics and the idea of M Theory and also from mold. 442 00:25:58.800 --> 00:26:01.000 Basic map making in cartography. 443 00:26:01.600 --> 00:26:05.389 And if you have the energy and knowledge of theoretical ... 444 00:26:05.389 --> 00:26:08.436 physics I have a little just enough to make me ... 445 00:26:08.436 --> 00:26:11.566 dangerous the idea of M Theory is the end isn't ... 446 00:26:11.566 --> 00:26:15.190 magical and mysterious the game is if you will Mega or ... 447 00:26:15.190 --> 00:26:18.979 multiple armed the idea here is that all the theories we ... 448 00:26:18.979 --> 00:26:21.038 have K dirt room in their area. 449 00:26:21.640 --> 00:26:24.679 Given their conditions and constraints and all their ... 450 00:26:24.679 --> 00:26:25.759 Taylor is paribus. 451 00:26:26.400 --> 00:26:30.200 And other theories are true in their areas so like m-theory ... 452 00:26:30.200 --> 00:26:34.000 stitches together different pictures like you might do on ... 453 00:26:34.000 --> 00:26:37.412 your camera when taking a panorama it's essentially ... 454 00:26:37.412 --> 00:26:41.677 photo stitching but in five or six or seven different dimensions. 455 00:26:42.240 --> 00:26:45.722 It gets kind of wild so if you take a lesson from the ... 456 00:26:45.722 --> 00:26:49.799 physicist you were looking for toe Theory of Everything. 457 00:26:50.320 --> 00:26:54.686 We can stick together our theories without losing the ... 458 00:26:54.686 --> 00:26:59.052 richness within each series domain but not losing the ... 459 00:26:59.052 --> 00:27:00.798 forest for the trees. 460 00:27:02.280 --> 00:27:06.520 In doing this I will tell you the end of the book right now. 461 00:27:07.320 --> 00:27:12.585 We are able to arrive at Neta monitoring skills and develop ... 462 00:27:12.585 --> 00:27:14.519 our Mega heuristics. 463 00:27:15.080 --> 00:27:18.901 Understand what theory we need and theories are tools in ... 464 00:27:18.901 --> 00:27:20.039 what situation. 465 00:27:20.640 --> 00:27:23.280 And to use those theories appropriately. 466 00:27:23.880 --> 00:27:28.118 And in what I've gleaned and what I've done on my journey ... 467 00:27:28.118 --> 00:27:32.633 is kind of do this and their results are three dialectics do ... 468 00:27:32.633 --> 00:27:34.199 you know dialectic. 469 00:27:34.840 --> 00:27:37.320 Where they seem to be opposite but not so much. 470 00:27:37.840 --> 00:27:40.840 And if you kind of look for the higher truth it's kind of needs. 471 00:27:41.440 --> 00:27:44.708 So here are the three dialectics I will walk with you ... 472 00:27:44.708 --> 00:27:46.760 through for the rest of this pot. 473 00:27:48.360 --> 00:27:49.000 Logic. 474 00:27:49.680 --> 00:27:50.600 Anesthetics. 475 00:27:51.480 --> 00:27:56.120 Head and heart how to think like a leader. 476 00:27:56.680 --> 00:28:00.040 And how to feel like a leader not or. 477 00:28:01.200 --> 00:28:01.840 10. 478 00:28:03.600 --> 00:28:07.760 Inside and outside how to look deep inside yourself. 479 00:28:08.400 --> 00:28:09.880 Like an ethics. 480 00:28:10.680 --> 00:28:16.240 And how to look far beyond yourself as metaphysics AIDS Us in June. 481 00:28:17.440 --> 00:28:22.520 How to pull people together a social epistemology describes. 482 00:28:23.080 --> 00:28:26.120 And to push people forward in Polish. 483 00:28:26.680 --> 00:28:30.539 I don't mean lowercase p politics so let's get that and ... 484 00:28:30.539 --> 00:28:34.999 move it to the side right now I mean polish getting things done. 485 00:28:35.800 --> 00:28:38.816 You can tell I've worked with some people from Los ... 486 00:28:38.816 --> 00:28:39.919 Angeles because. 487 00:28:40.440 --> 00:28:44.982 Lights camera action came up lights being stronger ... 488 00:28:44.982 --> 00:28:48.679 increasing the Luminosity of our lights. 489 00:28:49.480 --> 00:28:54.800 Barkhad in our hearts camera seeing deep inside ourselves ... 490 00:28:54.800 --> 00:28:56.320 daring to reply. 491 00:28:57.320 --> 00:29:00.520 And to look far beyond ourselves that type of camera. 492 00:29:01.040 --> 00:29:01.920 And doing. 493 00:29:02.440 --> 00:29:06.059 Action pulling and pushing these are the essential ... 494 00:29:06.059 --> 00:29:09.678 competencies of leaders these are also the reason. 495 00:29:10.200 --> 00:29:12.240 Why leaders fail. 496 00:29:13.280 --> 00:29:14.280 Let's discuss. 497 00:29:15.520 --> 00:29:19.524 When we do this we will see that lowercase w wisdom as ... 498 00:29:19.524 --> 00:29:23.808 I've teased will come together in a big wisdom when we do ... 499 00:29:23.808 --> 00:29:28.278 this we will see that we get all the tools in our toolbox for ... 500 00:29:28.278 --> 00:29:32.375 doing the job and we can teach better and learn better ... 501 00:29:32.375 --> 00:29:36.007 what wisdom is and if we dare we will develop the ... 502 00:29:36.007 --> 00:29:40.943 attitude and the aptitude the alacrity in the fluidity the will ... 503 00:29:40.943 --> 00:29:44.947 and the skill to we are willing to be those people not ... 504 00:29:44.947 --> 00:29:46.437 one-trick ponies. 505 00:29:47.400 --> 00:29:48.480 When we are willing. 506 00:29:49.000 --> 00:29:52.320 Change who we are if we request if needed. 507 00:29:54.400 --> 00:29:57.829 This framework reconciles leadership research this ... 508 00:29:57.829 --> 00:30:01.792 framework and it's really cool because I've subjected this to ... 509 00:30:01.792 --> 00:30:05.450 so many different tests some of which were looking at Time ... 510 00:30:05.450 --> 00:30:08.879 Magazine's most influential people in history and it ... 511 00:30:08.879 --> 00:30:11.317 explains why people around that list. 512 00:30:11.920 --> 00:30:13.520 It also explains why. 513 00:30:14.640 --> 00:30:17.680 90 something percent of the people on that list. 514 00:30:18.360 --> 00:30:21.200 Only her there once one and done. 515 00:30:21.800 --> 00:30:24.800 Cuz they can't change their one trick ponies who ... 516 00:30:24.800 --> 00:30:28.475 happened to fit the situation they're not sustainable but ... 517 00:30:28.475 --> 00:30:32.000 that's a talk I'm doing in 2 weeks about sustainability. 518 00:30:32.680 --> 00:30:34.400 Also reconciled. 519 00:30:35.080 --> 00:30:37.855 The greatest leaders we could think of we can ... 520 00:30:37.855 --> 00:30:39.880 conceive of in our imagination. 521 00:30:40.440 --> 00:30:44.669 Is Professor Einstein tells us imagination is more important ... 522 00:30:44.669 --> 00:30:47.841 than knowledge so I looked at the American Film ... 523 00:30:47.841 --> 00:30:51.826 institute's greatest heroes and possibly conceive and it ... 524 00:30:51.826 --> 00:30:54.916 makes sense it is too and it makes sense for the ... 525 00:30:54.916 --> 00:30:58.982 practitioners of leadership who actually leading gives us ... 526 00:30:58.982 --> 00:31:02.804 those tools for the Educators he gives us those means and ... 527 00:31:02.804 --> 00:31:04.756 for the theorist that helps. 528 00:31:05.920 --> 00:31:08.800 Understand the problem a little better. 529 00:31:09.560 --> 00:31:13.803 Let's talk about it here are all right here's my idea here is ... 530 00:31:13.803 --> 00:31:17.700 what I've developed so far here's where I'm willing to ... 531 00:31:17.700 --> 00:31:19.518 start the conversation. 532 00:31:20.720 --> 00:31:21.960 What are the essential. 533 00:31:22.480 --> 00:31:24.200 Elements of wise leadership. 534 00:31:25.920 --> 00:31:27.280 We need to know. 535 00:31:27.880 --> 00:31:28.680 How to think. 536 00:31:29.280 --> 00:31:30.680 Leadership logic. 537 00:31:31.360 --> 00:31:32.440 Using your head. 538 00:31:33.720 --> 00:31:35.680 As the proverbial scientist. 539 00:31:36.240 --> 00:31:37.920 In the lab coat perhaps. 540 00:31:38.520 --> 00:31:41.797 To address the Gas City related challenges these are ... 541 00:31:41.797 --> 00:31:45.297 challenges to their cognitive and nature they are about ... 542 00:31:45.297 --> 00:31:47.159 thinking and understanding. 543 00:31:48.360 --> 00:31:52.960 We need to be precise I insist when we need to understand better. 544 00:31:56.680 --> 00:31:58.760 We need to also be artists. 545 00:32:00.120 --> 00:32:03.686 Yeah I'm a business professor talking about being ... 546 00:32:03.686 --> 00:32:05.639 an artist using your heart. 547 00:32:06.880 --> 00:32:11.428 To address emotion Spirits effective challenges that ... 548 00:32:11.428 --> 00:32:15.679 involve feeling and maybe intrinsic inspiration. 549 00:32:16.640 --> 00:32:19.520 And you being a scientist can you be an artist. 550 00:32:21.080 --> 00:32:25.800 We need to kind of recognize these are Timeless extension. 551 00:32:26.320 --> 00:32:30.444 Characteristics of the wise leader they are not either or ... 552 00:32:30.444 --> 00:32:33.279 those are false choices there canards. 553 00:32:35.240 --> 00:32:37.000 Logic and Aesthetics. 554 00:32:39.280 --> 00:32:43.520 It also involves seeing as I've teased there is a leadership ... 555 00:32:43.520 --> 00:32:47.676 ethic and not just a little thing we're required to do in our ... 556 00:32:47.676 --> 00:32:51.492 class at the end or on the side but really digging it not ... 557 00:32:51.492 --> 00:32:53.358 just can you do something. 558 00:32:57.080 --> 00:33:00.640 Looking deep inside yourself as a proverbial icon. 559 00:33:01.160 --> 00:33:04.040 To address character related challenges. 560 00:33:04.640 --> 00:33:07.440 Rights to a very important words. 561 00:33:08.080 --> 00:33:09.040 Integrity. 562 00:33:10.160 --> 00:33:11.400 Morality. 563 00:33:12.560 --> 00:33:13.800 Principles. 564 00:33:15.240 --> 00:33:17.360 Do you know leaders who are not principal. 565 00:33:18.120 --> 00:33:19.800 Who failed because of this. 566 00:33:23.560 --> 00:33:26.280 Can't train it how do you educate for it. 567 00:33:27.160 --> 00:33:30.247 You need to look deep inside you know what I'm going to ... 568 00:33:30.247 --> 00:33:31.159 say next right. 569 00:33:31.840 --> 00:33:33.880 And look far beyond yourself. 570 00:33:34.720 --> 00:33:36.320 Metaphysics. 571 00:33:37.200 --> 00:33:40.904 Far outside yourself as an advocate to find purpose and ... 572 00:33:40.904 --> 00:33:44.286 meaning and Mission or significance I just talked ... 573 00:33:44.286 --> 00:33:48.151 about this briefly yesterday that so many of our students ... 574 00:33:48.151 --> 00:33:51.533 so many of the people in our Workforce are quitting ... 575 00:33:51.533 --> 00:33:55.478 because they don't seem meaning in Mission and their work. 576 00:33:56.680 --> 00:33:59.902 And if you were in the new newer generation younger ... 577 00:33:59.902 --> 00:34:04.199 than me more hair than me maybe this is more important to you either. 578 00:34:04.880 --> 00:34:07.800 Is it important to you that you care about what you doing. 579 00:34:09.840 --> 00:34:13.120 How do you teach people to see beyond themselves. 580 00:34:13.720 --> 00:34:16.920 How do you get people and I love movies to connect. 581 00:34:17.560 --> 00:34:18.280 Intimate. 582 00:34:19.200 --> 00:34:20.360 With the infinite. 583 00:34:25.320 --> 00:34:27.720 And there must be a leadership epistemology. 584 00:34:28.680 --> 00:34:32.185 We need to connect to understand and develop ... 585 00:34:32.185 --> 00:34:35.975 common language and ways of knowing we need to be ... 586 00:34:35.975 --> 00:34:40.523 able to pull people together as the proverbial Maestro to ... 587 00:34:40.523 --> 00:34:43.839 unify integrate coordinate and connect. 588 00:34:44.680 --> 00:34:47.275 Do you know leaders who fail because they can't bring ... 589 00:34:47.275 --> 00:34:48.159 people together. 590 00:34:50.720 --> 00:34:53.360 And we need to get people to push people forward. 591 00:34:54.000 --> 00:34:57.202 Pushing as the pervert in in politics is what teaches to ... 592 00:34:57.202 --> 00:35:00.474 address value re-secured Shin challenges doing things ... 593 00:35:00.474 --> 00:35:03.676 efficiently and effectively some of you may have major ... 594 00:35:03.676 --> 00:35:04.998 arteries in this area. 595 00:35:06.680 --> 00:35:10.160 These are the essential tools of the wisely. 596 00:35:10.680 --> 00:35:14.722 You're not it's not my mama I'm merely the conduit that ... 597 00:35:14.722 --> 00:35:19.123 this is the essential wisdom of the ages apply to almost any ... 598 00:35:19.123 --> 00:35:23.344 discipline and if we dare to see the big picture and bring ... 599 00:35:23.344 --> 00:35:26.038 them together we can actually do so. 600 00:35:26.720 --> 00:35:30.069 And you can see how I am organized it and now you see ... 601 00:35:30.069 --> 00:35:34.479 why I had all those hexagon circling the globe on that book cover. 602 00:35:35.240 --> 00:35:38.315 And you can use this almost as a dashboard in your car ... 603 00:35:38.315 --> 00:35:41.390 one thing I've noticed in Finland is many of you have ... 604 00:35:41.390 --> 00:35:44.608 smart watches so imagine having a watch with this on it ... 605 00:35:44.608 --> 00:35:47.683 and different that different pieces would light up ... 606 00:35:47.683 --> 00:35:51.116 depending on what the challenge was and you knew who to be. 607 00:35:52.040 --> 00:35:55.548 Wouldn't it be cool if you're can you get can you use your ... 608 00:35:55.548 --> 00:35:58.675 head as a leadership's I always an understanding ... 609 00:35:58.675 --> 00:36:01.039 problem no no it's a feeling problem. 610 00:36:01.880 --> 00:36:05.382 And again this is an issue with affix come on don't ... 611 00:36:05.382 --> 00:36:08.799 overthink this right this is a metaphysics hey. 612 00:36:09.880 --> 00:36:14.023 We need some meaning here not more snot more technical ... 613 00:36:14.023 --> 00:36:18.166 talk right epistemology and politics I was fortunate ... 614 00:36:18.166 --> 00:36:19.639 enough to go to the. 615 00:36:20.160 --> 00:36:23.658 The film festival here and you've asked Euless campus ... 616 00:36:23.658 --> 00:36:26.845 and there was a really fun movie about someone who ... 617 00:36:26.845 --> 00:36:28.399 was looking for beauty. 618 00:36:29.000 --> 00:36:31.826 All they were doing was overthinking it and missing all ... 619 00:36:31.826 --> 00:36:34.959 the beauty around them I get no money if you see the movie that. 620 00:36:35.640 --> 00:36:36.640 Trouble with nature. 621 00:36:37.280 --> 00:36:40.320 But it was just about looking for beauty and missing it ... 622 00:36:40.320 --> 00:36:43.360 because all the person could do was thinking to do log. 623 00:36:44.320 --> 00:36:47.449 Did you ever do this and Beautiful Finish nature not ... 624 00:36:47.449 --> 00:36:48.759 really appreciated. 625 00:36:50.560 --> 00:36:53.400 So this is kind of an integrated model of wise leaders. 626 00:36:55.920 --> 00:36:56.880 I propose. 627 00:36:57.400 --> 00:36:58.320 We can take. 628 00:36:59.320 --> 00:37:01.480 To develop the leaders we need. 629 00:37:02.000 --> 00:37:05.320 Maybe even ourselves if we have any leaders out there. 630 00:37:06.520 --> 00:37:09.629 So let me ask you some really wicked questions I'm ... 631 00:37:09.629 --> 00:37:12.359 going to make you uncomfortable now I hope. 632 00:37:14.600 --> 00:37:16.000 How sharp are your tools. 633 00:37:19.080 --> 00:37:19.800 How sharp. 634 00:37:21.040 --> 00:37:22.680 Are your tools. 635 00:37:23.720 --> 00:37:24.760 Rate yourself. 636 00:37:26.880 --> 00:37:31.440 Are you strong as a scientist or not so much or. 637 00:37:31.960 --> 00:37:33.240 I need better tools. 638 00:37:34.280 --> 00:37:37.560 How are you as an artist how are you inspired. 639 00:37:39.360 --> 00:37:42.233 How are you and a net at in ethics and having ... 640 00:37:42.233 --> 00:37:44.039 deep-seated principles. 641 00:37:45.000 --> 00:37:48.840 How are you in meaning and vision and purpose. 642 00:37:49.840 --> 00:37:54.680 Can you pull people together oh yeah kinda or not so much. 643 00:37:55.440 --> 00:37:56.640 And getting things done. 644 00:37:57.280 --> 00:38:01.356 If you fill this table out you can develop your profile your ... 645 00:38:01.356 --> 00:38:05.599 snapshot and you can guess I like doing this with my students. 646 00:38:06.280 --> 00:38:08.520 So you can do it right now. 647 00:38:09.320 --> 00:38:12.550 Or maybe after you see this shortly after put a put a ... 648 00:38:12.550 --> 00:38:15.934 check in each of these boxes string them together and ... 649 00:38:15.934 --> 00:38:19.164 you've developed what you have going right now and ... 650 00:38:19.164 --> 00:38:22.471 what you need and don't be like those people who go to ... 651 00:38:22.471 --> 00:38:25.932 the gym with really big arms and chest and all they do is ... 652 00:38:25.932 --> 00:38:30.316 work them out and they have skinny little legs that I never exercise. 653 00:38:31.200 --> 00:38:34.200 Be the person who dares to work on your weakness. 654 00:38:37.160 --> 00:38:39.000 How sharp are your tools folks. 655 00:38:42.120 --> 00:38:45.332 And how after your tool just cost you have a nice tool box ... 656 00:38:45.332 --> 00:38:48.474 doesn't mean you use it well I had a really nice toolbox ... 657 00:38:48.474 --> 00:38:51.476 when I have my house and I didn't always use the tools ... 658 00:38:51.476 --> 00:38:54.269 the right way that just because you have the tool ... 659 00:38:54.269 --> 00:38:57.201 doesn't mean you always use them so do you match the ... 660 00:38:57.201 --> 00:38:58.597 tools to the right shop. 661 00:38:59.800 --> 00:39:02.996 And do our leaders do this and I already mentioned ... 662 00:39:02.996 --> 00:39:06.504 example before are you a leadership scientist to only ... 663 00:39:06.504 --> 00:39:09.856 thinks one way so we have an understanding okay I can ... 664 00:39:09.856 --> 00:39:13.208 help you we have an issue of energy or more science we ... 665 00:39:13.208 --> 00:39:16.638 have a moral problem more science and if the answer is ... 666 00:39:16.638 --> 00:39:18.197 more science for every. 667 00:39:18.720 --> 00:39:21.360 And they never solve the problem. 668 00:39:22.760 --> 00:39:26.773 Can you have the tools and use them well cuz look what ... 669 00:39:26.773 --> 00:39:28.639 happens when you don't. 670 00:39:29.800 --> 00:39:31.880 What if we need meaning and purpose. 671 00:39:32.400 --> 00:39:34.440 And L don't Supply it. 672 00:39:35.680 --> 00:39:36.880 Someone else will. 673 00:39:38.040 --> 00:39:39.200 And they'll go astray. 674 00:39:40.600 --> 00:39:44.320 Take for example and I've done some studies of this. 675 00:39:45.080 --> 00:39:46.520 Celtic groups. 676 00:39:47.520 --> 00:39:48.160 Who win. 677 00:39:48.920 --> 00:39:52.000 People are looking for meaning and its not supplied. 678 00:39:52.600 --> 00:39:54.120 They Supply pernicious. 679 00:39:55.600 --> 00:39:56.400 Miss me. 680 00:39:57.160 --> 00:40:00.040 And and don't bring people together in bad ways. 681 00:40:00.680 --> 00:40:04.240 And and if we don't have leaders who are willing to supply this. 682 00:40:05.080 --> 00:40:09.348 Then then we put ourselves at risk of other people who ... 683 00:40:09.348 --> 00:40:13.519 are willing to do it for us and in ways aren't so good. 684 00:40:14.080 --> 00:40:15.960 So how strong are your tools. 685 00:40:16.720 --> 00:40:20.360 And how after your tools did I give you enough to think about. 686 00:40:21.160 --> 00:40:22.960 Good but I'm not done yet. 687 00:40:24.920 --> 00:40:25.680 You want me to. 688 00:40:28.920 --> 00:40:30.920 Did you hear we have a pandemic. 689 00:40:32.640 --> 00:40:34.760 I heard that it was somewhere in the news. 690 00:40:36.160 --> 00:40:37.320 Tell me what do you think. 691 00:40:38.480 --> 00:40:41.920 Please spell it in the end again if you tell yourself. 692 00:40:43.320 --> 00:40:47.360 What kind of wise leadership do we need during the pain.. 693 00:40:48.920 --> 00:40:51.920 Are there any problems here where leaders need to understand. 694 00:40:53.000 --> 00:40:56.479 Is any of our leadership failing because our leaders ... 695 00:40:56.479 --> 00:40:59.799 are not understanding the science and the issues. 696 00:41:02.760 --> 00:41:07.240 I can feel the air of your yeses at least figuratively. 697 00:41:08.680 --> 00:41:11.080 We need Leaders with heart during the panda. 698 00:41:11.640 --> 00:41:12.560 Once you care. 699 00:41:13.160 --> 00:41:17.383 Once you can motivate us Inspire us overcome fear ... 700 00:41:17.383 --> 00:41:20.679 promote love and and promote feeling. 701 00:41:21.560 --> 00:41:24.560 And care for those who know who are affected by it. 702 00:41:25.880 --> 00:41:26.480 Yep. 703 00:41:29.160 --> 00:41:33.560 We need leaders who have affix and morals and principles. 704 00:41:34.080 --> 00:41:37.392 Are there ethical aspects to the pandemic you know what ... 705 00:41:37.392 --> 00:41:39.480 the answers are to all these right. 706 00:41:40.320 --> 00:41:43.040 I would say yes but since I'm in Finland. 707 00:41:45.320 --> 00:41:46.400 Metaphysics. 708 00:41:47.400 --> 00:41:48.640 What are the aspects. 709 00:41:49.200 --> 00:41:51.200 L l to be. 710 00:41:51.960 --> 00:41:55.068 Of the pandemic about meaning and Mission and ... 711 00:41:55.068 --> 00:41:58.585 purpose why are we here is a society why do we exist if ... 712 00:41:58.585 --> 00:42:01.039 people where do we really want to go. 713 00:42:01.840 --> 00:42:04.840 Our leaders failing because they're not showing us the right vision. 714 00:42:08.560 --> 00:42:12.890 People pulling us together or is this pandemic dividing us ... 715 00:42:12.890 --> 00:42:16.159 into camps two tribes two warring factions. 716 00:42:18.240 --> 00:42:19.960 People getting things done. 717 00:42:21.680 --> 00:42:25.457 Or is it as someone way wiser than me when I say a lot of ... 718 00:42:25.457 --> 00:42:26.599 blah blah blah. 719 00:42:28.800 --> 00:42:30.360 Think you know who I'm talking about. 720 00:42:31.040 --> 00:42:33.080 We need to actually get things done. 721 00:42:34.520 --> 00:42:35.120 Take a look. 722 00:42:36.360 --> 00:42:39.640 How would you approach the pandemic from this perspective. 723 00:42:40.920 --> 00:42:41.760 Educators. 724 00:42:42.800 --> 00:42:46.015 How Could you teach the skills so leaders of the future ... 725 00:42:46.015 --> 00:42:49.158 will deal with the next pandemic this one's easy like ... 726 00:42:49.158 --> 00:42:52.158 a two or three on the scale weight will we get a real. 727 00:42:54.520 --> 00:42:56.880 Can you see the elements of wise leadership here. 728 00:42:57.480 --> 00:42:58.680 Can you see what we need. 729 00:43:00.040 --> 00:43:02.920 Yeah it's theoretical but. 730 00:43:03.440 --> 00:43:04.480 It's real. 731 00:43:05.840 --> 00:43:09.115 Now I can talk as long or as short as you want on this but ... 732 00:43:09.115 --> 00:43:12.837 I will in any gun given to give a different talk where I go into ... 733 00:43:12.837 --> 00:43:16.187 this in Greater depth but I want to show you a little bit ... 734 00:43:16.187 --> 00:43:19.537 about how I've come to try and approach the teaching of ... 735 00:43:19.537 --> 00:43:22.440 this and how I see the elements of this okay but I ... 736 00:43:22.440 --> 00:43:25.790 have way more slides then I need and I know Ava will tell ... 737 00:43:25.790 --> 00:43:28.767 me when to be quiet so I will keep going until that ... 738 00:43:28.767 --> 00:43:32.117 happens how do we teach them how do we learn about this. 739 00:43:33.840 --> 00:43:37.638 The first element look on our watch the logic button lit up ... 740 00:43:37.638 --> 00:43:40.486 we have a problem of understanding how do we ... 741 00:43:40.486 --> 00:43:44.126 teach people to understand better well yeah I have a lot ... 742 00:43:44.126 --> 00:43:47.449 of this in the book and and I argue about it this way I ... 743 00:43:47.449 --> 00:43:50.851 proposed this way we have to give people the tools of ... 744 00:43:50.851 --> 00:43:54.332 Greater comprehension both breadth and depth to see ... 745 00:43:54.332 --> 00:43:57.655 more and more things and not just at the surface but ... 746 00:43:57.655 --> 00:44:00.582 their deep-seated assumptions that we know ... 747 00:44:00.582 --> 00:44:03.351 why things are and how things are we need to ... 748 00:44:03.351 --> 00:44:07.070 understand our discipline maybe you're a psychologist ... 749 00:44:07.070 --> 00:44:10.868 a sociologist from business or law or medicine but we need ... 750 00:44:10.868 --> 00:44:14.112 to know the other elements to see how we put things ... 751 00:44:14.112 --> 00:44:18.226 together his life doesn't come in small little packages I know ... 752 00:44:18.226 --> 00:44:22.024 what universities are all I'm going off again I'm going to ... 753 00:44:22.024 --> 00:44:25.822 Microsoft boxes I know and universities we divide things ... 754 00:44:25.822 --> 00:44:29.224 up into courses because that's the only way to teach ... 755 00:44:29.224 --> 00:44:32.151 them but in life everything happens at once. 756 00:44:32.840 --> 00:44:36.920 The sociology and psychology to eggcetera all the time. 757 00:44:37.560 --> 00:44:41.192 How do we teach greater comprehension how do we ... 758 00:44:41.192 --> 00:44:45.290 sharpen people's assessment to perceive and to do it ... 759 00:44:45.290 --> 00:44:51.158 almost unconsciously into it the intuition again in Finland a hockey exam. 760 00:44:51.760 --> 00:44:55.120 Right you may have heard of a Canadian by the name of Wayne Gretzky. 761 00:44:55.800 --> 00:44:59.448 Amazing player because what he did was internalized ... 762 00:44:59.448 --> 00:45:03.427 these principles that he just felt where some was going to ... 763 00:45:03.427 --> 00:45:06.826 go or he kind of played hockey like some of us play a ... 764 00:45:06.826 --> 00:45:08.318 video game of hockey. 765 00:45:09.280 --> 00:45:12.676 It was it was no mind as Bruce Lee talks about if so ... 766 00:45:12.676 --> 00:45:16.497 much a part of him that that he was able to see it and feel ... 767 00:45:16.497 --> 00:45:20.148 it like the grand chess champion who feels an attack ... 768 00:45:20.148 --> 00:45:24.478 coming rather than us will memorize all these little pieces. 769 00:45:25.280 --> 00:45:28.094 How can we develop that feeling in my university is ... 770 00:45:28.094 --> 00:45:30.774 right by Wall Street very close to New York Stock ... 771 00:45:30.774 --> 00:45:33.655 Exchange I have so many students to tell me that they ... 772 00:45:33.655 --> 00:45:35.598 can feel when something's happen. 773 00:45:36.320 --> 00:45:38.120 And usually the right. 774 00:45:40.240 --> 00:45:42.713 And how do we sharpen people's judgment mean I'm ... 775 00:45:42.713 --> 00:45:45.743 going to give you a rhetorical question I'm not here to tell ... 776 00:45:45.743 --> 00:45:48.278 you what the answer is our training isn't my game. 777 00:45:49.040 --> 00:45:51.280 You know I'm here to ask you Wicked question. 778 00:45:52.040 --> 00:45:55.206 How do we get people more rational how do we get ... 779 00:45:55.206 --> 00:45:59.122 people to be more creative to destroy their paradigms to ... 780 00:45:59.122 --> 00:46:02.705 dare to do that these are questions of intellect and ... 781 00:46:02.705 --> 00:46:06.455 prowess so let me ask you how will you integrate it into ... 782 00:46:06.455 --> 00:46:11.038 your pedagogy what are the principles of good logic in your class. 783 00:46:11.920 --> 00:46:14.407 What learning objective should you put on your ... 784 00:46:14.407 --> 00:46:16.639 syllabus what outcome should you demand. 785 00:46:17.160 --> 00:46:20.412 And where could you find it for example did you borrow ... 786 00:46:20.412 --> 00:46:23.960 from The Sciences from math for information technology I ... 787 00:46:23.960 --> 00:46:26.916 was at a wonderful presentation here and you've ... 788 00:46:26.916 --> 00:46:30.686 oscula on machine learning and artificial intelligence how ... 789 00:46:30.686 --> 00:46:34.677 can I integrate that into my class on management and Leadership. 790 00:46:35.360 --> 00:46:38.640 Science of knowing more in my course we spend some ... 791 00:46:38.640 --> 00:46:42.320 time believe it or not if you walk into my business class ... 792 00:46:42.320 --> 00:46:46.080 you're the first case you would get in Plato's Republic. 793 00:46:47.400 --> 00:46:50.328 Then you would study some of the ideas of Einstein and ... 794 00:46:50.328 --> 00:46:53.123 then we would actually debate how you construct an ... 795 00:46:53.123 --> 00:46:55.718 organization that has reason that has a brain. 796 00:46:57.040 --> 00:47:00.148 These are cool questions one of my mentors for one of the ... 797 00:47:00.148 --> 00:47:02.039 first books I talked to you about. 798 00:47:02.560 --> 00:47:05.765 My name is Paul Laurence talked about how you create ... 799 00:47:05.765 --> 00:47:07.479 brain like organizations. 800 00:47:08.480 --> 00:47:09.720 How cool is that. 801 00:47:12.520 --> 00:47:13.800 Can you lead smart. 802 00:47:15.000 --> 00:47:17.996 Can you think can you can you can you approximate that ... 803 00:47:17.996 --> 00:47:21.060 the intellectual and judgment part how do we teach our ... 804 00:47:21.060 --> 00:47:23.919 students how do we become more stage or sagacious. 805 00:47:26.360 --> 00:47:27.680 Different lights flashing. 806 00:47:28.640 --> 00:47:30.280 We need to energize our peep. 807 00:47:31.840 --> 00:47:32.720 I don't care. 808 00:47:33.960 --> 00:47:35.400 We need we need to feel. 809 00:47:36.880 --> 00:47:37.600 Hurting. 810 00:47:38.840 --> 00:47:39.720 What do we do. 811 00:47:40.360 --> 00:47:44.121 How do we deal with it well there are ways of teaching ... 812 00:47:44.121 --> 00:47:47.707 this we can do this we can kind of develop people's ... 813 00:47:47.707 --> 00:47:52.080 awareness their sensitivity and their empathy empathetic ... 814 00:47:52.080 --> 00:47:55.841 viewing I mean some people say were born with it some ... 815 00:47:55.841 --> 00:47:59.339 say we have to learn it but how can you become more ... 816 00:47:59.339 --> 00:48:01.438 empathetic how can you care. 817 00:48:02.400 --> 00:48:05.280 I remember some of my teachers had me do this you ... 818 00:48:05.280 --> 00:48:08.455 know that the go to certain places were join certain ... 819 00:48:08.455 --> 00:48:11.778 groups and really look at different ways and Care from ... 820 00:48:11.778 --> 00:48:13.919 the inside not from some external. 821 00:48:14.560 --> 00:48:15.400 Ivory Tower. 822 00:48:16.560 --> 00:48:18.560 How can we develop an attitude. 823 00:48:19.160 --> 00:48:23.354 Positivity and of pluralism and maybe I'll spend a little ... 824 00:48:23.354 --> 00:48:26.849 bit more time here how come we truly motivate and ... 825 00:48:26.849 --> 00:48:28.159 influence folks. 826 00:48:28.800 --> 00:48:32.990 Not by cajoling them not by dangling carrots of more ... 827 00:48:32.990 --> 00:48:35.719 money more money in front of them. 828 00:48:36.360 --> 00:48:40.257 But really make them believe intrinsically right really want ... 829 00:48:40.257 --> 00:48:44.079 to walk through walls for a cause have you ever felt like that. 830 00:48:44.960 --> 00:48:46.280 Have you ever felt like. 831 00:48:46.880 --> 00:48:49.200 And I'd walk through walls for that person. 832 00:48:50.360 --> 00:48:52.480 I'll do anything for this cause. 833 00:48:53.000 --> 00:48:55.680 Why don't we feel like that for our organization. 834 00:48:56.800 --> 00:48:59.513 Have you ever played video games all night and it's oh ... 835 00:48:59.513 --> 00:49:02.719 my gosh I've been doing it for 8 hours but it felt like 8 Seconds. 836 00:49:03.560 --> 00:49:06.840 Have you ever gone to work and eight seconds feels like eight hours. 837 00:49:07.960 --> 00:49:11.200 Why can't we develop jobs which were like video games ... 838 00:49:11.200 --> 00:49:13.999 why can't we kind of make them more inspiring. 839 00:49:15.240 --> 00:49:18.000 I'm guessing the best leader you've ever come across. 840 00:49:19.520 --> 00:49:20.440 For inspire. 841 00:49:22.120 --> 00:49:26.698 How can you in your course whatever the discipline teach ... 842 00:49:26.698 --> 00:49:28.159 folks to inspire. 843 00:49:28.840 --> 00:49:32.920 Captivate them my niece one of my nieces is training to be a teacher. 844 00:49:33.640 --> 00:49:36.640 And their minor is acting and see what. 845 00:49:37.280 --> 00:49:41.080 I kind of understand the heart and had to inspire people I love it. 846 00:49:42.000 --> 00:49:44.280 And if you're out there I know you're going to be a great teacher. 847 00:49:44.840 --> 00:49:48.170 How can we integrate the Arts in music and literature ... 848 00:49:48.170 --> 00:49:50.213 into our classes speeches by dr. 849 00:49:50.213 --> 00:49:53.997 King you'll encounter in my leadership class that that that ... 850 00:49:53.997 --> 00:49:57.781 the film of Stanley Kubrick or Steven Spielberg you'll even ... 851 00:49:57.781 --> 00:50:00.959 get Shakespeare in my class I mean find someone who ... 852 00:50:00.959 --> 00:50:05.197 played the heartstrings more than Shakespeare in history please. 853 00:50:06.480 --> 00:50:07.520 How can you develop. 854 00:50:08.880 --> 00:50:09.640 Wait for it. 855 00:50:11.680 --> 00:50:13.560 Passionate organization. 856 00:50:18.120 --> 00:50:21.502 Leaving with feeling emotion oh my gosh a business ... 857 00:50:21.502 --> 00:50:24.239 professor is about to say this word love. 858 00:50:24.960 --> 00:50:27.680 How can you induce piriton to your leader. 859 00:50:28.920 --> 00:50:31.080 If the ethics light is flashing. 860 00:50:31.920 --> 00:50:33.240 What should we do. 861 00:50:35.400 --> 00:50:37.000 Here's how I go about it. 862 00:50:38.560 --> 00:50:41.793 Because I I did promise teaching and learning ... 863 00:50:41.793 --> 00:50:45.111 implications how can you develop a mindset for ... 864 00:50:45.111 --> 00:50:47.238 Morality and moral maturity. 865 00:50:47.760 --> 00:50:48.560 Do you know this. 866 00:50:49.160 --> 00:50:52.720 Can you see elements of morality and right and wrong. 867 00:50:53.680 --> 00:50:57.520 Or is just write what you want and wrong with other people want. 868 00:50:58.120 --> 00:51:02.627 Can you develop a maturity of morality to see principles ... 869 00:51:02.627 --> 00:51:06.559 rather than just functionalities or utilities. 870 00:51:07.400 --> 00:51:08.360 Can you develop. 871 00:51:09.280 --> 00:51:12.324 And this is where another I have so many I'm so blessed ... 872 00:51:12.324 --> 00:51:15.576 and so lucky to have so many people who've been willing to ... 873 00:51:15.576 --> 00:51:18.482 spend a little time with me on this another one of my ... 874 00:51:18.482 --> 00:51:20.558 mentors talks about authenticity. 875 00:51:21.560 --> 00:51:23.080 Can you find your true north. 876 00:51:24.800 --> 00:51:26.320 Can you align yourself. 877 00:51:27.880 --> 00:51:30.520 According to these principles can you. 878 00:51:31.400 --> 00:51:32.840 Practice what you preach. 879 00:51:34.800 --> 00:51:38.120 Have you seen this word here that begins with a t and ends with a T. 880 00:51:38.680 --> 00:51:40.240 Just had this idea of trust. 881 00:51:42.160 --> 00:51:43.320 Do you trust your leaders. 882 00:51:44.600 --> 00:51:47.954 In Finland I know there's a lot of talk about trusting your ... 883 00:51:47.954 --> 00:51:50.399 leaders and some other countries left so. 884 00:51:52.320 --> 00:51:56.228 Can you develop the esteem and agency to be good cuz ... 885 00:51:56.228 --> 00:52:00.416 let's be honest sometimes were not rewarded for doing ... 886 00:52:00.416 --> 00:52:01.718 the right thing. 887 00:52:02.320 --> 00:52:04.824 John F Kennedy wrote a book and he won the Pulitzer ... 888 00:52:04.824 --> 00:52:07.572 Prize for it about how people knew what was right but if ... 889 00:52:07.572 --> 00:52:10.198 they did what was right and wouldn't get reelected. 890 00:52:11.440 --> 00:52:12.720 Profiles in Courage. 891 00:52:13.880 --> 00:52:17.520 Confucius tells us when it bolts go east and west. 892 00:52:18.080 --> 00:52:19.960 Let you know what is right and not do it. 893 00:52:21.200 --> 00:52:22.040 Howard. 894 00:52:22.600 --> 00:52:24.880 Do you know leaders who have some cowardice. 895 00:52:25.920 --> 00:52:26.560 How about you. 896 00:52:27.200 --> 00:52:31.040 Are you willing to do the right thing even when it's hard. 897 00:52:32.320 --> 00:52:35.480 Even when it's not going to help your career. 898 00:52:41.520 --> 00:52:43.480 How can you in your courses. 899 00:52:44.200 --> 00:52:46.560 Cultivate moral courage. 900 00:52:47.680 --> 00:52:51.372 How can we borrow from schools of economics and ... 901 00:52:51.372 --> 00:52:56.011 law and social justice they inform their necessary but not ... 902 00:52:56.011 --> 00:53:00.839 sufficient because what's legal ain't always what's ethic. 903 00:53:02.400 --> 00:53:05.809 And my course will you be drawn some of the lessons of ... 904 00:53:05.809 --> 00:53:09.218 the Buddha we read the crime in your brother's house ... 905 00:53:09.218 --> 00:53:12.786 tomorrow by dustyesky to search for ethics and then we ... 906 00:53:12.786 --> 00:53:16.037 try and develop organization with a conscience. 907 00:53:19.160 --> 00:53:20.440 Can you look deep inside. 908 00:53:23.080 --> 00:53:24.960 Can you be authentic and more. 909 00:53:28.040 --> 00:53:29.520 Can you strive for carrots. 910 00:53:32.120 --> 00:53:35.578 And we can go through some of these and call them up ... 911 00:53:35.578 --> 00:53:39.036 depending on our time you let me know metaphysics ... 912 00:53:39.036 --> 00:53:42.578 how do we teach people to look far outside how can we ... 913 00:53:42.578 --> 00:53:46.373 develop I know this is a acute see where that sometimes ... 914 00:53:46.373 --> 00:53:49.999 has used and misused the idea of mindfulness but how ... 915 00:53:49.999 --> 00:53:53.119 can we teach people to understand and really ... 916 00:53:53.119 --> 00:53:56.998 appreciate where they are and how that relates in terms ... 917 00:53:56.998 --> 00:54:00.456 of perspective the overarching things I mean our ... 918 00:54:00.456 --> 00:54:03.914 planets are very small in comparison to the whole ... 919 00:54:03.914 --> 00:54:07.034 universe right mean sometimes are are are we ... 920 00:54:07.034 --> 00:54:10.998 have to understand how and I mentioned this our intimate ... 921 00:54:10.998 --> 00:54:14.034 relates to the infinite how can we develop. 922 00:54:14.680 --> 00:54:18.480 Inclusiveness with regards for example to diversity. 923 00:54:19.120 --> 00:54:23.051 Diversity is an interesting word rights but can you ... 924 00:54:23.051 --> 00:54:27.439 cultivate it by systematically looking to see the Versa. 925 00:54:28.000 --> 00:54:32.320 And how to appreciate the varsity and how to leverage diversity. 926 00:54:33.840 --> 00:54:36.120 And how can you create an. 927 00:54:37.160 --> 00:54:40.120 Many of you may know Abraham Maslow and there ... 928 00:54:40.120 --> 00:54:41.640 his five levels of his. 929 00:54:42.240 --> 00:54:46.680 Is prepotent ird but at the end of his life he talked about another love. 930 00:54:47.800 --> 00:54:48.840 Transcendence. 931 00:54:49.560 --> 00:54:51.120 Going Beyond cell. 932 00:54:51.800 --> 00:54:53.120 How can we cultivate. 933 00:54:53.640 --> 00:54:57.028 Attitude of service I'm going to say something to you now ... 934 00:54:57.028 --> 00:54:59.119 that may or may not be controversy. 935 00:54:59.760 --> 00:55:02.160 You can tell I'm not afraid to be controversy. 936 00:55:03.760 --> 00:55:06.489 Is the leader work for their people or did the people work ... 937 00:55:06.489 --> 00:55:07.359 for their leader. 938 00:55:09.800 --> 00:55:11.880 The idea of servant leadership. 939 00:55:12.760 --> 00:55:17.615 Is that a leader doesn't think of themselves as being above ... 940 00:55:17.615 --> 00:55:22.172 everyone but rather they exist to serve those folks who ... 941 00:55:22.172 --> 00:55:23.559 trusted in them. 942 00:55:24.320 --> 00:55:26.000 You know to the best of their ability. 943 00:55:27.040 --> 00:55:27.800 In my view. 944 00:55:31.680 --> 00:55:33.600 Servant leadership. 945 00:55:34.400 --> 00:55:35.320 Is redundant. 946 00:55:38.240 --> 00:55:40.680 How can we cultivate a mind of service. 947 00:55:41.400 --> 00:55:44.778 How can you show people the big picture in your course ... 948 00:55:44.778 --> 00:55:48.156 how your course and your class relates to every other ... 949 00:55:48.156 --> 00:55:51.688 course in class that they may take how come we integrate ... 950 00:55:51.688 --> 00:55:55.527 lessons of history of cultural anthropology of religion of ... 951 00:55:55.527 --> 00:55:59.442 spirituality in my class is my promise I'm specific examples ... 952 00:55:59.442 --> 00:56:02.666 we talk about Chief Joseph of the Nay Paris a Native ... 953 00:56:02.666 --> 00:56:06.198 American tribe and how their views of the universe were ... 954 00:56:06.198 --> 00:56:09.499 different and maybe some others of Mohandas Gandhi ... 955 00:56:09.499 --> 00:56:11.956 and seeing things a little different. 956 00:56:12.960 --> 00:56:16.401 Looking for outside and let me let me let me touch on ... 957 00:56:16.401 --> 00:56:20.252 the last ones briefly and and too many good things to talk ... 958 00:56:20.252 --> 00:56:23.693 about and then we can go back as you see appropriate ... 959 00:56:23.693 --> 00:56:26.478 how do you teach people to pull together. 960 00:56:27.480 --> 00:56:30.538 How do you teach complementarity bringing ... 961 00:56:30.538 --> 00:56:34.615 folks together not necessarily who are the best athletes ... 962 00:56:34.615 --> 00:56:37.078 with who are the best team players. 963 00:56:37.640 --> 00:56:41.600 How do you teach good communication not just accurate. 964 00:56:42.520 --> 00:56:46.760 What's supported not just coming from dying information. 965 00:56:47.360 --> 00:56:50.120 Forming real bonds. 966 00:56:50.880 --> 00:56:55.397 And I'm forming Partnerships where every conflict is in a ... 967 00:56:55.397 --> 00:56:59.161 Bloodsport and it's a zero-sum game in the arena ... 968 00:56:59.161 --> 00:57:03.113 of I win you lose I win more you lose more how can we in ... 969 00:57:03.113 --> 00:57:06.877 the trade is Subway's with the most profound and ... 970 00:57:06.877 --> 00:57:11.677 meaningful of objectives and aspirations drive for win win. 971 00:57:15.400 --> 00:57:17.280 How come create the structure. 972 00:57:17.800 --> 00:57:21.301 And the culture to bring people together how do we ... 973 00:57:21.301 --> 00:57:25.058 design our schools are organizations are classes to ... 974 00:57:25.058 --> 00:57:28.388 bring people together with the right amount of ... 975 00:57:28.388 --> 00:57:32.999 differentiation but also integration how do we create culture. 976 00:57:34.480 --> 00:57:35.440 That is Steam. 977 00:57:38.240 --> 00:57:39.920 And I would challenge you the same way. 978 00:57:40.520 --> 00:57:44.067 And I will share with you tonight at that I draw heavily ... 979 00:57:44.067 --> 00:57:46.510 from theories of communication from ... 980 00:57:46.510 --> 00:57:48.638 sociology and yeah from Sports. 981 00:57:49.320 --> 00:57:50.160 From Team. 982 00:57:52.280 --> 00:57:52.800 Route. 983 00:57:55.200 --> 00:57:56.400 Don't mean the same thing. 984 00:57:58.320 --> 00:58:00.080 We we call them sports teams. 985 00:58:00.760 --> 00:58:03.480 But some of them are more groups than teams. 986 00:58:04.080 --> 00:58:07.114 I'm not talking about any in specific I've been to a bunch ... 987 00:58:07.114 --> 00:58:08.599 of hockey games here so far. 988 00:58:09.200 --> 00:58:11.984 I don't think I should be allowed to go to anymore cuz ... 989 00:58:11.984 --> 00:58:14.703 everytime I go to a game our team loses but is there a ... 990 00:58:14.703 --> 00:58:18.199 difference between being a group of people and being a true team. 991 00:58:19.440 --> 00:58:23.102 Yeah you bet in my class we talked about Queen Elizabeth ... 992 00:58:23.102 --> 00:58:27.003 the First and how brilliantly she cultivated this culture ... 993 00:58:27.003 --> 00:58:30.347 and spirit of teamwork about Nelson Mandela when I ... 994 00:58:30.347 --> 00:58:33.770 remember standing in the Robben Island right at his ... 995 00:58:33.770 --> 00:58:37.592 cell at 10 thinking about what he saw about the division he ... 996 00:58:37.592 --> 00:58:40.936 saw on how he was able to overcome how can you create ... 997 00:58:40.936 --> 00:58:45.076 organizations that work together and not against each other. 998 00:58:45.640 --> 00:58:46.840 Call people together. 999 00:58:47.520 --> 00:58:51.147 And with regard to politics Will now we're getting into ... 1000 00:58:51.147 --> 00:58:54.932 the nitty-gritty of some of the Business Schools how do we ... 1001 00:58:54.932 --> 00:58:58.559 cultivate excellence and advantage in our operations ... 1002 00:58:58.559 --> 00:59:02.501 and Innovation how to create sustainability as I mentioned ... 1003 00:59:02.501 --> 00:59:06.049 that's going to be a future talk so I won't go into it too ... 1004 00:59:06.049 --> 00:59:09.597 much here but how do we create the attitude of learning ... 1005 00:59:09.597 --> 00:59:12.908 how do we leave our students hungrier not say that I ... 1006 00:59:12.908 --> 00:59:16.219 remember doing a talk and it was on the Rasmus Grant ... 1007 00:59:16.219 --> 00:59:17.874 and it was in Lyon France. 1008 00:59:18.480 --> 00:59:22.080 And I I talked to one student and this is what we came up with. 1009 00:59:23.680 --> 00:59:24.720 Tell me if you like it. 1010 00:59:26.520 --> 00:59:29.414 Let every know how you walk into your room for a class and ... 1011 00:59:29.414 --> 00:59:31.239 then you walk out when you're done. 1012 00:59:32.040 --> 00:59:34.800 This was the challenge we came up that he agreed to. 1013 00:59:36.200 --> 00:59:38.600 Every time he walks out of a room. 1014 00:59:39.160 --> 00:59:41.560 He'll be stronger than when he walked in it. 1015 00:59:44.160 --> 00:59:46.160 How do we cultivate that idea. 1016 00:59:48.840 --> 00:59:51.807 And in my class yeah we draw from any of business ... 1017 00:59:51.807 --> 00:59:55.155 and political science we talked about master sun and ... 1018 00:59:55.155 --> 00:59:58.122 Sun Soo we talked about yeah and you Coloma Kiev ... 1019 00:59:58.122 --> 01:00:02.078 LA and we talked about not just being inspiring but pragmatic. 1020 01:00:03.160 --> 01:00:04.760 The push people forward. 1021 01:00:05.280 --> 01:00:08.160 So this is one way we can start thinking about. 1022 01:00:08.880 --> 01:00:10.720 Becoming wiser in our leader. 1023 01:00:12.000 --> 01:00:13.960 And developing why is there leaders. 1024 01:00:15.440 --> 01:00:16.520 Taken together. 1025 01:00:17.840 --> 01:00:20.560 I'm hitting the time exactly where I want to be go figure. 1026 01:00:22.040 --> 01:00:24.840 What I talked about with you today. 1027 01:00:26.240 --> 01:00:27.920 They're all complimentary. 1028 01:00:29.000 --> 01:00:31.080 You don't have to choose one or the other. 1029 01:00:31.880 --> 01:00:34.600 They all go together in their own space. 1030 01:00:35.560 --> 01:00:39.440 And you can't just be one and expect to last. 1031 01:00:40.480 --> 01:00:45.240 You have to be able to know what's needed and use the right tool. 1032 01:00:46.200 --> 01:00:46.920 The right jaw. 1033 01:00:48.520 --> 01:00:50.520 And all of these lessons are dynamic. 1034 01:00:52.040 --> 01:00:54.867 A change when you go to different countries do you ... 1035 01:00:54.867 --> 01:00:57.694 think I'm going to I'm going to encounter the same ... 1036 01:00:57.694 --> 01:01:00.866 leadership paradigms in New York City one of my earlier ... 1037 01:01:00.866 --> 01:01:02.038 slides and Finland. 1038 01:01:02.720 --> 01:01:03.520 And Egypt. 1039 01:01:04.160 --> 01:01:04.840 In Korea. 1040 01:01:06.120 --> 01:01:07.680 You think the leadership of. 1041 01:01:08.200 --> 01:01:10.994 Of the next generation of AI will be the same as ... 1042 01:01:10.994 --> 01:01:14.155 leadership of when I was starting out teaching with ... 1043 01:01:14.155 --> 01:01:18.199 chalks and black boards you'll know what trucks and black boards. 1044 01:01:19.040 --> 01:01:20.320 You see one in the museum. 1045 01:01:21.240 --> 01:01:22.200 Please change. 1046 01:01:22.840 --> 01:01:26.400 And we have to be able to adopt it what changes in technology. 1047 01:01:27.240 --> 01:01:29.122 Man I should have maybe I should have asked us with ... 1048 01:01:29.122 --> 01:01:29.719 more time left. 1049 01:01:30.520 --> 01:01:31.640 Technology. 1050 01:01:32.400 --> 01:01:33.240 Because why. 1051 01:01:37.800 --> 01:01:41.760 When I'm when I'm encouraging you to do is to hopefully. 1052 01:01:43.480 --> 01:01:46.680 Want to do this develop the wheel. 1053 01:01:47.200 --> 01:01:49.040 And then go out and do it. 1054 01:01:50.040 --> 01:01:52.160 And I'll be a good diagnostician. 1055 01:01:52.880 --> 01:01:53.880 Be flexible. 1056 01:01:54.400 --> 01:01:58.960 Have your metaheuristic end your mega competencies. 1057 01:01:59.600 --> 01:02:02.835 And as I promised some of our host and a happy to do ... 1058 01:02:02.835 --> 01:02:06.959 some of the ways we've done its or I've tried to do it in my life. 1059 01:02:07.520 --> 01:02:10.200 Are through cross-functional learning communities. 1060 01:02:11.600 --> 01:02:12.520 For example. 1061 01:02:13.720 --> 01:02:16.960 Teaching two classes back to back in business. 1062 01:02:17.680 --> 01:02:20.768 Were you take a class with in-law and the class in ... 1063 01:02:20.768 --> 01:02:24.319 philosophy and you consider the same exact case study. 1064 01:02:25.040 --> 01:02:27.560 I'm illegal and a philosophical perspective. 1065 01:02:28.960 --> 01:02:32.188 We want to put these courses together so you can see ... 1066 01:02:32.188 --> 01:02:33.879 things in different ways. 1067 01:02:34.840 --> 01:02:37.360 Community engagement and internships. 1068 01:02:38.040 --> 01:02:39.480 Get out of the classroom. 1069 01:02:40.160 --> 01:02:43.378 And see how messy it is in real life I know if you're ... 1070 01:02:43.378 --> 01:02:46.674 working right now you've already seen its right we ... 1071 01:02:46.674 --> 01:02:48.479 make things artificially. 1072 01:02:49.320 --> 01:02:49.960 We have to. 1073 01:02:50.480 --> 01:02:53.727 Right but to see how messy they blend together I require ... 1074 01:02:53.727 --> 01:02:57.679 all of my leadership students to go volunteering in the community. 1075 01:02:58.960 --> 01:03:02.797 Community service and use their tools and see how hard ... 1076 01:03:02.797 --> 01:03:06.634 it is and not just talk about what Gandhi would do but to ... 1077 01:03:06.634 --> 01:03:07.998 do maybe some of it. 1078 01:03:08.560 --> 01:03:12.332 Global field studies are taking my students all over the ... 1079 01:03:12.332 --> 01:03:15.943 world I've been to Finland took my students to Finland ... 1080 01:03:15.943 --> 01:03:19.875 and Russia to study National competitiveness to Israel to ... 1081 01:03:19.875 --> 01:03:23.807 study entrepreneurship and Innovation to Brazil to study ... 1082 01:03:23.807 --> 01:03:28.140 sustainability to India to study cultural differences to China ... 1083 01:03:28.140 --> 01:03:31.912 to study different paradigms I mean all over the world to ... 1084 01:03:31.912 --> 01:03:33.597 really go there and live. 1085 01:03:34.400 --> 01:03:37.880 In these environments and see how rich and complex. 1086 01:03:38.480 --> 01:03:39.840 Quite honestly how fun. 1087 01:03:40.520 --> 01:03:42.320 It is to lead across cultures. 1088 01:03:44.160 --> 01:03:49.440 Did you this in your classes and teachers if I am if you're out there and. 1089 01:03:50.040 --> 01:03:51.880 The test and assess. 1090 01:03:52.480 --> 01:03:54.240 According to these ways. 1091 01:03:55.000 --> 01:03:58.440 How can we assess our students not just in logic. 1092 01:03:59.280 --> 01:04:01.661 Connect to many of our courses do you know this ... 1093 01:04:01.661 --> 01:04:03.039 good do you know that good. 1094 01:04:03.760 --> 01:04:05.560 How do you test another Waze. 1095 01:04:06.200 --> 01:04:09.120 I actually challenged my students to solve world ... 1096 01:04:09.120 --> 01:04:12.325 problems like and set up these these these conference ... 1097 01:04:12.325 --> 01:04:15.530 tables of advisers from different fields and address ... 1098 01:04:15.530 --> 01:04:18.735 he's really messy problems I challenge my students to ... 1099 01:04:18.735 --> 01:04:21.441 develop personal development plans through ... 1100 01:04:21.441 --> 01:04:24.646 coaching and set specific goals and objectives and we ... 1101 01:04:24.646 --> 01:04:27.922 measure them if they take action throughout the course ... 1102 01:04:27.922 --> 01:04:31.555 and at the end we just asked how far they've gone development. 1103 01:04:32.160 --> 01:04:34.240 Inm testing is interesting to. 1104 01:04:35.360 --> 01:04:36.920 You get tests in your classes. 1105 01:04:38.160 --> 01:04:39.400 You get tested every week. 1106 01:04:40.560 --> 01:04:42.760 Would you like a test twice every class. 1107 01:04:44.280 --> 01:04:48.003 I tried to be the least at least popular professor in my ... 1108 01:04:48.003 --> 01:04:52.719 school perhaps because I started testing people twice every class. 1109 01:04:53.640 --> 01:04:54.760 Once when they came in. 1110 01:04:55.400 --> 01:04:56.400 See what they knew. 1111 01:04:56.920 --> 01:04:57.760 When I lecture. 1112 01:04:58.480 --> 01:04:59.640 Can I test them again. 1113 01:05:00.160 --> 01:05:01.320 To see what they learn. 1114 01:05:03.640 --> 01:05:06.920 It's interesting they didn't like me or first but toward the end they saw it. 1115 01:05:07.840 --> 01:05:09.720 If you really want to grow. 1116 01:05:10.880 --> 01:05:11.640 Conoco. 1117 01:05:15.160 --> 01:05:15.760 In summer. 1118 01:05:17.600 --> 01:05:18.160 I hope. 1119 01:05:19.120 --> 01:05:22.303 I've made you made this worth your time to consider ... 1120 01:05:22.303 --> 01:05:25.789 these big issues showing you the problem somehow we've ... 1121 01:05:25.789 --> 01:05:29.200 tried to get there and it and showed you why is solution ... 1122 01:05:29.200 --> 01:05:32.838 isn't easy hey if it was easy we would have done it already. 1123 01:05:33.920 --> 01:05:37.848 I've shown you a little bit about this model glean from ... 1124 01:05:37.848 --> 01:05:41.776 the greatest minds of of history that have been true in ... 1125 01:05:41.776 --> 01:05:46.839 every civilization of our construction every year of our existence. 1126 01:05:48.120 --> 01:05:48.960 Kevin Hart. 1127 01:05:50.720 --> 01:05:53.200 In it looking deep in and looking far out. 1128 01:05:53.840 --> 01:05:55.080 I'm pulling and pushing. 1129 01:05:56.360 --> 01:05:58.933 And I hope I have communicated with you do a ... 1130 01:05:58.933 --> 01:06:02.536 little quicker because we're only here for a little over an ... 1131 01:06:02.536 --> 01:06:05.330 hour some of the issues regarding curriculum ... 1132 01:06:05.330 --> 01:06:08.198 pedagogy and some examples you might think of. 1133 01:06:09.040 --> 01:06:09.800 So again. 1134 01:06:11.960 --> 01:06:13.680 Wisdom is not the destination. 1135 01:06:15.280 --> 01:06:16.000 It's a journey. 1136 01:06:16.680 --> 01:06:18.800 If anyone tells you there why that's. 1137 01:06:19.640 --> 01:06:21.200 Profoundly unwise. 1138 01:06:22.360 --> 01:06:23.840 Wisdom is a process. 1139 01:06:24.600 --> 01:06:25.360 End. 1140 01:06:26.400 --> 01:06:27.400 Disintegrate. 1141 01:06:29.040 --> 01:06:30.000 It's dynamic. 1142 01:06:31.320 --> 01:06:37.720 And it's inexorably intertwined with our social existence it share. 1143 01:06:38.640 --> 01:06:43.520 So I'm not here telling you I have it I'm just confessing I'm an explorer. 1144 01:06:44.320 --> 01:06:44.880 With you. 1145 01:06:45.680 --> 01:06:47.720 End as well Duran tells. 1146 01:06:48.360 --> 01:06:49.920 I'm warmed by your company. 1147 01:06:50.440 --> 01:06:51.880 As we go through this journey. 1148 01:06:52.640 --> 01:06:54.240 You know how I'm going to end this right. 1149 01:06:54.880 --> 01:06:55.320 Thank you. 1150 01:07:04.600 --> 01:07:06.160 I give the floor back to you Eve. 1151 01:07:49.840 --> 01:07:52.255 Before you hand the microphone back let me take ... 1152 01:07:52.255 --> 01:07:55.165 Professor prerogative do you think I'll find different ... 1153 01:07:55.165 --> 01:07:56.279 leadership pattern. 1154 01:08:11.400 --> 01:08:15.042 Yeah I mean if we kind of think about that one picture ... 1155 01:08:15.042 --> 01:08:17.159 of Plato and Aristotle write. 1156 01:08:17.840 --> 01:08:21.072 But there are some truths and I do believe there are ... 1157 01:08:21.072 --> 01:08:24.919 some elements of a of a of a of a wisdom that we're looking for. 1158 01:08:25.520 --> 01:08:28.787 No doubt it takes different forms right in some ways ... 1159 01:08:28.787 --> 01:08:31.598 were all climbing up the same Mountain but in ... 1160 01:08:31.598 --> 01:08:35.169 different paths and we have to cuz that the Topography is ... 1161 01:08:35.169 --> 01:08:38.360 different so we do need different maybe in New York ... 1162 01:08:38.360 --> 01:08:41.627 and end and then you've oscula and Cairo or wherever ... 1163 01:08:41.627 --> 01:08:45.122 right so you should see some variations you should also ... 1164 01:08:45.122 --> 01:08:48.237 see variations that we have different cultures. 1165 01:08:49.000 --> 01:08:49.360 Right. 1166 01:08:49.880 --> 01:08:51.720 We have different institutions. 1167 01:08:52.440 --> 01:08:55.962 So you should see different variations and and and leader ... 1168 01:08:55.962 --> 01:08:59.411 should be comfortable doing that and that you out and end ... 1169 01:08:59.411 --> 01:09:02.199 up meet interest in cuz of you in the previous. 1170 01:09:02.880 --> 01:09:07.006 Book an exploration I looked at that the mythology of ... 1171 01:09:07.006 --> 01:09:11.039 Egypt in the mythology of us to see how we really can. 1172 01:09:11.880 --> 01:09:16.600 Right so I fully expect to see different variations in ilks. 1173 01:09:17.600 --> 01:09:19.320 All of these comments. 1174 01:09:20.760 --> 01:09:23.338 Now we're going to see is driving right for ... 1175 01:09:23.338 --> 01:09:24.959 understanding the world. 1176 01:09:25.800 --> 01:09:27.760 It if if I'm humble enough. 1177 01:09:28.360 --> 01:09:31.728 To defer enough I'm not going to come here just talkin ... 1178 01:09:31.728 --> 01:09:32.799 but more listen. 1179 01:09:33.560 --> 01:09:37.003 And learn a lot from you and you vasculin Finland but how ... 1180 01:09:37.003 --> 01:09:38.799 to understand better right. 1181 01:09:39.400 --> 01:09:42.599 So I fully expect it I guess I should have this is the ... 1182 01:09:42.599 --> 01:09:46.179 professor talking way too long sorry I fully expect many ... 1183 01:09:46.179 --> 01:09:48.159 different leadership styles. 1184 01:09:48.920 --> 01:09:49.880 And approaches. 1185 01:09:50.520 --> 01:09:52.080 But I so dearly hope. 1186 01:09:53.040 --> 01:09:56.476 That they'll all be revolving around these common ... 1187 01:09:56.476 --> 01:09:58.439 themes and maybe just maybe. 1188 01:09:59.040 --> 01:10:00.800 We can find a way to learn from each. 1189 01:10:02.240 --> 01:10:03.480 You know it makes sense. 1190 01:10:06.280 --> 01:10:07.280 Thank you for the quest. 1191 01:10:20.440 --> 01:10:23.120 Right from the business school axle. 1192 01:10:25.360 --> 01:10:27.929 This question was actually slightly built on to the ... 1193 01:10:27.929 --> 01:10:30.319 previous but I was just wondering about the car. 1194 01:10:31.600 --> 01:10:32.880 By the manager or leader. 1195 01:10:38.840 --> 01:10:39.600 Why do l. 1196 01:10:42.760 --> 01:10:46.720 What's open leaders perhaps they are not because of their flawed or. 1197 01:10:47.440 --> 01:10:48.600 Is something wrong with the. 1198 01:11:06.680 --> 01:11:07.920 Tired of a CER. 1199 01:11:08.600 --> 01:11:09.280 And the same. 1200 01:11:11.720 --> 01:11:12.480 Tired. 1201 01:11:16.520 --> 01:11:19.645 Text might be radically different in in in New York or ... 1202 01:11:19.645 --> 01:11:20.639 in Cleveland or. 1203 01:11:32.360 --> 01:11:34.160 Also to recognize the context. 1204 01:11:41.040 --> 01:11:44.779 Yes excellent question I'll answer that in three ways of ... 1205 01:11:44.779 --> 01:11:48.439 course you've heard of a man named Steve Jobs of course. 1206 01:11:49.080 --> 01:11:52.040 Who built apple and then was fired from Apple. 1207 01:11:52.880 --> 01:11:54.280 And then was asked to come back. 1208 01:11:56.200 --> 01:11:57.950 You've heard of a man named be by the name of ... 1209 01:11:57.950 --> 01:11:58.800 Winston Churchill. 1210 01:12:00.120 --> 01:12:02.800 Who was not well regarded in England and the same day ... 1211 01:12:02.800 --> 01:12:05.480 Mr Hitler came to power mr. Churchill came to power. 1212 01:12:06.280 --> 01:12:07.480 And he was not elected. 1213 01:12:08.280 --> 01:12:10.000 And they wanted him back right. 1214 01:12:10.560 --> 01:12:11.320 Yeah so. 1215 01:12:11.880 --> 01:12:15.110 A lot of times the situation dictates with the dominant ... 1216 01:12:15.110 --> 01:12:18.410 need is for our leader right you know I'm going to call the ... 1217 01:12:18.410 --> 01:12:21.429 movie 2 sometimes in The Godfather we need a wartime ... 1218 01:12:21.429 --> 01:12:24.378 Consul Yeti the sometimes we need a certain person ... 1219 01:12:24.378 --> 01:12:27.959 who has that dominant characteristic for the dominant crop. 1220 01:12:28.480 --> 01:12:33.080 Right that's in the case that the leader can't adjust. 1221 01:12:33.960 --> 01:12:37.209 There they know their stuff but they can't become that ... 1222 01:12:37.209 --> 01:12:40.530 wartime Consul Yeti or Steve Jobs maybe doesn't want to ... 1223 01:12:40.530 --> 01:12:43.562 maybe probably could have become that manager vs. 1224 01:12:43.562 --> 01:12:46.594 leader right to that's a function yet and there's a ... 1225 01:12:46.594 --> 01:12:49.699 theory called the Strategic contingency theory in ... 1226 01:12:49.699 --> 01:12:52.731 business which says that whoever gets power in the ... 1227 01:12:52.731 --> 01:12:55.908 organization is the person who dresses the dominant ... 1228 01:12:55.908 --> 01:12:58.796 uncertainty in the environment likely Iacocca ... 1229 01:12:58.796 --> 01:13:01.034 and Chrysler when you the marketing. 1230 01:13:01.560 --> 01:13:05.280 You know so yeah sometimes it's because we are in that box. 1231 01:13:05.880 --> 01:13:08.080 Whether because of steel or will. 1232 01:13:08.600 --> 01:13:10.080 And then the environment changes. 1233 01:13:10.920 --> 01:13:13.986 So we're not a good fit where the round hole in the pan ... 1234 01:13:13.986 --> 01:13:15.839 with the square peg now and now. 1235 01:13:16.400 --> 01:13:18.400 You can left. 1236 01:13:19.240 --> 01:13:21.960 Right you can't change with the time but it's really hard. 1237 01:13:23.960 --> 01:13:27.560 I guess the second thing I'd say and Incas contact is so important. 1238 01:13:28.080 --> 01:13:31.302 Is that sometimes good leaders are awarded for ... 1239 01:13:31.302 --> 01:13:33.119 being good leaders right. 1240 01:13:33.720 --> 01:13:36.908 Does Play-Doh and others talk about the leader who ... 1241 01:13:36.908 --> 01:13:40.552 season this is the parable of the shipping is there and the ... 1242 01:13:40.552 --> 01:13:43.968 ship in the captain sometimes the captain who sees the ... 1243 01:13:43.968 --> 01:13:45.638 stars and the big Horizon. 1244 01:13:46.160 --> 01:13:48.240 Is seen as a useless Stargate. 1245 01:13:48.920 --> 01:13:52.104 Right and I'm sure are some of you are either very or ... 1246 01:13:52.104 --> 01:13:55.439 precursory at familiarity right with Plato's Cave. 1247 01:13:56.120 --> 01:13:58.080 The folks who actually see reality. 1248 01:13:58.680 --> 01:14:02.400 Ridiculed by those who like to play their Shadow games. 1249 01:14:03.240 --> 01:14:06.320 Just sometimes we reward the wrong type of thing. 1250 01:14:07.160 --> 01:14:10.600 But sometimes we just don't get the leaders we really need. 1251 01:14:11.320 --> 01:14:12.360 The ones we deserve. 1252 01:14:13.200 --> 01:14:16.098 You know that goes back to another conversation ... 1253 01:14:16.098 --> 01:14:19.504 between two people I've had the pleasure of working with ... 1254 01:14:19.504 --> 01:14:22.982 him a little bit now whether leader should be authentic as ... 1255 01:14:22.982 --> 01:14:26.388 Bill George speaks of or Jeff effort hey it's you know you ... 1256 01:14:26.388 --> 01:14:29.721 got every got to get in there and you got to do it right lot ... 1257 01:14:29.721 --> 01:14:32.837 of leadership dies is wagging the title of his book. 1258 01:14:33.440 --> 01:14:33.920 So. 1259 01:14:35.040 --> 01:14:38.398 Yeah you absolutely have to adjust to the context and ... 1260 01:14:38.398 --> 01:14:41.679 sometimes the contact won't reward good behavior. 1261 01:14:42.920 --> 01:14:45.665 You know I meant that that that means as up me as a ... 1262 01:14:45.665 --> 01:14:48.761 business professor you certainly know right we have ... 1263 01:14:48.761 --> 01:14:50.239 to build organizations. 1264 01:14:51.200 --> 01:14:54.983 That reward good leadership to build societies that good ... 1265 01:14:54.983 --> 01:14:56.559 people can get elected. 1266 01:14:57.240 --> 01:14:58.360 Sometimes we don't. 1267 01:14:59.680 --> 01:15:02.934 Shame on us we got to do better thank you for your ... 1268 01:15:02.934 --> 01:15:04.519 thanks for the answer. 1269 01:15:09.080 --> 01:15:12.898 I know you have a question you if I guess you probably ... 1270 01:15:12.898 --> 01:15:14.319 have 12 right now.. 1271 01:15:16.520 --> 01:15:17.520 I think. 1272 01:15:26.360 --> 01:15:29.000 One of the rare models without being traced. 1273 01:15:37.520 --> 01:15:41.560 I know about psychological and sociological models. 1274 01:15:42.400 --> 01:15:43.600 And I like your pretty. 1275 01:15:49.800 --> 01:15:50.520 Creative. 1276 01:15:53.000 --> 01:15:54.320 And I want one question. 1277 01:15:55.440 --> 01:15:57.880 Wrist wisdom can be trained. 1278 01:15:58.560 --> 01:15:59.760 But at the same time. 1279 01:16:08.920 --> 01:16:12.864 There's always is always yeah well thank you for that ... 1280 01:16:12.864 --> 01:16:16.359 yeah I mean there's always good Paradox in any. 1281 01:16:17.000 --> 01:16:18.080 Search for wisdom. 1282 01:16:19.520 --> 01:16:22.671 Training typically has the connotation at least the ... 1283 01:16:22.671 --> 01:16:26.108 connotation at least that you're putting something into ... 1284 01:16:26.108 --> 01:16:29.545 someone else right that that that your training it's like ... 1285 01:16:29.545 --> 01:16:31.478 you're executing an algorithm. 1286 01:16:32.360 --> 01:16:33.280 Education. 1287 01:16:34.040 --> 01:16:37.279 It at least in the broader sense is seeing the big ... 1288 01:16:37.279 --> 01:16:41.166 picture and cultivating those skills so yes there is some ... 1289 01:16:41.166 --> 01:16:43.838 training to be done at the micro-level. 1290 01:16:44.480 --> 01:16:48.769 There are things you can train on in terms of certain ... 1291 01:16:48.769 --> 01:16:52.759 computer skills right or technical knowledge. 1292 01:16:53.360 --> 01:16:54.680 Training for wisdom. 1293 01:16:55.240 --> 01:16:56.480 It is like chasing the. 1294 01:16:58.080 --> 01:17:02.200 You can develop the skills but in the context of wisdom. 1295 01:17:02.720 --> 01:17:04.400 At least in my view right. 1296 01:17:04.920 --> 01:17:08.539 But that that who are we to try and put this into someone ... 1297 01:17:08.539 --> 01:17:12.319 else but the job of a professor at least until I see my job. 1298 01:17:12.920 --> 01:17:14.600 Is not to give you thing. 1299 01:17:15.240 --> 01:17:17.640 Right but the help you become. 1300 01:17:18.400 --> 01:17:21.770 I didn't realize right everything you need for your ... 1301 01:17:21.770 --> 01:17:24.199 personal and professional success. 1302 01:17:24.800 --> 01:17:26.240 I'm more of a facilitator. 1303 01:17:27.200 --> 01:17:30.877 So that's how I approach it as well and maybe it mixes and I ... 1304 01:17:30.877 --> 01:17:34.241 do know a little bit I about some of some of the name of ... 1305 01:17:34.241 --> 01:17:37.918 the work that you do right in terms of Socratic dialogue. 1306 01:17:38.760 --> 01:17:41.915 You know that if you don't see if she's she's nodding ... 1307 01:17:41.915 --> 01:17:44.777 right now yeah the kind of help people see those ... 1308 01:17:44.777 --> 01:17:46.758 contradictions you know those. 1309 01:17:47.280 --> 01:17:50.487 Now you rubbing up against against life and seeing those ... 1310 01:17:50.487 --> 01:17:51.919 those difficult issues. 1311 01:17:52.520 --> 01:17:55.080 And then from that was growing internal. 1312 01:17:55.960 --> 01:17:58.686 Yes a training has a level maybe you should do your ... 1313 01:17:58.686 --> 01:18:01.679 training at the 100 level when you first become fresh. 1314 01:18:02.560 --> 01:18:06.960 If your training at the 400 level or The Graduate level or the PHD level. 1315 01:18:08.360 --> 01:18:09.840 Maybe we should talk. 1316 01:18:11.200 --> 01:18:12.080 But thank you for that. 1317 01:18:43.920 --> 01:18:47.633 Yeah I wish you I wish you all the best on your Explorations ... 1318 01:18:47.633 --> 01:18:50.572 you know of of your purse for your personal and ... 1319 01:18:50.572 --> 01:18:52.119 professional success. 1320 01:18:52.800 --> 01:18:54.960 And I look forward to hearing about your journey. 1321 01:18:56.240 --> 01:18:57.800 Keto thank you.